New Member

As expected, once the battle between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord ended, the Phantom Lord disintegrated and Jose Porla became a prisoner.

Bourne didn't do anything about this matter, even if he could save Jose Porla, it was hard to control him and at the same time, it was troublesome and wasn't worth it.

Jose Porla might be powerful, but it was because he was old.

Compared to Sol and Totomaru, Bourne felt that both of them were better, especially when both of them became older.

After being approached by Erigor and Fukuro, Sol and Totomaru also agreed to work under Bourne since their guild had disappeared and they had nowhere to go. They also didn't have that much of a saving anyway and thought that it would be great to work under Bourne, especially when they heard that he was going to build a school for a magician.

Sol and Totomaru were very simple people and as long as they had stability in their lives, they could work anywhere, especially when they had worked under Jose Porla, their resilent was quite high and as long as they didn't work under Evil Magicians, then everything would be alright.

"Thank you very much for taking us, boss," Totomaru said.

"Thank you," Sol said.

It wasn't their first time meeting Bourne, but they had to admit that Bourne's presence was very strong, but strangely, enough, it was so comfortable.

Bourne was a master of "water" magic and his presence could blend into nature, creating a harmony between himself and the world.

"You don't need to be so thankful. I am glad that both of you can work under me," Bourne said with a smile since his mood was quite good and he had two strong subordinates. "So can you tell me more about your magic?" He knew the general information about Totomaru and Sol, but still wanted to hear it from their own mouths.

Totomaru and Sol nodded and didn't mind explaining what their magic was to their new boss.

Totomaru's magic was fire magic, but he called it "Rainbow Fire" since there were seven types of fires on his fire magic. He explained that each fire on his "Rainbow Fire" had unique properties such as smell, cold temperature, etc. He could also combine all fires into one, creating a powerful attack.

Totomaru also told Bourne that he could control all the fires even Natsu's fire.

Bourne also had seen how Totomaru was able to control Natsu's fire and how powerful Totomaru's magic was. He had to admit that "Rainbow Fire" was a very unique fire magic and also quite powerful, but in his mind, fire magic should be hot.

As long as a magician persisted and trained very hard to increase the temperature of their fire, then a fire magic was very powerful magic that could destroy this world.

Bourne didn't intend to talk about this matter to Totomaru right now since Totomaru didn't have the strength to do so since Totomaru's body was very weak.

The reason why Totomaru lost to Natsu was also because his body was too weak. If Totomaru's body was little stronger then without doubt Natsu wouldn't be his opponent.

However, at the same time, Bourne also felt that Natsu wasn't that simple. He wasn't sure how to describe his feelings, but he felt that there was something inside Natsu which was very dangerous for some reason.

Though Bourne didn't care much about Natsu as long as that guy didn't trouble him then it was all good for him.

After Totomaru explained his magic, Sol also started to explain his magic. Sol's magic was also quite simple and it was also quite similar to both Bourne and Totomaru who controlled an element. Sol's magic was earth magic and sand magic. In other words, Sol was able to control both sand and earth at the same time.

Frankly, Sol's magic wasn't that rare, but it was rare to see someone who was able to develop such magic until they had become a very strong magician.

The only person that Bourne knew that had mastered earth magic to the limit was Jura Neekis who was the S-Class magician on Lamia Scale. It might not be related, but since Jose Porla had turned into a criminal, it meant there was an empty seat on one of the Ten Saints Wizards and he believed the person who would change Jose Porla's position would be Jura Neekis since he knew how strong this person was.

A magic that controlled an element had always been the strongest in his mind since it was simple and once someone learned about science, their power would increase tremendously.

There was a lot of strange magic in this world and each of them could control a lot of things which were dangerous things such as space, soul, mind, emotion, memories, etc. Those magics were dangerous, but elemental magic also wasn't bad, especially earth magic magicians who were able to hide inside the earth and did a sneak attack on their opponent before they were able to do something.

Bourne knew Sol's power and he knew that this guy could develop even further. Then he thought about Juvia, Totomaru, Erigor, and Sol and suddenly thought that he had almost collected all magicians who controlled a basic element.

Once Sola and Totomaru explained about their magic, Bourne nodded in satisfication then he turned his head at the person who was leaning on the wall with a gloomy expression.

"How long are you going to be depressed about your loss?" Bourne asked in a helpless expression.

"I didn't lose!" Gajeel complained.

"Yes, you lost." Bourne smiled and said, "I recorded everything during the battle, do you want the video of your fight against Salamender?"


Gajeel was speechless, but then he snorted.

Bourne didn't care much since he knew that most strong magicians were arrogant, but since they had enough strength to back up their arrogance, he didn't think too much about it.

"So what are you going to do after this? You're going to go to Fairy Tail?"

Bourne knew that Makarov had invited Gajeel to become part of Fairy Tail.

Gajeel snorted and said, "There's no way that I'll join such a guild!"

Bourne wasn't sure, but he felt that Gajeel had raised a "Flag" for some reason. "So?"

"So...." Gajeel then stared at Bourne and said, "I will work for you."

"That's good. I am happy that you work under me," Bourne said with a smile since he was really glad that Gajeel could become his subordinate too, however, he knew that it wasn't that simple since he knew very well about Gajeel's personality.

"But you need to beat me first." Gajeel looked at Bourne and said, "Let's have a duel Bourne! If I lose then I'll work for you."


Bourne stared at Gajeel for a while and didn't say anything.

"You bastard?!"

"How dare you be so arrogant in front of our boss!"

"Let me teach him first, boss!"

Vidaldus, Erigor, and Fukuro were furious at Gajeel.

Bourne raised his hand causing them to shut their mouths. "Interesting. When are we going to fight?"

"Gigigigi, if you're ready then let's do it right away!" Gajeel smiled and became excited. Unlike his ignorant past, at this moment, he knew how strong the man in front of him was and he wanted to defeat him!