
As Ophis made her way forward in front of the Chaos group she made no intention of speaking simply watching the group below.

"Why are you with them Ophis!" This time it was Scar who stepped forward ,who was already in an agitated state, to confront the Brigade. Scar's face was contorted already from the earlier revelation from Vali, now he was just ready to explode on the scene.

Ophis didn't even respond to Scar's yelling which enraged him even further. He looked at the ground and gave a maniacal smile. "I'll make you regret coming here today for the sake of peace!" Scar spoke with his head down giving a "reason" to make a move.

Haruto felt a spike of power coming from below them and he saw Scar releasing his power getting ready to spring at Ophis. Haruto was annoyed at the news of Akeno so he was in no mood for this guys fit.

Scar sprang from the ground with trails of dark flames under his feet as he launched forward at Ophis with his fist covered in fire. Scar revealed his true face which still held the crooked smile and twisted eyes as he roared towards Ophis who still had yet to move.

The entire group above tensed up and prepared to protect their leader from this crazy man but a sudden change in pressure around them made them feel a cold sweat run down their backs. Of course this was Haruto who let out some of his killing intent into the area. Haruto stared at Scar who seemed to move slow in his eyes as he wondered what killing this man would do to his relationship with the entire treaty group. 'Ehhh whatever this guy is f**king annoying' were Haruto's last thoughts when he finally decided to attack.

A blue flash streaked past the Khaos Brigade (K.B.) and Scar was sent flying backwards into the ground below. The K.B. stared where they saw Scar just a moment ago but heard the crash of his body slamming back onto the earth. Vali immediately looked back and Haruto was gone.

'Damn I didn't even see him move past all of us. I need to get stronger and fight him'

Almost all of the K.B. had the same reaction as Vali except the fighting part maybe. Although there was a little loli looking girl who's eye twitched the moment the flash had flew by because she had seen what had happened. She saw Haruto fly towards Scar to block his attack but as he passed Ophis she clearly saw him give her a slight thumbs up as he smashed Scar down. Normally she doesn't react with any sort of emotion but that boy seemed to get to her at times.

Meanwhile Scar was picking himself up from the ground with blood coming down his head staining his white hair. "You stupid boy!!! I'll kill you" Scar shouted as he slowly recovered from Haruto's hit. Scar quickly scanned his surroundings trying to sense Haruto when suddenly he felt something behind him. Scar quickly activated his dark flames around his fist again and swung it back releasing a large wave of fire towards Haruto.

Haruto quickly grabbed Scar by the arm stopping his attack while holding him in place. Scar struggled to move as he tried to yank his body away from Haruto but it wouldn't budge.

"Stop moving you idiot you're going to burn the school." Haruto said to Scar simply with no real care in his words. Scar instantly smiled as he felt he could smell the lie in Haruto's attitude. Something told Scar that Haruto was not being as nonchalant about his warning as he seemed so to test his theory and piss off his captor Scar released as much of his flames he could at the school.

Haruto felt a sudden burst of heat past him and knew from Scar's smile he had done exactly the opposite of what he just told him. Instantly Haruto felt like an idiot for not realizing his words would make his opponent only do exactly what he didn't want but he gave scar a warning before he decided to do this.

Scar saw the displeasure in Haruto's face and felt happy even though it was only presented as a small frown and a quick flinch in his eye. Scar was happy for that moment until he felt something, or more accurately the lack of thereof. Scar felt himself released from the grasp of Haruto suddenly but it didn't feel right. Haruto simply smacked Scar across the school yard sending him meters away. As Scar's body spun on the ground there was a large trail of blood following him.

"When did I start bleeding this much" was Scar's first question.

Scar landed on his feet this time but still felt something was wrong. He looked at Haruto again only to be even more confused. Haruto stood in front of him where they were just standing but now Haruto to was holding something.

'When did that kid pull a weapon on me' was Scar's initial reaction until his eyes focused on the weapon he was just hit with. It was a white sleeve from his suit with a black under shirt sticking out from the cuff with a hand. Scar looked at his own left arm and immediately let out a ear piercing roar. "MY ARM!!!! GIVE ME BACK MY ARM"