
The loud bang of the gun firing made everyone in the throne room jump.

Most of this people lived a pampered life. Majority of them haven't gone out of the sheltered Holy City before and have no experience of the violence that normally happens outside the city walls.

Benjamin have a smug grin on his face, he's expected the young man to fall dead any second. He can clearly see the blood that's spreading in the middle of Adam's chest.

However the arrogant look on Adam's face did not falter. He didn't even make any reaction when the bullet hits his back.

"Now that's rude. You just ruined a perfectly good shirt."

Adam then casually took of the ruined shirt. He then used it to wipe the smeared blood on his chest.

Everyone is shocked to see that Adam's chest is smooth and there is no indication of any bullet wound at all.

He flipped his hand took another shirt from his storage window.

Everyone watched as he took his time getting it on.

"A.I., kill every armed person in this room now. I have to lose another shirt."

Out of nowhere, all the windows in the Throne room shattered and some weird disks and balls came flying in.

All of a sudden the heads of the guards standing inside the room exploded. The commander who gave the command was peppered with bullets from two attack drones.

There were a few other guys who were gunned down by the attack drones since they too were carrying weapons.

A loud alarm suddenly started blaring outside.

The door to the throne room burst open and a dozen heavily armed and fully armored guards came in.

Before they can even take position inside, a huge humanoid metal thing appeared and Adam went in it.

The area around the armor suddenly shimmered, some light and formed a transparent shield.

The guards poured tons of bullets towards the Armor but it didn't even break the shield barrier.

Then their nightmare became real when the huge armor started moving. The weapon strapped on its arms started firing at the guards who just came in.

The heavy laser mowed them and cut their bodies like a hot knife cutting through butter. Their armor is useless and didn't even stop any laser from going through their bodies.

After he took care of all the guards he saw that a bigger group of armed guards are running through the hall outside the door.

He fired the shoulder mounted main gun through the door and watched as the huge hall outside turned into chaos as rubbles and debris flew everywhere.

It also made the domed ceiling in that hall to completely collapse blocking further reinforcements.

Everyone in the throne room is scared shitless. Their face ashen, some guys even have wet spots in front of their pants and a lot of girls have fainted when the head of the first guard exploded.

Benjamin prides himself to be above all human beings. Due to several generations of mental conditioning, the Rulers of the Red Sun now believed themselves to have transcended humanity and are now close to a God.

However, the person in front of him now is the manifestation of their religions greatest nemesis.

The Demon.