[Chapter 3]: Student Council

As the bell chime, I gathered my stuffs and placed them inside my bag. Beside me, Sean is scrolling through his phone and nothing else. I pinched his ears, "Ouch! What was that for?!" he said. "Didn't you hear the bell ring?" I said. "I did! It's not necessary for you to pinch my ears." he said. I laughed and he did too. I stood up and looked at the windows. I saw huge crowds busy with the different stalls placed downstairs. I forgot it was 'student fair', an annual event that occurs every 3rd week of each semester. I called Sean and asked to go downstairs with me. He nodded and we both went downstairs. As the blinding ray of the sun shove upon the entrance door of the school, crowds got bigger and bigger. Sean held my wrists as he rushed outside, dragging me. Just as we go out, I saw Arthur wearing something on his arm with 'President' written on it. He was distributing papers and his smile is just so damn charming and way too attractive. While I was staring at him, he saw me, he smiled and he walked towards me. I somehow panicked. Maybe because I don't know what to do. Moments later, he stopped and he held my hands. "Follow me." he said. He dragged me towards a certain stall. "I'm making him my secretary." he said and the people on that stall wrote my name on the list. "W— what?!" I shouted due to surprise. I don't know why did he do that but I'm not ready for these huge responsibilities. "Trust me." he whispered on me. I was too shy to refuse and I was already blushing. "Well it looks like we got ourself a secretary." Sean smirked and laughed. I wanted to smack him but Arthur is still holding my hands. Sean looked at us, he is pointing his eyes on our hands. "Uhmm Arthur, m— my hands?" I said. He look at his hands and hid eyes widened. "Shit, I forgot. Sorry." he said while scratching his head. "I— it's fine." I said. Later on, they gave me the same thing that Arthur is wearing on his arms, but this time, with 'Secretary' written on it. I just went with the flow though. Somehow, deep inside me I can't refuse to him. I distributed the flyers asking for votes to the other students. Moments later on, Arthur decided that we must have a meeting, I have nothing much to do so I'm actually fine with it. However, Sean told me that he can't wait that long so I let him go first without me.

The meeting is composed of every council that Arthur recommended, starting from him as the President, Caiden from class-2 as the vice president, me as the secretary, Aisha from class-1 as the auditor, Keith from class-3 as our treasurer, and lastly, Authern from class-6 as the school representative. Each of us are given some specific tasks to do as Arthur distributes each flyers to us. Arthur explained our roles and what we must do, it took us 3 hours to discuss this thing and as I see from Arthur's eyes, he is serious about this.

As the meeting adjourned, I grabbed my bag and went outside. Moments after reaching the rear door, I felt someone holding my arms. As I look back, I saw Arthur and my eyes widened, I blushed, and I weren't able to look at him directly. "T— thanks for helping me..." he said while smiling and for a moment, I see him being shy. I nodded as I smile and told him, "Sure anytime," and he nodded. He touched my hair, smiled, "Where do you live? Wanna go home together?" he asked. I was at first bothered though, and later on, "It's not necessary. Your home might be far from ours." I said, however, he insisted. "Just let me go home with you." and I couldn't refuse anymore so I just let him.

We walked beside the streets along with the sudden urge of the roaring thunder with little drops of rain. I forgot to bring my umbrella. "Shit, why this time?" Arthur said. He used his right hand to cover my head as he wrap his left hands around my body. He is holding me until we reached a certain bus stop. "Shall we stay here for Now?" he asked. I just nodded and took my seat.

"I believe we don't know each other that much." he said.

"Yes, why?"

"How about this, let's play a game."


"We look into each other's eyes, then guess the person's trait. If you got mine wrong, I'll tell you, and that goes for you too."

I was shocked by the mechanics. I can't look directly into his eyes, I'd die from blushing! Speaking of blushing, I already am blushing. "Come on don't be shy!" he said while smiling. "A— alright." I look into his eyes as he look into mine. The rain went worse. Why now of all the times?! "You're... an honor student?" he guessed. I nodded as I reply, "You have siblings?" I guessed, he nodded and smiled. "Alright nice one, you are 15?" he guessed. However, he was wrong. "Nope, I'm 14." and he laughed and scratched his head. "You are 16." I guessed and he nodded. "You are quite good on this game." he said and I smiled. "You are an only child?" he said yet, still wrong. "Nope, I have a younger brother named Myke." and he laughed again. "You are... charming" and as I said that, the thunder roared. "What? Again please?" he asked but I blushed. "N— nothing!" I said.

As the game continues, the rain isn't improving. The drops were constantly heavy and fast. "Damn, how are we gonna go home," he wondered and later on, his phone rang. He answered the call and he seemed to be smiling as he talks. While he's on the phone, I gaze into his face. His chestnut hair describes his face perfectly in any angle along with his charming smile, those long eye lids with his perfectly shaped eyes. It was no wonder I found him this charming and on every way he look at me, I blush. Shit! Why are you thinking about him Mint? "Help is on the way." he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Mom called, she got someone to drive us to my home. Sorry, but I think you won't be able to get to your home right now. There's no class tomorrow either way so I think you should stay at my place." he said with concerned. I was too shy to answer back, "Let me atleast call my mom." I told him. When I grabbed my phone, there was no texts, it was this late though, maybe because I told mom I'll be going home late. I called her,and when she answered— "Mom? I'll be staying over at a friend's house, I won't be able to go home today." I said. She agreed and told me to make sure I'll be safe. I dropped the call and took a deep sigh. I heard Arthur laughing, "You just asked permission from your mother and you're blushing." he tapped my head, "You're cute" he said. I couldn't stop blushing. He is this charming and he is tapping my head and somehow he is playing with my hair.

Later on, a black car arrived and a person wearing a tuxedo went out. "Young master Arthur, you should not forget your umbrella. Next time, please make sure you remember to bring every stuffs you need in school. Arthur nodded and said, "Sorry Mr. Sparks," he said and smiled. He grabbed my wrists and opened the door of the car. "Come, take a seat." he told me. "T— thanks." As Mr. Sparks went in, "Who might he be young master?" hea asked. Arthur smiled and said, "This is Mint, a very close friend of mine." and Mr. Sparks smiled, "Young Master Mint perhaps." he said. My eyes widened from shock, is this really how they treat each other? Arthur is so kind and he knows how to talk to someone properly.

Moments later, we reached their house and he grabbed my wrists again, he dragged me inside and I saw his younger sister. She was still young, and her appeal is just like his older brother. "Yim! Come here." he said as he smile, Yim happened to hear him and went near us. "Gwud evening Arthwur, gwud evening vwisitor." she said those cute phrases as she smiled and later on ran off. "Kids these days isn't it?" he said and he looked directly at me. I blushed. "Y— yeah..." and I couldn't actually look directly at him. "Anyways, Mr. Sparks will guide you to my room, I have to do something first." he said and I nodded. "This way please Young Master Mint." Mr. Sparks said.