Park (7)

Feng Qi led Jun Yang through the crowd until a certain distance had been placed between them and the rest. Jun Yang had no idea that was Feng Qi's intention, he just assumed the man had somewhere in mind that he wanted to go to.

Feng Qi though had seen through the girls' plan and he knew staying close to them would lead to nothing good, especially if he wanted some alone time with Jun Yang.

That was why Jun Yang looked rather befuddled when Feng Qi stopped and asked, "Well, Jun Yang, where do you want to go to?"

"Wait…" Jun Yang looked at Feng Qi with confusion, "I thought you already have a destination in mind and that's why you have been dragging me along…"

"Oh…" Feng Qi considered explaining the real reason to Jun Yang, exposing his friend's true nature but he did not want other people to muddle into the time they had together, so Feng Qi shrugged and said, "That was then. Now, I decide to hear your suggestion. What attraction at this theme park that you'd recommend? After all, you've been here more times than I do."

Jun Yang eyed Feng Qi suspiciously before deciding to play along.

As the young master of the Jun family, visiting the theme park was definitely not on his schedule often but Feng Qi was still right, Jun Yang had been to the park more times than he did. Jun Yang had the choice but could not come to the theme park often due to his responsibility but Feng Qi did not even have the chance or avenue to come to a place like this at all.

Jun Yang thought about the attractions that he had enjoyed at the theme park and he wondered which one would be more to Feng Qi's taste.

He stood there and studied the young man which was before him. Feng Qi still had on his mischievous smile as he allowed Jun Yang's eyes to fall on him.

The theme park was famous for its roller-coaster which they had just experienced. Other than that, there was the Haunted House, the merry-go-round, the zipline and so on.

Since they were closest to the Haunted House, Jun Yang suggested they went for a try. Feng Qi agreed.

Jun Yang would soon come to regret that decision because Feng Qi kept himself stuck to him during their whole tour through the Haunted House. Feng Qi claimed that it was because if he did not stick close to Jun Yang, he would be too afraid to even walk but from the way the young man kept trying to nudge his body closer to Jun Yang even at spots where nothing scary was happening, Jun Yang could tell that was basically a lie.

It was becoming so obvious at even at one point, the workers who played the ghost characters inside the Haunted House were giving them the side-eye. Jun Yang tried to peel the man off him but Feng Qi claimed that he would be lost inside the Haunted House if Jun Yang abandoned him. Jun Yang was too busy being embarrassed by Feng Qi to feel any scary atmosphere from the Haunted House tour.

Perhaps he had imagined this but he could have sworn he heard the Haunted House workers release a collective sigh of relief once they finished their tour and left them in peace.

After that, the duo tried some of the other attractions. Feng Qi kept up his pretenses and even though Jun Yang was still embarrassed by some of Feng Qi's actions, he could not deny he was having fun as well.

The day was turning out better than expected. After coming out from one of the rides, Jun Yang suggested they take a little rest. Feng Qi agreed.

"How are you enjoying the day?" Jun Yang asked.

"It's the best day of my life, I'm glad I've decided to come along. You know, I was having second thoughts when Pei Ling asked me to come. But you know, I'm glad that I did." Feng Qi leaned back against the chair and stretched lazily.

Looking at the young man's profile, Jun Yang smiled and said, "I'm glad that you decide to come along as well."

Then, a silence stretched between them. It was not an uncomfortable silence, instead it was one that was filled with ambiguity and endless possibility. Even though the crowd was still bustling around them, Jun Yang felt perfectly secluded sitting by Feng Qi's side on the bench. There was a sense of correctness about the whole scene that he could not describe even if he tried.

Jun Yang looked around them and suddenly he was struck by an idea. "Hey, Feng Qi, I have one place that I think we should go before the day ends."

"Hmm? What is it?" Feng Qi said as he sat back up.

Jun Yang pulled him off the bench and hurried him along, "Just come with me."

"Fine, fine."

Jun Yang brought Feng Qi to a tourist shop. Feng Qi looked around at the many items that were on sale and he turned around to ask Jun Yang, "Why did you bring me here?"

"I wish for us to buy something to mark the day that we've spent together. It is not often that we'll get to come to a place like this to relax. It'll be such a waste if we do not have anything to commemorate it by." Jun Yang looked around the store to find any memento that would catch his eyes. "Why don't you go ahead and see if there's anything that you wish to buy?"

It was a sweet idea and Feng Qi was touched by the thought. "Okay," he said as he wandered into the shop. Yes, an item to mark the day that they had spent together, that was indeed a fine idea.

While Jun Yang was looking at the series of keychain, stuff that he thought was a bit too gaudy, he felt something touch the top of his head. [If you like my work, I would really appreciate a cup of joe as donation. Thank you. Donate here:]