Red Skulls

It took another week for Adam to reach the Red Skulls base.

He is in front of the gate of the fortified huge city. A big Red Skull sign is painted on top.

It's quite apparent when he started seeing flags and banners on the streets of a red skull on a back flag.

He got the exact location of the slaver's base from one of the mercenaries who attacked then in the bunker. It took hours of torture before the guy finally give up and gave him the information.

It surprised Adam; he didn't expect that the guy would endure the torture instead of giving the info. However, after he finally gave the info, he begged Adam not to kill his family.

Apparently, the Red Skulls base is a few kilometres wide. It has an outer and an inner area. The outer area is a bustling market place and residential area for the people under the Red Skulls rule. The inner area is where all the higher leaders of the Red Skulls live.

On his way here, aside from the normal zombies on the road, he also encountered multiple groups of slavers.

The first one was just their regular slaver team. Same composition with the slaver group that he encountered the first time.

However, he found out later that the slavers have radios to communicate with their base.

More and more slavers came to block him. He must have killed two hundred slavers from their attacks.

Yesterday roughly ten miles from here, five hundred slavers blocked a bridge leading to the slavers base.

Adam set his forces a mile from the bridge and started his attack by letting the five spider tanks to bombard the other side with plasma bombs. Due to the distance where he deployed his toys, the slavers have no way to retaliate.

They were forced to break out from their hiding places and run across the bridge to attack him.

However once they reach Adams base, the attackers quickly found out that any attack is futile. They were mowed down by Adam's toys.

To the slavers this is a crucial spot since the next nearest bridge takes another week of detour. The river under the bride is a mile wide and 100 meters deep. The current is moving fast as well.

The moment that their leader realized that they failed to stop him, the set the explosive charges under the bridge making it impossible to pass.

However, they didn't expect that Adam don't even need the bridge in the first place.

Adam along with his five spider tanks simply walked submerged under the river. The rest of his drones flew over the water.

The sight of those huge spider tanks and the view of all those armed drones flying towards them from the other bank broke their will. They retreated and the whole thing becomes a route.

By the time Adam and his five tanks emerged from the other bank, the slavers are already gone.


His week long journey towards this place allowed him to gain two more levels.

He used the skill points maxed out his Thor skill.

Skill: "Thor"

Level: 5 (Max Level)

Summon a permanent Cruise Missile Platform. Thor must be attached to the bunker to function. Fires a cruise missile to any target in the map.

Max Missile: 5

Missile range: 1000 miles.

Explosion range: 500 meters.

Cooldown: 1 hour

Maxing out Thor also activated a new skill.

Skill: "Orbital Drone"

Level: 3

Summon a permanent drone that can achieve orbital flight. Orbital drone can only be summoned if bunker is active. Orbital drone can only function if connected to bunker. Orbital drone have greater surveillance capability. Orbital drone can cover 500 square miles of surface area.

Max Unit: 3

Next Level: Unit +1


He took his mind off his skills. At this moment, three figures are walking out of the main gate of the Red Skulls base.

A white flag is waving in front of them.