Where is my slave?

Adam finally had enough. He's been waiting for some news about Eve and her where about for a month now and he's getting are partial and incomplete reports.

He initially learned that one of the minor slave traders by the name of Garum was tasked by one of the former council leaders to send Eve to the Sun God territory as a truce offering.

From what they found out, it was made behind the council's back. It was apparently done to divert the Sun God's war effort from that council member's turf to the other Red Sun council's territories.

Due to the nature of Red Sun's business and their penchant for targeting the young and pretty ladies in the Sun God's lands, the two major factions got into a minor but on going war. They won't allow their people to go into a full blown war due to the threat of the third faction in this land, the Mafia.

If The Sun Gods and the Red Skulls situation degrade into a full blown killing spree, whoever wins will have to face the full power of the Mafia.

Although the Mafia is currently engage in a territorial battle with the mutated humans, their overall power is a bit stronger than the other two.

However, that estimation didn't include Adam yet. With his toys he can easily tip the scales into his favor.


"Where is my slave Mr. Thorn?"

"My Lord, we found a lead regarding your slave. The daughter of the former councillor Xavier confessed."

"She confirmed that it was her father who ordered Garum to deliver a Ginny (Derogatory term for a Genesis clone) to a Sun God Frontier General named Lad along with ten thousand credits as payment."

"She told us that the agreement is for the Sun God General to divert his focus to another town controlled by Sebastian, one of the other council members that were killed by you, my Lord."

Adam paced inside his new office. It's the first time that he's using the room in his new mansion. Currently he is deep in thoughts and listening to Thorn's report.

"Do we know the where about of that General?"

"Unfortunately, we don't know his exact location or even his current base of operation."

"Ever since the purge, I ordered all our military forces to return to base. It was necessary for us to do it, it done so that we can eliminate all soldiers who are still loyal to their old masters."

"That's okay Mr. Thorn. What you did is for the best."

He scratched his chin for a bit. Having made his decision, He gave a sinister smile then asked Thorn.

"Tell me Mr. Thorn, if I want to use one of my missiles to get their attention, which of their town is the best to burn?"

Thorn was initially shocked hearing Adam's question. However, knowing exactly what his Lord is asking him he gave a name and then pointed on a spot on the old printed map Adam's office wall.

"Alright! Send a messenger to the Sun God. Tell them that I will be bombing that town and will be turning it into rubble. How long will it take for a messenger to get there?"

"A week should be more than enough time my Lord."

"Hmm. That's too long."

He pointed towards the Gunship that's parked outside.

"Send your messenger to me. I'll get my Gunship to bring him safely a few miles from their base. He can just walk back after his task."

Adam said with a smiling face.

"Oh! Bring that Xavier's daughter to me, I heard she's pretty. I'm bored; I want to play with her for a bit."