Pheonix City

Thorn literally gave him the keys to the city.

It looks like a small crystal card. It can open any gate, door or any building inside the city.

Adam stopped in front of a giant space vehicle launch platform. He marvelled at it for a while. He looked at the girls with questions on his eyes.


Phoenix city was built as a lunch platform for space shuttles before the zombie outbreak.

It's one of the many cities around the world that were built to launch materials and supplies up towards the international space stations.

After the zombie outbreak went out of control the only remaining real safe zones are the five space stations in earth's orbit.

When the big shots in the governments around the world realized that everyone on earth's surface is doomed, they started clamouring to take over the five stations above.

It started a war between those who still have power and resources to claim those stations.

The first two stations were small, they are the very first space stations brought up to space.

The oldest one was just a few of tiny modules attached to each other by a hatch and some solar panels for power.

The second oldest isn't much better, just a bit bigger that the first and this one was the first station build through international cooperation.

After the first two, the international space community pulled all their research together and finally created man's pride in space. Three mega stations were built through international cooperation.

They are three huge cities in space. They are in geo synchronous orbit on top of the three major super powers at that time. North America, North Africa and Central Asia.

During the war for survival, the heavy fighting caused all the three giant stations to die.

The first to fall was the African station. The President of Zimbabwe took his family and occupied the station on top of their city. He brought all his wives and children.

He also took all of his generals and around ten thousand fully equipped soldiers.

They took over the station and killed all the male then captured and raped all the females. The other western government first condemned them then threaten them if they don't relinquish the control.

The Zimbabwean President laughed at their faces and threatens them in return. He said that he would rather crash the half kilometre long space station on one of their cities than to surrender it to them.

The American government took the threat seriously and launched a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the African space station.

The nuclear blast and the explosion of the fusion reactor power plant inside the space station knocked the station out of its orbit and started to slide down the atmosphere.

It took the European Union a few hours to realize that the derelict station and millions of debris will crash on their soil.

The remaining people who struggle to survive in Europe watched and a huge metal fireball streaked from the sky.

It crashed somewhere in Spain. It caused massive explosion and earth quakes in the area. It also caused a very high concentration of radioactive cloud in the area.

Since the Asian Government have close ties with the communist part in Africa and since they are already at odds with the Americans, they took the opportunity to seize control of the other remaining giant station. They sent all the remaining military assents to invade North America.

Americans and Asians fought each other right beside zombies.

It brought the two continents in further chaos.

While the ground forces of both Governments fought on the surface, The Peoples Space Army sent a few dozen shuttles into space in attempt to take advantage of the Americans distraction.

The clandestine attack failed miserably. The two small stations can't sustain the damage it suffered and exploded. The attack on the American Space station faired a bit better at first.

The Americans were able to mount a solid defence, which prevented any of the shuttles from docking.

However, seeing that their attack has failed, The Chinese space commander gave the orders to destroy the American station.

Their logic is that, since the people on the surface are doomed, whoever has the last possessor of a working apace station will be the one who will remain alive.

If they destroy the American station, Even if they failed to conquer the surface, everyone there will eventually die. Leaving them as the only people remaining living on earth.

Three of the shuttles have special cargoes in their bay. Even if they can't dock into the space station, they can still trigger the bombs right at the stations hull.

After two of the shuttles exploded the super structure of the station finally cracked. The Fusion Power plant imploded and caused the space station to drift outwards. Its trajectory happens to land on the moon.

The last giant station stayed in orbit long after all the government on earth seize to exist. It really becomes the only safe zone on earth.

However a few years before Adam got transferred to this world, a power struggle happened inside the station. The new generation did not like how their leader runs their life.

A small group fought with their leaders to the death. However they were easily crushed by the army that guard the station. One of those who were rebelling is a son of an engineer. That engineer happens to be the one who handles the maintenance of the Fusion Power Plant. In his grief he set the Fusion Reactor to overheat and self-destruct.

Most of people inside the station were sleeping when it happened. The remaining simply got burned alive and perished when the stations hull cracked.


All those information and history was told by the girls when they took a stroll in the Phoenix city.