Bourne Vs Gajeel

Bourne had expected Gajeel to ask him for a duel and he didn't really mind.

"Well, let's go to the beach."

"Gigigi, sure."

Gajeel nodded and felt quite excited by this duel.

Vidaldus, Fukuro, and Erigor looked at each other before looking at Gajeel with sympathetic gaze.

Sol and Totomaru also felt curious since they wanted to see how strong their boss was.


Ur, Ultear, Meredy, Sorano, Ikaruga, and Juvia also learned that Bourne was about to have a duel with Gajeel. They only looked at Gajeel before shaking their heads since they knew Gajeel's information very well.

Gajeel was a very strong magician and he also mastered Iron Dragon Slayer Magic.

Gajeel didn't care about everyone's gaze and stood on the sandy beach, staring at his opponent. In truth, he had decided to follow Bourne, but he still wanted to see whether this guy was worthy of him or not.

"Bourne, be serious. Let me see your power!"

"Good." Bourne nodded and said, "Let me show you, your biggest weakness."

"Ha? Weakness? I don't have that!" Gajeel laughed, but inwardly, he frowned wondering whether he had a weakness.

"Ur, can you be the referee?" Bourne asked.

"Sure." Ur nodded and asked, "So Bourne, Gajeel, are both of you ready?"

"You can start anytime," Gajeel said.

"Sure." Bourne nodded.

Ur looked at both of them before nodded. "Then start!"

Gajeel knew that he needed to be serious as soon as possible during this match!

"Iron Dragon's Roar!"

Gajeel inhaled a fairly large amount of air and then proceeded to release a very powerful tornado from his mouth, which possessed incredible blunt force. In the process, sharp metal shards were dispersed, which were capable of shredding Bourne's body.

Boure nodded and thought that Gajeel was stronger than he had thought. He tapped the ground several times then a magic circle appeared beneath him. Then a middle length stave that was made from black metal appeared on his hand.

"Blue Axe!"

Then from the tip of the stave there was a small fire that suddenly turned into a blue fire blade shaped like a crescent moon that made it turn into an axe.

Bourne swung this blue fire axe directly and slashed Gajeel's magic into two.



Gajeel was speechless when he saw that Bourne was able to cut his magic into half.

Even though Bourne wasn't very proficient on it, he could use fire magic and combine it with a concentration of oxygen, he created an axe of oxidized flame that could be used to slash and burn his opponents at the same time.

The blue blade of the axe was so hot that a mere slash set everything in its arch on fire despite not making contact with the weapon.

It was also what had happened to Gajeel since this guy's metal magic was being slashed and melted by Bourne's blue flame axe.

The blue flame was so hot that the audience of their fight could feel the high temperature from it.

Totomaru was also surprised at how high the temperature Bourne's blue flame axe was and caused him to be in shock for a while.

When Bourne glanced at Totomaru, he smiled lightly since he knew that Totomaru might develop his magic better.

"Don't you think that I'll lose with just this!" Gajeel wouldn't admit defeat so easily.

"That's good." Bourne smiled and said, "I'll be disappointed with you if you lose so quickly."


Gajeel was annoyed and then he started to create a sword of iron in his hand before charging towards Bourne ready to fight close combat against Bourne!

Bourne shook his head and used another magic, aiming it toward Gajeel's iron sword.

Gajeel seemed to not notice what had happened to his iron sword and swung his sword toward Bourne, however, Bourne's blue flame axe cut down Gajeel's iron sword easily.


Gajeel was in shock at how easy it was for his magic to be defeated!

"Look closely, don't you notice the rust on your iron sword?" Bourne suddenly said.


Gajeel then looked at his hand which he transformed into a metal that suddenly turned rusty.


"This is your weakness."

Bourne could control oxygen after all and Gajeel's iron magic was useless to him since he could rust Gajeel's iron easily.

However, Gajeel quickly snorted and regenerated his iron back, erased the rust on his iron quickly forming another iron sword, slashing it toward Bourne!

In Gajeel's mind, all of Bourne's attack was a trick and as long as he prevailed, he was the winner in this duel!

Bourne only shook his head and quickly changed his blue flame axe into an ice axe.

The temperature quickly decreased and Gajeel could feel that his movement started to become slower.

Both a sword of iron and ice of axe met each other and started their clashes!

Their confrontation was so fierce that it caused the beautiful sandy beach to be destroyed.

The people who watched could only move back several meters away since they were afraid to be caught in their confrontation.

No one could look away, but suddenly they realized that this battle would end soon.

Gajeel gritted his teeth and the more he fought the more he realized that he was in a very disadvantageous position. His teeth chattered and half of his body was frozen.

"Come on, Gajeel. Show me more or else I'll end this battle soon," Bourne said after feeling that his duel with Gajeel was pretty much an anticlimax. He hoped to see Gajeel's full power or else he would really just freeze Gajeel here and end the battle directly.

"As you wish! Don't regret this!"

Gajeel's entire body quickly turned into metal and a magic circle appeared on his arm.

"Iron Dragon's Sword!"

Gajeel transformed his arm into a large, jagged iron blade 5 meters long. He raised his hand to the sky then the jagged iron blade and started to turn into chainsaw, creating a loud noise and very dangerous atmosphere around it.

Gajeel's expression was very serious before he slashed this magic at Bourne directly!

"Ice Make: Gideon!"

Suddenly a gigantic war hammer which was made from ice appeared on Bourne's hands.

The gigantic war hammer's head being double-sided with one side being a typical hammer and the other being a warpick and with a length and wide that was double that of Gajeel's iron jagged sword, Bourne's muscle tightened, showing how strong it was then he swung his gigantic war hammer of ice right into Gajeel without hesitation!


The jagged iron sword on Gajeel's hand cracked before Gajee's face and body were hit directly by Bourne's war hammer, causing him to receive a blunt force that was enough to crack most of the bones in his body.

Gajeel's eyes rolled showing the white part before he was sent flying a hundred meters away.


The aftermath of the attack caused the quiet beach to turn upside down with a lot of water and sand mixed together, destroying the beautiful scenery.


Bourne took a deep breath and relaxed himself, however, he knew that he might have done a bit too much.