Park (8)

Jun Yang felt around his head with his hands and it felt like a headband of sorts. He pulled it off to take a closer look, it was one of those decorative headband. This one had a set of cat ears on it. He had seen girls from their school take pictures wearing these things on their instagram.

Apparently, it was some kind of anime thing. Jun Yang never got their purpose, which begged the question, who had placed this thing on his head?

Jun Yang soon got the answer because he heard the familiar voice groan plaintively, "Hey, why did you take it off? It looked so cute on you!"

Jun Yang turned to the voice and saw Feng Qi frowning at him with a petulant pout. Jun Yang questioned him with a look, a look that seemed to say, 'but I don't want to look cute.'

"Hey, you're the one who told me to pick something to commemorate the day that we've spent together," Feng Qi shrugged and threw the quote back at Jun Yang.

Jun Yang looked at the young man with incredulity and the disbelief in his voice could not have been more pronounced, "And you chose this?!" He even waved the cat's ears headband in his hand as extra emphasis.

"I thought it matches you perfectly well. Regal and graceful like a feline," Feng Qi complimented but as per his usual habit, he had to add a little flair of his own to the compliment, "Not to mention, pretentiously aloof and refuse to admit what he really likes even though it is fairly obvious to others."

"What… what are you talking about?" Jun Yang spluttered. He was still feeling quite joyful when he heard the first half of what Feng Qi had to say but as the sentence continued, his mood started to sway. Regardless of the authenticity of Feng Qi's claim, what the young man did felt like he had gone through Jun Yang's dairy and read it out loud for everyone to hear. It was embarrassing to say the least.

Naturally, the only thing for Jun Yang to do was to counter. He put the cat's ears away and looked around the store for something that he could use to turn the offense back on Feng Qi. Eventually, his eyes landed on something that he felt could use.

People say, revenge is best served cold but nothing beats the satisfaction of a quick retaliation.

Jun Yang swiped the item from the rack and placed it on top of Feng Qi's head. To compliment the 'present' that Feng Qi had gotten for him, Jun Yang repaid his kindness with a pair of dog's ears headband.

The decoration on the headband was a pair of furry brown dog ears. One of the sides was folded downwards. Seeing it dangled over Feng Qi's head, the accessory looked weirdly suitable. It added to the young man's goofy charm, and for that moment, Jun Yang started to get an idea why the thing would be so popular among his female peers. It was a cute accessory.

Of course, Jun Yang did not let that show on his face. Instead, he grinned and fired back, "And this is the most suitable for you as well. Ridiculously stubborn and keeps hounding the same thing even though you've been told multiple times not to."

Jun Yang thought Feng Qi would be embarrassed by the criticism but once again, his plan had backfired due to his underestimation of the young man's shamelessness. Instead of shying back or getting flustered, Feng Qi leaned in close to Jun Yang without removing the headband from his head.

Jun Yang sidled backwards but in the small tourist's shop, he soon found himself cornered against the wall. He stood his ground and used his hands to stop Feng Qi from getting too close. At the same time, he warned, "What… what are you doing?!" However, his tone was wavering so much that the warning sounded half-hearted at best.

Feng Qi smirked at the lack of threat in the young man's warning. He leaned in as close as he could without infringing too much into Jun Yang's private space and he whispered as an answer, "Well, with a target as delicious as yourself, how do you expect me to give up before I succeed?"

Then, Feng Qi snarled dangerously, putting the role that he was playing to full effect.

Jun Yang felt his face flushed at Feng Qi's challenge. His heart started to race and he believed his ears were turning red. To defuse the situation, he rambled, "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Such was how the young couple spent the rest of their time at the theme park. There were some other back and forth between Jun Yang and Feng Qi but in the end, they still bought the two pairs of animal ears as memento.

Feng Qi walked out from the shop with the dog's ear headband on his head, he did not seem to mind the weird looks that other park goers were tossing his way. Jun Yang though had his wrapped up inside the bag. He doubted there would be an occasion for when he could use the item as an accessory but regardless, he did not hesitate too much when asked whether he wanted to purchase it or not.

Like what he said earlier, this was a memento for the time they had shared at the theme park. As ridiculous as the ears were, Jun Yang also found them to be endearing in a silly way.

They soon returned to join the rest of the group. No one commented on Feng Qi's accessory on top of his head, they seemed to have accepted that as part of his idiosyncrasies.

Having too much fun among themselves, neither Feng Qi nor Jun Yang realized that a man with a camera had been silently tailing them. [If you like my work, I would really appreciate a cup of joe as donation. Thank you. Donate here:]