
As Gajeel lost the duel, he didn't have any complaints and decided to follow Bourne. He also didn't hate to follow him or rather he decided to follow him so he could defeat him in the future!

Gajeel knew that Bourne had an abundant knowledge of magic within the continent and he could also learn a lot of things from him. He knew in the future, it would be an era of knowledge and he knew that he needed to learn more, especially when he learned that his iron was rusted by Bourne before.

Gajeel thought that it was some kind of magic, however, in truth, it was a science that was being explained by Bourne which made him speechless since he didn't understand science, however, when he learned it, he felt that his head was blown away since there was a lot of interesting thing that could be done by science, however, he didn't put that much of energy since he knew that someone who was as smart as Bourne and also strong enough to defeat him was very rare!

Gajeel felt that he was weak at this moment and he wanted to become even stronger so he worked hard for it.

Totomaru, on the other hand, quickly asked at how Bourne was able to create the blue flame axe even though Bourne's speciality was water magic.

Totomaru was Bourne's subordinate and he didn't mind explaining it to him.

Totomaru was also amazed by a lot of knowledge that he had received from Bourne and quickly practiced himself to become stronger and at the same time, he also knew the weakness of fire magic.


Oxygen was both the best support and the biggest weakness of fire.

As long as there was oxygen a fire could live without trouble, but without oxygen, it would die.

For Sol, Bourne wasn't sure how to help him since he wasn't that knowledgeable about earth magic. The only thing that he knew about earth magic was that it was a great magic to become rich since with that magic, it would be very easy for someone to find a lot of important minerals inside the earth.

Anyway, Bourne was glad that Gajeel, Totomaru, and Sol had decided to join him, but unlike Erigor whose body was being covered by curse, the three of them didn't receive a curse like Erigor.

It might not be related but the curse on Ikaruga, Fukuro, and Vidaldus had been unsealed and they were freed from it since in the past, their previous guild had tried to contact them to attack Bourne since Bourne was very rich, and of course, to those Dark Guilds, Bourne was simply a very fat sheep that was very delicious in their eyes, however, Ikaruga, Fukuro, and Vidaldus knew that Bourne might be very gentle at first, but deep inside, Bourne was a very vicious, cruel, and scary wolf that would bite his enemy to death without hesitation.

So when Ikaruga, Fukuro, and Vidaldus told Bourne that they were being contacted by their previous guild, Bourne nodded in satisfication and released the seal on their bodies since they had received his trust which caused them to feel very happy. So what about their previous guild?

Bourne froze them without hesitation and exchanged them with a bounty on the Magic Council along with selling some of them as a genuine pig for some people in the continent.

Human trafficking was a very profitable business and Bourne understood why a lot of Dark Guilds did this business, however, those Dark Guilds would have never expected to be on the other side of the human trafficking business being sold as a commodity without able to decide their own fate.

Then the same thing happened to him once again and it seemed that he needed to kill the chicken to scare the monkey so he wouldn't be troubled by this matter again in the future.


Bourne relaxed with Ultear, Ur, Meredy, and Ikaruga, playing the game that he had created.

During his stay in this world, it was quite boring since there wasn't much entertainment so he also decided to open a toy company to produce various gameboards from his previous lives, though, he didn't expect that this company would be so popular since it seemed he underestimated this world really lacked entertainment.

Bourne wanted to develop a movie then copied the masterpieces in his previous world in this world since he was sure that a lot of his women would be happy with it, but when he was in deep thought, the door was opened and both Juvia and Sorano entered with tense expressions.



"What's wrong?"

Bourne saw the expression Juvia and Sorano were a bit wrong.

"As expected, Erigo's movement has been suspicious for the past few days," Juvia said with a heavy expression.

"This guy might soon betray us," Sorano said. She felt that it was better to clean up the problem as soon as possible since it might be related to her habit from her previous guild.

Waving his hand, Bourne said, "You don't need to be so hasty. It won't be too late to decide on this matter later since I am sure that Erigor isn't stupid enough to sell the information about us when he is under my curse."

Everyone knew that Bourne's curse was very scary and it was very powerful and once someone was put by his curse, their lives were already in his hand.

"But still, who is he going to sell our information to?" Ur asked.

Ultear contemplated for a bit and asked, "Is Einsenwald affiliated with other Dark Guilds?"

Ikaruga suddenly remembered something and said, "If I'm not wrong, Eisenwald is also part of Balam Alliance."

"Isn't that obvious? I mean, the majority of Dark Guilds are under them after all." Juvia looked at Ikaruga with speechless expression and said, "I mean there are only three guilds that control the Balam Alliance, right? Ultear's question is: Which guild is Eisenwald working for?"

The Balam Alliance is an alliance between the three most powerful Dark Guilds in Fiore. Despite being referred to as an alliance, the three guilds do not interact with each other at all, and their alliance is nothing more than a non-aggression pact. In X784, they controlled all Dark Guilds, with the exception of Raven Tail.

When everyone was thinking which guild Eisenwald affiliated with Sorano's face became gloomy since she knew which guild that Erigor might betray Bourne for, however, at the same time, it scared her since she knew that once they were successful then...

Sorano wanted to tell them, but at the same time, she quickly shook her head since it hadn't been confirmed which guild that Erigor works for, however, she hoped that it wasn't that guild since she knew how powerful that guild was.