cover your eyes part 2!! sub plot (Dragons origins)

(some plot after this)

"ahhhhh" came out of Meis mouth as Haruto started to enter his dragon into her. Haruto slowly pushed in till he was about halfway when he stopped to look at Mei. She turned and nodded signaling to him to continue. Haruto didnt want to be to rough as he already saw a bit of blood as he broke the first barrier as he put it in. Not waiting longer Haruto pushed the rest in as Mei pushed her face into the bed a let out a small yelp of pain. Haruto stayed still until she released her hands from the bed. Mei let go and told him "Go ahead I feel like I'm getting used to it" Haruto nodded as startes to slowly pump his hips into her.

Mei eyes rolled up as pain turned into pleasure and after a couple minutes she started begging for him to move faster. Haruto complied and started to ram into Meis ass.

Smack. Smack. Smack.

Harutos pace picked up as did Meis moaning taking all of Harutos Dragon. Haruto wanted to see Meis face as she came so he flipped he around to look at her beautiful face. Mei was flushed as she was experiencing pure ecstasy in the moment. As she was turned around Mei looked away slightly blushing as she made eye contact with Haruto looking at her naked body as she was being so perverted. Haruto smiled as he went down to bite her ear. It set off a trigger in that moment as Mei yelled out "Haruto I'm cumming" Haruto could feel Meis pussy clenching as it was climaxing around his dragon. The pressure finally got to him as he said "So am I" Mei immediately told him "Please do it inside give me all your seeds" a couple pumps later Haruto pushed into Mei making her yell out in pleasure as he released all his seeds inside her womb.

Mei was catching her breath as she felt Haruto slowly pull out his dragon. When she saw how hard he was still her mouth opened surprised. "Two times isn't enough is it?" as she started at Haruto. Haruto chuckled and replied " You are my first woman so you better be prepared for the rest of our battle tonight." Mei laughed and got up to kiss Haruto. "I'll always be here for you day and night as long as you ask" Haruto smiled and embraced Mei before pulling her away and pushing her down for round 2...


Haruto lie in bed with Mei sleeping on his chest. He looked at her long pink hair and watched her snuggle into him as they had finished their night activites. He smiled thinking of what she had said and all that she had done for him. He would protect her and become more powerful for her as he finished his mission of revenge as well. Maybe having a devil ally like this couldn't hurt as he walked down this road. As he was thinking he recalled that Bahamut hadn't spoken in a while. He called out to B "Hey B, haven't heard from you in awhile why so quiet" He didnt get any response. He checked his soul to make sure and luckily B was still there but he wasn't responding. Maybe he was asleep?

-In Bahamuts dream

Bahamut had been watching over this young boy for awhile as he felt a strong sense of justice from him when he woke up. He felt he could stay with this child and in return he would return to his formal level of power eventually. Bahamut had been training this kid for awhile now and felt that he was at a power where he could sleep a little while to regain some more power as he felt his sister Tiamat may soon return. Bahamut didnt tell Haruto as he fell asleep remembering his past..

Bahamut was flying around messing with his sister Tiamat "Come Tiamat you have to move faster to catch me" Bahamut flew around his sister showing off his speed. A small chromatic 5 headed dragon flew behind this Platnium Dragon. "Bahamut I'm going to bite your tail off if you keep smacking my heads!" Tiamat annoyed with his antics chased after him. "Guys stop messing around or Father will yell at all of us" a baby dragon covered in red scales watched as these two fought. Suddenly as large light flashed near the 3. A dragon that looked like it was made up of space itself appeared before the three dragons. "Bahamut why must you always tease your little sister" A deep soothing voice spoke out.

Bahamut and the other two instantly stopped a flew towards their father with heads down. "I was only trying to play with her but she continued to ignore me so I poked her a bit" Bahamut said with an innocent voice. "Father he keeps smacking my heads trying to provoke me!" Their father looked at the little red dragon behind the two and the little red dragon looked away as he felt his father's gaze burn through his scales. Not being able to stand it any longer the little red dragon said "Bahamut started it!"

Bahamut instantly gave his little brother a gaze of hate from his betrayal. The large dragon chuckled and spoke. "I, Io, have such troublesome children how will I leave the multiverse to you three if you cant even stand each other for the little while I'm gone." Io, the father of the three, looked at little red "Amaru thank you for being the honest little dreamer I always love" Io patted Amarus head and Amaru smiled as he felt his father's love. Bahamut and Tiamat looked at him with jealously. Io turned to the other two "You two need to be better examples for your little brother. Bahamut." he looked at his other son "You are a symbol of justice for everyone to look up to not a jokester who messes with his sister." he turned to Tiamat "and you my dear are the order of all that is chaotic not to be easily pushed by little things being able to manage evil things in our universes you can not be easily manipulated or the powers you manage with consume you understand" Tiamat looked away with all 5 heads from her father pouting. Io smiled and patted each head before whispering "I'll get him back for you later when he doesnt expect okay" Tiamats heads all smiled and looked at Bahamut which sent a shiver up Bahamuts spine as he knew that smile meant misfortune in his future. Io turned and opened a hole in the dimension before stating "I have some things to take care of children Bahamut take care of your brother and sister I'll be back soon" Io smiled and left his children with bickering from what just happened behind him as he flew into the dimensional hole...

[Okay this end is a bit rushed and forced but I will make it flow it bit better in these next couple chapters so not to much hate okay. Haha let me know what you guys think about B's history. Also let me know what you guys want next in main plot underworld adventure or more ORC storyline.]