Good Grief

When Mirajane suddenly appeared, Bourne didn't feel that surprise, but then he was wondering whether she would blame him after what he had done to her family.

After all, it wasn't a secret that Fairy Tail cared for each other, right?

Sorano straightened her back when she saw Mirajane wondering why she came to Bourne's house.

Usually, it would be very hard to enter Bourne's house, but there were some exceptions such as Ur, Ultear, Sorano, Ikaruga, and Meredy. They could enter Bourne's house easily without being stopped by the guards and defense mechanism which was planted within the house.

Though, except for five of them, there was also Mirajane, Lisa, Lisanna, and Karen who could also enter his house, however, it was rare for the four of them to enter since they didn't live in his house.

Bourne stared at Mirajane and wondered what this woman wanted to do.

Mirajane stared at Bourne and her gaze became complicated since she knew what he had done to her guild members.

The relationship between members of Fairy Tail wasn't as close as it seemed, even if some of them were best friends, however, some of them also weren't that close to each other.

Mirajane's relationship with Gray wasn't that close, but when she saw how Bourne had beaten up Gray, she felt both sad and afraid since she was wondering whether her guild and Bourne would become an enemy.

Mirajane had decided to ask what had happened, but Makarov and Lucy didn't tell anyone what had happened during the meeting of the guildmaster.

If Happy and Natsu didn't tell everyone that they were fighting against Bourne Walter, then no one would know what had happened to Makarov, Erza, Gray, Natsu, Happy, and Lucy during the meeting of the guildmaster.

Of course, the members of guilds couldn't accept and even vowed that they would beat Bourne Walter up, however, it was only a mouth service since Bourne's standing was so high that a normal people wouldn't able to see him at all.

However, they had decided to not accept the job which was being posted by Bourne's company even if the compensation money which was given by Bourne was very high, though, even if Bourne knew what Fairy Tail's decision was, Bourne wouldn't care since Bourne also decided to stop giving a job from his company to Fairy Tail.

Unlike the majority of the members of Fairy Tail, Mirajane, Lisa, Lisanna, and Elfman didn't think Bourne would beat up their master along with Gray, Natsu, Erza, Lucy, and Happy since they knew very well about Bourne's personality.

Bourne was very kind after all and Mirajane had never thought someone like him would fight against Fairy Tail since she didn't think there was a conflict between them.

Mirajane asked Makarov, but Makarov wouldn't open his mouth no matter what and when she asked Erza and Lucy, Erza and Lucy also did the same.

Only Happy and Natsu didn't know what had happened since both of them had passed out before Bourne made his confession.

It was then Mirajane knew that she needed to meet Bourne, however, the atmosphere within the Fairy Tail didn't allow her to do so, especially when Gray would need to be in hospital for a few months to heal his injuries.

Mirajane knew that the relationship between her guild and Bourne had broken. She really wanted to meet him, but she knew that she couldn't and her heart had been in a mess to choose between her home or the man she loved.

But one day, Makarov told Mirajane to go to Bourne's house to send him something.

Mirajane didn't know what had happened, but without hesitation, she used her "Demon Transformation" to fly directly to Bourne's house.

Mirajane's breath was quite heavy since she didn't take a break from her journey. She tightly grasped the thing in her hand and asked, "What happened?"

Sorano and Bourne thought that Mirajane would be angry at them since she was part of Fairy Tail, but it seemed that wasn't the case.

Sorano sneered and asked, "You didn't know?"

"What do you mean?" Mirajane frowned and felt uncomfortable by Sorano's expression.

Sorano was about to say something, but her head was patted.

"Sorano, you don't need to mock her again," Bourne said.

"But Bourne..."

"It's normal for Mira to not know what has happened since do you think Makarov will tell everyone what has happened during the meeting of the guildmaster?"

If Bourne was the guildmaster of Fairy Tail, then he also wouldn't tell the details of what had happened during the meeting of the guildmaster since it would break the harmony within the guild and also make the members of the guild isolate Gray.

Bourne knew that Makarov did that out of his kindness to Gray and he had to admit that Geezer was quite a good guildmaster.

"If your guildmaster didn't tell you then you didn't need to know, Mira." Bourne looked at the thing in Mira's hand and asked, "Is that for me?"

"No! I need to know!" Mirajane said without hesitation. She then moved right in front of Bourne, staring into his eyes without fear, but slowly, her eyes started to redden and tears rolled down from her eyes.

"I need to know..."

"Why?" Bourne asked and kept staring at Mirajane.

"Be... Because..." Mirajane almost blurted out her feeling, but then she shut her mouth and said, "Be... Because I don't want to hate you."

"Why don't you want to hate me? Isn't it easier for you to hate me? Your home is a Fairy Tail and I am the enemy of your guild. Just close your eyes and do so, it is easy, right?"

Bourne stared at Mirajane with a calm expression when he said those words.



Bourne asked that simple question, however, it was very hard for Mirajane to answer him.

"Be - Because..."

The fierce expression on her face had changed into a blush and the temperature on her body also started to increase, however, she still maintained her hateful expression, staring at this guy who was trying to tease her.

'This guy!!!'

Mirajane clenched her fist and thought that this guy was enjoying her bashful expression, but then, she also knew that it was also her chance to express her true feelings.

"Bourne, the truth is...."

However, Sorano's sense was very high and she knew instantly what this skunk wanted to say. She quickly stopped Mirajane's plan and said, "Bourne, just tell her what has happened."


Mirajane stared at Sorano with a dumbfounded expression.


"If you don't want to tell her then I'll tell her what has happened."

Before Bourne said anything, Sorano grabbed Mirajane and pulled her toward the chair before telling Mirajane what had happened during the meeting of the guildmaster.


Bourne sighed and shook his head.

'Good grief...'