The Offer

It didn't take long for the Red Skulls to send another delegation.

This time it is a larger group. Ahead of this group is an old man, he walks in a regal manner.

There are two girls walking behind him. A veil is hiding their faces. One is wearing a black skin tight body suit and the other girl is wearing white.

Both girls gave a body to die for. Adam's mouth is watering just by looking at them.

Behind each girl is a big burly guy. They are shading the girls with a weird looking umbrella.

A few meters behind this group are their entourage.

Ten heavily armed bodyguards are marching in perfect formation. Each holding a big and sinister looking weapon and all of them are wearing heavy armor from head to toe.

Behind them are people in chains. Around twenty slaves. All of them are naked but clean. Every single one is a female age from 12 to 20. All pretty and have really great body. They all look scared but seem to be resigned to their fate. Two of them even look like Eve.

Adam watched as they kept on walking when their group met his attack drones. It seems like they've been briefed by the two lackeys that he released earlier.

However the fear in their eyes when they're finally reached Adam and the two huge spider tanks are in front of them cannot be hidden.

The old man heaved a heavy sigh then walked a few more steps towards Adam.

"Greeting! My name is Randal Thorn. I am a member of the city's ruling council. I came here to represent Red Skulls. Let me start by humbly apologizing for any grievances that he have against you. We are ignorant and didn't know our betters."

Randal waved his hand towards the slaves at the back.

"Please accept these slaves as our tribute. We recognize your status as a powerful warlord, and would like to seek your forgiveness."

Adam was not expecting that. However getting here, Adam saw how brutal these people are. His anger from losing Eve has multiplied exponentially since he left his house.

He was looking at the bottle of wine he was drinking, not even looking at the new group. He spoke while pouring wine on his glass.

"Good afternoon Mr Thorn. Your gesture for peace is noted since they sound genuine. However, I came here to take back what is mine and to avenge the death of a friend."

He finally looks up. He met Randal's gaze.

"I demand your total surrender, your city will me mine. You will hand over all the people who are responsible for the attack on my home. You will return my slave and the two females that you took with her."

He paused while sipping his wine.

Randal's face became ashen. He was sent here to negotiate, however from the dismissive nature of Adam's speech, he is afraid to contradict.

"I apologize! I'm not to decide on the city's surrender alone, I will need a bit of time to convey your demand to the city council. However I will personally find your slave and two women and will ask one of my generals to bring them to you. I will also find all the people responsible for it and send them to you; you can do with them as you pleased."

Adam ponders on that counter offer for a bit.

"I see the courage that it took for you to come out here Mr. Thorn. If you decide to surrender the city now, I will make you its mayor. I will abolish the ruling council and I will put you in their place."

Adam made that split decision after reading Randal's behaviour.

"Of course, for me to ease my mind and to feel secure in this city, I will kill the other leaders to prevent any problems in the future. This should put all the power in one person, which is you. All i want is your loyalty Mr. Thorn."

Adam can see the sparkle of light in Randal's eyes. He knew his offer is being considered heavily.

"If I accept this offer, what do you demand from me after My Lord?"

"Nothing much, I just demand your complete loyalty. I just like to live in peace. I will let you govern it however you want. I will simply be in the background. I reserve the right to veto rules if I think it's not good for me though. You also need to remember that I will be the owner of the city and everything in it. I can take anything or anyone I want, when and if I want them. Don't interfere with my life."

Thorn is ambitious; he didn't become one of the ruling council if he is just idle. It's also not a secret that each member of the council is secretly fighting each other for territory and profit. Eliminating the other four factions will make him control all their assets.

The offer is very tempting indeed.