
When Sorano told Mirajane what had happened during the guildmaster meeting, Bourne didn't think too much and continued to do his job. Though, in his mind, he was a bit surprised since he didn't expect Makarov to really send something to him in exchange for Gray's life.

Bourne had never thought about taking Gray's life after all, so he started to ponder for a while before he decided to unseal the seal which he placed on Gray's body since he had decided to believe in Makarov.


At Porlyusica's house, Makarov and Porlyusica talked about the magic power within Gray's body which stopped moving.

Makarov didn't understand what Porlyurisca said at first, but when she explained to him what had happened to Gray's body, his expression turned ugly.

"Is there something that you can do?" Makarov asked.

"This thing is different, you need to use magic to make the magic power within his body move once again."

Porlyurisca was helpless in this situation since she wasn't a magician and even if she might able to make the magic power of Gray's body work once again, it would take a long time. It was also the reason why the wounds on Gray's body needed a very long time to be healed.

"But you can do something right?" Makarov asked once again since he knew Porlyurisca was a very skillful doctor.


Porlyurisca sighed and said, "I'll tr--" But when she was about to say something, she stopped since she noticed a change on Gray's body. She quickly checked Gray's body with a serious expression.

"Wh - What's wrong?" Makarov asked with a worried expression. He knew that Bourne had beaten up Gray severely, but at the same time, he knew that it wasn't that simple. He could tell that Bourne didn't believe in him and it was also the reason why Bourne had sealed the magic power within Gray's body.

Makarov knew that, but he didn't blame Bourne since he knew how big Bourne's hatred toward Gray was.

It was already Gray's luck that Bourne didn't kill him which made Makarov feel grateful since if Bourne wanted, Bourne could decimate everyone at that moment.

Makarov wanted Gray to stay alive, but the other thing such as whether Gray could become a magician or not in the future, Makarov didn't think too much since Makarov also felt better that it was better for Gray to stop being a magician for a while since Makarov didn't want to attract the attention of Bourne.

It might sound a bit cowardly, however, Makarov wanted to protect everyone in his guild after all since he knew Bourne's power and authority very well and once they had become an enemy then there he would show mercy against his guild.

"Congratulations, his magic power is returning," Porlyurisca said.

"Re - Really?!" Makarov looked at Porlyurisca in disbelief.

Porlyurisca nodded and said, "It seems the magician who has cast the seal on this boy's body has decided to unseal the seal on this boy." She looked at Makarov and asked, "Have you done something that made him forgive this boy?"


Makarov rubbed his chin and said, "Well, as long as he can stay alive it is all good." He thought that his decision to send Mirajane was good since he knew how close the relationship between Bourne and Mirajane was.

Porlyurisca looked at Makarov for a while and didn't say anything. "Now, get out. For the rest, leave it to me."



It might be because Sorano knew about Mirajane's feeling that she didn't mind telling her what had happened to Bourne and Gray.

Bourne didn't say much since he also believed in Mirajane.


Mirajane wasn't sure what was her feeling right now, but it was very uncomfortable. She also understood why Makarov didn't tell anyone about the matter which happened to everyone on the guild since it might cause a disharmony between guild members, however, she felt uncomfortable at this moment and didn't want to stay on Fairy Tail for a while.

"...I am sorry, Bourne."

Mirajane couldn't look at Bourne at this moment since she was filled with guilt.

Waving his hand, Bourne said, "Don't be, you're not at fault."


"But what?"

"I - I want to do something for you," Mirajane said.

"Even if you're not at fault?" Bourne asked.

"Even so..."

"Then do you want to give yourself to me?" Bourne asked with a smile.

"Wh - What?!" Mirajane's entire face flushed.

"Bourne!!" Sorano instantly knew that Bourne had taken an interest in Mirajane!

"I was just joking," Bourne said with a smile.


"But seriously, if you decide to quit Fairy Tail, then I welcome you to work here," Bourne said.


When Sorano and Mirajane heard Bourne's words, both of them had a different reaction.

Sorano sighed in relief since she thought that Bourne was interested in Mirajane's talent, but Mirajane pouted since she knew that she was being teased again.

Mirajane then showed the bag that she brought from the guild. "Here."

"What is this?"

"Master Makarov has told me to give this to you," Mirajane said.


Bourne opened the bag and saw that it was a magic book. He wasn't that surprised since it wasn't a secret that he was known as a collector for a magic book. As long as there was a magic book, he would buy it without hesitation.

Bourne saw that there were only two magic books, but his expression changed when he found out that they were "Giant Magic" and "Crush Magic". He knew very well about two magic books and didn't expect Makarov to give it to him.

Giant Magic was a magic which was mastered by Makarov.

Bourne also owned a "Small Magic" which made him able to turn himself or something into a mini size. He believed once he mastered "Giant Magic", he could master magic to change a mass of anything whether it was small or big.

Then the next book was a "Crush Magic" which was owned by the strongest magician on Fairy Tail, Gildarts Clive.

Bourne had never seen Gildarts, but he often heard about his reputation as someone who always destroyed a town because of his magic. He directly opened the book "Crush Magic" since he was a bit curious.


Mirajane was a bit surprised by Bourne's reaction.

"Congratulations, he loves your gift," Sorano said with a smile.

"Really?" Mirajane asked.

"Yes." Bourne nodded and said, "Tell Makarov that I love this gift."

"That's good..." Mirajane sighed in relief then asked, "But is it alright with you?"

"What do you mean?" Bourne asked.

"Is it alright for you to be hated by the members of Fairy Tail?" Mirajane asked once again since she knew that everything was a misunderstanding and Bourne had become a villain in her guild.

"As long as you know the truth, I don't care about the rest," Bourne said.


"Is - Is that so? Hm...." Mirajane blushed and couldn't help but twirl the tip of her hair when she heard those words.

"Before you return, let me tell you a piece of information," Bourne said.

"What is it?" Mirajane looked at Bourne curiously.

"Be careful of Phantom Lord."

Phantom Lord wasn't Bourne's ally after all and he also had a good impression of Mirajane and Makarov so he decided to help them a bit as for the result?

Bourne didn't care much since either way, he would be able to get a strong magician from each guild after the conflict ended.