
Ultear opened her eyes and saw that she was in an unfamiliar place. She tried to remember what had happened one by one. She remembered that she had used almost all of her magic power to enter the ice wasteland to meet her mother and her mother's pupil which was full of hardships. But then she was very excited when she saw someone stood up in the middle of this ice wasteland by himself while writing something on his note. She tried to call him, but she was ignored. Her mood wasn't good and she was very irritable when she needed to walk to this Ice Hell, but she forced herself to make him notice her. Then she succeeded, but she passed out directly after that since she was very tired and sleepy.

Ultear remembered everything and she sighed in relief when she had been moved to this comfortable bungalow. She didn't see anyone nor did she notice someone's presence in this area, but she could see that this place was a bit different than the ice wasteland which he had seen along the way.

"There's no ice here..."

Ultear didn't think that it would be weird if an ice froze this bungalow since she had felt how cold the temperature of this place was and almost died from it. The temperature of this bungalow was very warm which made her curious about this place. She stood up from the bed and looked around in this room.

This room was pretty simple, but there were a lot of notes which were stacked up on the top of table.

Ultear hurriedly went to check that note and her eyes were surprised since this note was written with a lot of theories about "Iced Shell" and based on this note, the person who wrote this note was searching for a way to return the user of the "Iced Shell" back. Her heart thumped and she kept reading. She also had seen her mother who had turned into ice, but she couldn't look at it and only looked away since she couldn't bear it. When it was real time, the words which were about to come out from her mouth stopped and in the end, she could only focus on her survival first and talked to the guy who seemed to be Ur's pupil, Bourne.

As time continued, Ur kept reading. There wasn't any difference between day and night in this area since the sun couldn't even penetrate the thick cloud which made the temperature of this place very cold all the years.

Then the door was opened, but there wasn't any strong wind nor snow entered the bungalow. The temperature of bungalow had always been comfortable and there wasn't any change nor whatever inside.

"You've woken up?"

Ultear turned her attention toward this voice. She had only seen his back before, this young man was around 145 cm and had tanned skin color. His hair was long with black color and his eyes were cold piercing to her body. Though, she had to admit that he was very handsome and at the same time, she could feel that she was being cared for or something? She wasn't sure since she was unfamiliar with that feeling.

"It's good that you've woken up, so care to tell me who are you?" The young man took a chair and sat right in front of her staring at her curiously.

Ultear smirked and said, "You might have already noticed who I am, right?"

"....You're Ur's daughter?"

"Yes, you're Bourne?"


Hearing his name being mentioned, Bourne was wondering how this girl knew about his name. He observed this girl and had to admit that this girl had a similar appearance to Ur. Her beautiful face, white skin, black hair, and large chest; he had never seen someone in the past three years and he had entered an age of puberty. His feeling for Ur was strong and it was also the reason why he didn't have a vigilance toward the girl in front of him since she had a very familiar feature with Ur. Though, of course, there was a difference since this girl was younger and she had a twintail hairstyle which made him wonder what Ur would look like when she had similar hairstyle since Ur had short hair. Even so, he knew that this girl wasn't Ur after all.

"Yes, that's me."

Bourne didn't see a reason to hide his name, especially from Ur's daughter. He had always felt weird since he didn't think that Ur's daughter would die from too much magic power and felt that it was a conspiracy, but he had lost Ur's daughter track and he didn't know where she was since that incident had happened few years before he came to this world. Looking at this girl, he felt that this girl should be around 15 years old which meant she was 5 years older than him.

"How did you know me?"

Bourne didn't know how this girl knew about himself which made him confused.

"I've seen you before, can you remember me?" Ultear asked.

Bourne observed this girl for a while then suddenly remembered someone. "You're that little girl?!" Of course, he was startled since he had always felt that he had seen that frail little girl somehow. "You... why did you run away that time?!"


Ultear thought for a while and smiled in a depricated way since she felt that her mother didn't love her anymore when Ur had been living very well with three of her pupils.

"Did you know that your mother loves you so much?"

"Love me? Then why did she leave me?!"

It was something that Ultear had always wanted to ask, but she didn't have a chance, especially when Ur had turned into ice.

Bourne didn't say anything since words were useless. He stood up and took note on the shelf of his table giving it to Ultear.


"Ur's diary. She has always written it after she has lost you. I've brought it here since I'm afraid to lose it."

Bourne had moved Ur's house to this place or rather the bungalow where he was living was Ur's previous bungalow since he wanted to welcome her with warm house after he was able to return her to normal. "I'll take a bath first. Read that." He left her, but then he remembered that he hadn't asked for her name. 'Well, I'll ask her later.'

Ultear felt complex before she started to read the diary which was left by Ur.


Bourne returned after having a warm bath. To return Ur to normal, he had always done his research in his optimal state and of course, he needed to have a comfortable living space. Even if his love was strong, his mind might go wrong after he had returned her back. He wanted to stay the same so she would recognize him right away.

In the past three years, Bourne had also become more mature, but it didn't mean that he had forgiven the thing which had been done by Gray. If only that guy....

Bourne shook his head and calmed himself since he needed to control himself better. He shouldn't lose control and was always in his calm state so he wouldn't be wrong with his research. When he returned he could hear a choked voice and someone cried. He didn't need to guess who this person was.

Ultear looked at him in tears and asked, "Let's return her back to normal!"

"I can't do it now."

"Why? You've found a way, right? I've read your note!" Ultear couldn't control emotion, espeially after she had read her mother's diary.

Bourne wasn't sure whether he should ask this girl since his request might be cruel. "Yes, but I haven't tested it."


Ultear was smart and from his answer, she could interpret it to a different answer. "So you need a guinea pig, right?"


Looking at this girl, Bourne somehow felt weird when he heard her utter those words.