
After learning about the controls and the other functions of the new toy, he used the control panel for the Frigate to use its transportation beam to get him and the girls aboard the ship.

They were immediately transported to the ships bridge.

The place is pretty Spartan. There's just a captain's chair in the middle and that's it.

Adam sat on the captains command chair and a series of holographic windows suddenly appeared in front of him. It gave him the overall status and readiness of the ships weapons and power.

After he took command and activated the ship, all functions rapidly went to ready mode.

Outside the ship all the people who were watching suddenly see a spherical bubble appeared around the ship. Adam apparently activated the battle mode which activated all weapons and defences.

The ship suddenly accelerated towards the north of the city. From the on looters perspective the ship suddenly just became a line of white light and disappeared.

In just a few minutes, the Frigate reached the Mafia's oil rig.

He watched as the people in the platform panicked and started arming themselves.

Adam simply set the Ship to hover a short distance from the nearest parked boat on the sea surface.

Adam used the ships transportation beam to beam him and the girls down to the platform.

A visibly perplexed Mafia Godfather was looking at the new arrivals. He shook his head for a bit before walking towards them with a new smile.

"You my friend are full of surprises. Where the hell did you get that thing and why didn't you have that when we needed it."

He said it smiling but Adam can clearly see his loss.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gambino; this is just a new acquisition. I only got it for less than an hour. I came here to see how fast it can fly; we left the Phoenix city around fifteen minutes ago."

The old man was surprised. That more that's a few thousand miles of travel and that big thing only taken fifteen minutes to get here.

All of a sudden, a thick blond mane comes shooting out of the back of the other onlookers and slammed into Adam.

"Mi Amore! You came back."

Astoria shrieked with joy. She's trying to smother Adam's face with kisses.

The four girls with Adam smiled with knowing looks.

The Godfather watched the other four beautiful girls who came with Adam. He knew three of them. The evil twins sisters from the Red Skulls and the white princess of the Sun God.

He shook his head because he knew that the group already have a fifth member with his granddaughter.

"Little Ria, let Mr. Black breath for bit. If you keep that up he might die due to lack of air"

Mr. Gambino said laughing.

"Besides these pretty ladies might have something to say about you taking their man."

Astoria immediately stopped and turned her eyes towards the other ladies.

Eve stepped forward and smiled at her.

"Welcome to our family, sister."

Astoria leaped towards the girls and they went and have a big girly group hug.

While the girls are talking and occasionally giggling, Adam offered Mr. Gambino a ride. He still wants to test fire his ships new weapons.

He gathered the girls and along with the Godfather and Lorenzo they beamed back towards the waiting ship.


Having better knowledge of the area, the Godfather used Adam's areal map to point out an abandoned shipyard a few miles down the coast.

It only took the Frigate a minute to glide over the target location.

Adam initiated the secondary weapons to target one of the big warehouses.

They watched as the two turrets started firing rapid shot of laser towards the building. In mere seconds, hundreds of angry red laser beams lances towards the warehouse turning it into a pile of metal junk in a blink of an eye.

He then activated the main weapon and targeted one of the huge metal oil tanker ships who are sitting on a dry dock.

The explosion that the plasma created completely disintegrated the whole ship. In its place is now replaced with a crater who is now rapidly being filled with sea water.


While Adam is having fun with his new toy, a few thousand miles away in the Sun God's holy city.

Benjamin along with the remaining arch bishops are hiding inside the Cathedrals underground bunker.

The lights already went out an hour ago and they can hear the explosions outside their bunker door getting louder and louder

All their forces are now gone. They were no match for the mutants.

Now, the mutants are outside the bunker door and using explosives to breach the door.

He knew that with the amount of constant explosives that they're doing, the door won't last the night.