
Bourne was in the courtyard of his house, reading a proposal in his hands about a magic tournament and a magic school.

Bourne had an idea to create a magic tournament between guilds in this country since he believed it could increase his reputation, prestige, and he created another business opportunity.

This tournament might seem good for the guilds since it would increase their reputation, but for the organizer of this tournament, they could get a lot of money by selling tickets, gambling, food, and various things during the tournament.

Bourne thought to talk about this matter to the King of Fiore when he had corrected some parts within the proposal.

Beside the tournament, Bourne also thought of creating a magic school.

The existence of guilds could be traced to a hundred years ago in the past, but Bourne had never found the trace of magician school in this continent. He felt a bit surprised, but at the same time, he could only sigh at the people in this world who viewed magicians as humanoid weapons.

Bourne felt that such a view was too narrow since he believed there was something that could be done more with magic.

Ur also supported this idea since she also loved to become a teacher.

Quietly, writing the proposal on the paper, Bourne caressed Sorano who was sleeping on his lap.

Ultear, Ur, Juvia, Meredy, and Ikaruga went out to settle some of his business, leaving Bourne and Sorano back at home.

Sorano slept soundly with a smile on her face since it was very comfortable, especially when she slept on the lap of someone that she loved.

Bourne didn't think too much about Sorano until someone appeared before him.


Erigor appeared in front of him while kneeling.

"You don't need to kneel every time you come here, Erigor," Bourne said.

"No, no, no, you're my boss now. I have to do this," Erigor said while shaking his head. After he came to Bourne's residence, he knew that it was useless to fight against Bourne and it was better to work under him since he also had nowhere to go. He also felt that it was better to work under the richest man in the continent since his life was more comfortable than living as a Dark Magician who needed to hide every time and did his job in the dark.

If possible, no one wanted to become a criminal after all.

Not only was Bourne rich, but he might also be the strongest magician in the continent.

Erigor was full of respect for Bourne and felt that it was best to work under him!

"Did you get the key?" Bourne asked.

"Yes." Erigor nodded and presented a Gold Key in front of Bourne. "It seems the rumor is true that there is a Golden Zodiac Keys on Galuna Island."

"Oh, which key is it?" Bourne asked.

When Erigor and Bourne talked about a Golden Zodiac Key, Sorano opened her eyes and also woke up, looking curiously at the Golden Zodiac Key.

"It's Sagittarius," Erigor said.

Bourne nodded and said, "Sorano, can you use this key?"

"Well, I will try it," Sorano said.

Bourne looked at Erigor and said, "You know, your power is at least at -A Class Magician. You should train yourself harder."


Erigor nodded and also thought that it was better for him to become stronger faster since he also didn't feel comfortable when he was weak. He still remembered how powerless he was in front of Bourne at that time. He was lucky that Bourne let him go, but what if Bourne killed him?

Erigor knew very well that Bourne might be very calm and smile at this moment, but in truth, when Bourne was furious, then a country might be destroyed.

Bourne's figure was similar to an ocean, when it was calm, it wouldn't do anything, but when it was furious, it would drown everything deep into an ocean without leaving anything behind.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Bourne's voice, Erigor shuddered and shook his head. "Nothing."

"You can go now," Bourne said.


Erigor nodded and thought about going fishing with Vidaldus or Fukuro since he needed to calm his mind.

"You're too scary, Bourne," Sorano said with a smile while touching Bourne's face with both of her hands. She had to admit that Bourne was handsome, but sometimes, his presence scared a lot of people when he was agitated, but then again, she felt this side of him was charming.

"If you keep touching me, then I will eat you, Sorano," Bourne said, trying to scare Sorano.

"Oh? You're going to eat me now?" Sorano quickly became excited.


Bourne sighed inwardly, wondering how that cute girl back then could turn into this perverted girl.

"Well, enough joking, can you try this key?"

"...So it was a joke..." Sorano's body deflated when she heard Bourne's words.


"Can you do it?" Bourne asked.

Sorano looked at him and asked, "If I do it, can you give me a gift?"

"What do you want?" Bourne asked.

"....." Sorano blushed while looking at him and said, "I will keep it for myself for later."


Bourne was wondering why this girl needed to blush at this moment. "As long as you don't ask me about my body then it is all good."

Sorano snorted, but then she smiled while hitting his chest. "Who wants your body!?"

Looking at Sorano at this moment, Bourne remembered when he had tested a new magic that he had gotten by chance. The name of the magic was quite straightforward and a bit lewd... Pleasure Magic.

Bourne got that magic book by chance during the new year time. However, when he performed that magic, it was out of control which caused a mess in his house.

Fortunately, Meredy was sleeping at that time, but Ur, Ultear, Sorano, Juvia, and Ikaruga received a direct hit from this magic, and they were also sitting nearby at him when he was researching this magic.

Ur and Ultear were alright since both of them were his fiancees, but Sorano, Juvia, and Ikaruga were different!

Bourne was a bit panicked at that time, but then again, he couldn't force them, using this accident to take advantage of them, however, beside Ur and Ultear, the three women Sorano, Juvia, and Ikaruga couldn't be stopped and the only thing that he could do at that moment was use his secret technique.


Bourne used his slender and long fingers, playing Chopin Etude in their sensitive places then made them feel asleep after a round of satisfying peformance.

Then after that, the relationship between them became quite complicated and because of that he also sealed that "Pleasure Magic" since it was very dangerous magic.

"Bourne..." Sorano stared at Bourne's eyes at this moment and didn't look away. Her eyes were full of desire and she wanted to be conquered by the man in front of her!

As a man, Bourne wouldn't be a man if he didn't do something about the woman in front of him.

"You'll regret it."

"No. I won't no matter what."

Bourne raised his eyebrow, but he didn't hesitate anymore, however...



Bourne and Sorano stopped their movement at that moment before turning their heads and seeing someone unexpected.
