Ultear Milkovich

"Ul, where are you going?"

"I've something to do and, don't call me Ul." The girl glared at the fat man before walking away.

The fat man shuddered before sighing.

The girl left and teleported somewhere. She had a secret which she couldn't tell anyone.

Ultear Milkovich.

It was her name, but her name didn't really matter since she was a daughter of Ur. If Bourne, Lyon, or Gray were seeing here, they would instantly know that this woman was Ur's daughter since their appearance was similar to each other.

Teleporting to the Land of Isvan, Ultear was about to walk toward the ice wasteland which appeared three years ago. She had investigated everything and knew that her mother had used an "Iced Shell" to seal Deliora along with three pupils of her mother.

Lyon, Gray, and Bourne.

Based on her investigation, it should be Bourne who had caused this disaster. She had to admit that Bourne should be a very strong magician since he was able to cause a kingdom to be destroyed by his magic, but she didn't care about any of that since she needed to see her mother. She was Ur's daughter and her tolerance against cold temperatures was very high. She also wore clothes which were able to warm herself and used her magic to walk toward the center area of this ice wasteland.

Arc of Time.

This magic revolves around the manipulation of the "time" of objects of non-living things and non-sentient living things, like a tree. The user can fast forward an object's "time" into the future, making it decay rapidly or rush to attack an opponent. This magic can even be used to stop an object's "time" by freezing it in midair. The user can also rewind a damaged object's "time" to restore it to its original state, like turning ice back into water.

It was the thing which Ultear did, she kept walking while turning the surrounding ice and snow into water while raising her body temperature using heat magic, but even so this temperature was very cold.

However, Ultear kept walking and along the way, she could see various scenery which almost made her surprised. There were a lot of people who were frozen by this ice and she could see their expression was unwilling. Whether they were civillians or magicians who were being sent to investigate this climate change, she didn't really care. She was part of dark magicians and she had seen something which was even crueler than this.

'But even so this cold...'

Ultear's teeth chattered since it was very cold and all she could see was pure white. Her magic kept turning the ice and snow into water, but before long it started to freeze once again. Even so, she kept walking since she wanted to see her mother. The foolish mother who was being abandoned by her own husband sacrificed herself using an "Iced Shell" for her useless pupils. If her mother was alive then she might mock her directly.

But deep in her heart, she hoped for someone who had caused this disaster to be able to undo the "Iced Shell" spell.

Ultear wasn't sure how long that she had walked, but the time seemed to have slowed down in this place. The snow also became deeper and it even reached her waist. The more she walked the deeper it got and she was sure that it might even bury her, but she kept using her magic to turn the snow on her surroundings into water.

The cold also started to enter her lungs which made it hard to breathe, but the heat magic which she used helped to maintain her normal body temperature. She had prepared for this trip for a long time and of course, she wouldn't give up so easily, but if she met the person who had caused this disaster, she would definitely curse him first since that guy might make her die from this cold temperature.

Ultear breathed slowly and felt quite sleepy all of sudden, but she quickly pinched her arm to wake herself. If there wasn't heat magic, she was sure that her skin would turn into ice and stiff sooner or later.

"This place... sooner or later, it might be renamed Ice Hell..."

Ultear was sure if someone didn't master either a cold temperature or a master of either fire or heat magic then it would be impossible for them to enter this place. If possible, she wanted to borrow the airship of her guild, but she knew that it was impossible. She needed to stand up against this hardship or else she might not able to see her mother. She had trained her magic for the past few years and she would definitely come to see her mother.


"Three years, huh?"

Looking at Ur who had turned into an ice after she used an "Iced Shell", Bourne had been working to research about "Iced Shell". He had found a solution, but he needed to test it. The only problem was there wasn't anyone in this place which meant that he couldn't test it on someone and he couldn't leave this place. He knew that Ur's soul was very weak, since she needed to fight against Deliora's consciousness or else the "Iced Shell" would be broken.

The only thing which he could do to strengthen Ur's soul was to talk with her. He might not able to talk with her through his mouth, but it might be possible using his Telephaty magic. Why might? It was because he had never heard an answer from her, but he could feel that she heard him and sometimes he heard her voice (it might be his imagination). After turning into ice, she had lost her mouth and it was imposible for her to talk with him, but it was different when he talked directly to her soul or mind.

As for climate change, Bourne didn't think too much about it. He didn't care about it, even if he destroyed the whole kingdom for Ur, he felt that it was worth it. Even though "Iced Shell" magic seemed to be very strong, it was ice after all. If the temperature was hot then it might melt this ice. He kept the temperature in this area as cold as possible. With this "Water" magic, it was possible to affect the climate which resulted in this disaster.

Looking at Ur once again, Bourne knew that he needed to be in hurry or else he might really lose her. He took his note and started to write while observing Ur who had turned into ice. While he was in this state, he would lose himself and write the solution to return Ur to normal.


Bourne's thought was broken then he turned to see someone beside him. His eyes were wide open when he saw this person.


Bourne was startled, but the person in front of him fell and passed out directly. He caught her in his arms and put his palm on her back using his water magic to warm up her body while checking her condition. He frowned wondering who this person was.