The Fifty Foot Cocodrillus

The spider tank and its ten drone escorts are sweeping the area in and around the Zoo.

They found other signs of big mutant animals however they are not in this area anymore.

On their last leg of the sweep. They saw a big man made pond. It's the furthest place from Adam's bunker.

When his drones made their initial sweep on this area they did not see any heat signatures or movements.

However, the surveillance drone that's hovering a hundred feet above directed his attention to it. It found some recent tracks on the muddy sand banks of the pond.

When zooming on those images, he was shocked by the size of those foot prints. He can totally fit inside them if he lay down inside.

He added two of his regular drones to the A.I.'s team and ordered the A.I. to use them to do a recon under the pond's surface.

He needed to do it this way since this area is already outside his sphere of influence.

Unfortunately, the water inside the pond is so murky and dark that the two drones didn't see anything.

The moment that the drones flew out of the water, a huge shadow suddenly spring up and caught one of the drones then just as fast went down again.

The incident happened so fast that Adam wasn't able to completely see what it was.

However, he is absolutely sure that that huge thing was only its head and not its entire body.

A cold chill run down his spine. He immediately ordered the spider tank to fall back 200 meters and one of the concrete buildings as a cover.

He then deployed his sniper sentry as close as he can to the A.I.'s team for additional support. From his calculation the sentry is roughly 900 meters from the pond, well inside the range of the 50 cal. Sniper rifle.

He also changed two of the attack drones weapons. He replaced the automatic rifles with his two remaining grenade launchers. He then tasked the two drones to hover 100 meters above the pond.

The remaining attack drones were now spread out around the pond keeping a good safe distance but also making sure that it can respond right away.

Once everything is set, he instructed the A.I. on what to do.

The attack started by the two drones above the pond. When the attack signal was given by the A.I. it started lobbing grenades down the pond. Starting from the side furthest from the tank. The grenades started exploding in a pattern.

Basically, Adam plans to herd the monster towards the tank's cannon. He wants it to surface on the side where the spider is hiding.

It took the drones a few minutes to get any response from the pond. Halfway through the pond, when the grenades exploded a large ripple moved and started to get away just as he predicted.

He is using HE grenades on those launchers. It's not really as destructive as the main cannon of the tank, but when it explodes under water it creates a shockwave with a scary force.

The ripple on the pond got more vigorous as the underwater explosions continues to herd the monster into the shore.

After another five minutes, the monster finally showed itself.

It crawled to the shore with its huge mouth wide open.

For the second time that day, Adam's jaw dropped again.

On the screen, he watched as a fifty foot mutant crocodile dragged it enormous body outside water.

Then his reverie got shattered by the sound of the spider's main cannon firing.

He knew that the A.I. is aiming for its head. Unfortunately right at the moment that the cannon fired, it coincidentally moved its head. The first shot missed it head but the plasma hit the monster's back.

A huge gaping hole appeared on its back. However, he was shocked when the crocodile ignored its wound and looked towards the area where the Spider tank is hiding.

It started to move with surprising speed. Suddenly within a few seconds it already moved half of the distance towards the tank.

The tank was able to fire another shot but the crocodile seems to be expecting it. The monster barely dodged the plasma, luckily the plasma hit the ground beside the crocodile and the resulting explosion still wounded its left side and severely injured one of its front legs.

It suddenly leaped the remaining distance towards the house where the spider tank was hiding.

On that exact moment, the sound of the fifty cal sniper ringed from the distance.

Suddenly the right side of the crocodile's face where its eye used to be exploded. He was using exposing and penetration rounds on that sniper.

The monster lost its focus for a bit and simply roared loudly. It landed awkwardly with its unjust front leg and smashed into the buildings.

That momentary distraction caused the spider tank to create another 100 meter distance from the monster and fired another plasma ball down range. It also started firing the pulse laser on its secondary weapon slot.

The huge crocodile even with all of its injuries is still fast. It was still able to avoid the plasma from hitting its head but it was not able to prevent it from hitting its body.

Another huge hole appeared on its side along with its entrails and blood spattering behind it.

Even with this injury, that monster still attacked. This time when it jumped towards the tank, it was finally able to land half of its body on top of it.

The tank was pinned below the crocodile. It tried to move by the sheer weight of the monster is simply too much for it.

The attack drones have been firing their weapons ever since the tank fired its first plasma. However, the skin on that crocodile is simply too thick for them to make any significant damage.

Even the sniper sentry hasn't made damage to the mutant crocodile that's noteworthy aside from its first shot.

In this scenario, the A.I. made the calculations and decided to fire its main cannon one last time then trigger a self-destruct.

The combination of the point blank plasma cannon fire to it's under belly and the explosion from the self-destruct finally killed the monster.

It completely tore the monster in half, severing its upper torso from the lower half of its body.

"Nice two levels!"