Death Row Gang

The removal of the zombies and the mutants in Adam's territories caused unforeseen consequences.

The loss of the two major factions in the area also showed its effects.

The world is still primarily in a post-apocalyptic environment.

The three factions maintain their area with their own army. Not only are they using their soldiers to kill zombies and protect their bases, they also use them to keep other people from messing with their territory.

The loss of those patrolling soldiers gradually gains a lot of attentions from others.

There are simply a lot of other groups out there that wish to take advantage of other people or get more power.

After not encountering any resistance or any patrol from the border, some groups started venturing further into the area.

One such group is called the Death Row Gang; they have a similar slave trade business as the previous Red Skulls.

Led by their leader, Max Voinovich, they entered the area that was once ruled by the Sun Gods.

This group loves to raid the Sun God's area due to its weaker army response compared to the other two factions in the area. Also the number of the pretty girls that they have is a lot more that the other two.

When they reached the first city and saw that it was abandoned they started occupying and fortifying it for themselves. They saw a lot of blood and dead people, but it's not out of the ordinary considering that they are all living in hell now.

They just assumed that the city was attacked by zombies and was abandoned.

The Death Row Gang is more of a marauder group. They travel and attack other factions to take slaves and sell the slaves to other cities.

Their group is not big enough or strong enough to previously hold or take such a large city. However, since the Sun Gods apparently don't want this city anymore, they feel like taking it for themselves.

A few weeks after, Max sent another group to venture further into the Sun God's territory. A messenger came back a few days later reporting that a few more cities are similarly abandoned. He was also told that similar bloodshed has been observed in those cities as well.

Since those cities are a lot closer to the Sun Gods Main city, Max didn't want to take a risk and take those areas too. He sent a few people to those locations and asked them to stay hidden and let him know when the Sun Gods retake them.

Out of curiosity, he asked one of his closest commanders to bring a team and stealthily approach the Sun God's Holy city and see if they can get any information there.

He was thoroughly shocked when they came back saying that the Holy City is in ruins.


A few weeks later, Max is leading a large group to occupy the biggest city in Sub God's territory.

He figured that since the Sun God's people are already gone, then he will take the city for himself rather that have other people discover it later and take it away.

In front of the city gates, they were met by the people he sent earlier to scout the city.

They reported that the other major city around the capital is also similarly abandoned and no other forces are occupying them.

Satisfied that there are no immediate threat to them being here, he was about to order them to occupy the city and secure it for the Death Row Gang's use.

However, before his people could enter the city gates a persona suddenly walked out and blocked their path.


A few months ago.

Alice informed Adam about the other humans who are moving into the Red Skull's territory.

She showed him that the same is happening to the other two faction's territory.

He simply informed the God father and Thorn about the issue and let them take care of if however they want.

As far as Adam is concerned he doesn't really care about the actions of these people. As for the previous leaders of those territories, they might have other opinions or plans about such intrusions.

Adam didn't interfere when the Godfather and Thorn along with a few other commanders who previous belong to their factions, used their own ships and on board ground forces to rescue their boarders.

For the Sun God's territory, he told Niome about it one night.

However, even though she was already past her grief, she is still not comfortable dealing with her previous home.

Eventually, she told him that since the remaining Sun God's people are now living in the islands, she does not really care anymore if other people took shelter in them.

Every once in a while, Alice would give Niome reports regarding the activities in her father's territory.


Yesterday, Alice informed Niome that the group who occupied the City of Hela in the northern part of the Sun God's area is now apparently gearing towards occupying the Holy city as well.

Niome was in a quandary, she is going through conflicting emotions. She can't decide whether she should intervene or not.

In the end, she decided to not give the Holy City to other people. It is the most sacred place for her people, whether they occupy it or not.

In the future if the new generation of Sun God's decide to renew their faith, then they can simply go back.


Max saw a girl, no more that sixteen years old standing peacefully and acts as if she's there to block the gate.

The girl in front of them is so pretty and innocent; she is wearing a cute yellow sundress.

Being a slaver group, of course the people behind max suddenly have lecherous eyes.

Suddenly a small and dainty voice rang out.

"Please leave the city; I'll give you permission to occupy the other cities that we abandoned, but not this one. Anyone who enters the Holy City from now on, without my permission will be killed."


Max was taken aback, forgetting anything else and focusing on the fact that the person in front on him just a little girl.

A girl just ordered him and even to the extent of threating him.

His vision clouded with rage as he spat out a scathing reply.

"I don't know who sent you here little girl, but one thing is for sure. I'll be enjoying your little body for the next new weeks."

He turned towards his people.

"Take that pretty ass to my personal cage. I don't want anyone of you piece of shits touching her before I do."

Six men from his group started running towards Niome.

The moment the first guy tried to grab her arms though; Max and his gang suddenly heard an agonizing scream. Then the guy who tried to grab the girl all of a sudden fell down and his head rolled away from his lifeless body.

The other five guys, who were ordered to take her, died the next instant. Some have their body cut in half from head to crotch, some was halved though the navel. But every single one of the six guys that Max sent over died before they can touch the girl.


Niome is surprisingly calm after killing humans for the first time.

"I'll say this as my final warning. Leave this place now and never set foot within a thousand yards from this city again. Anyone who is still standing inside this area after an hour will all be killed."

In the next instant she suddenly disappeared.


Being a headstrong individual, Max didn't take the threat that seriously.

He ordered his people to enter the city and secure their fortifications.

It's clear that the girl is from the Sun God's faction from the way she spoke.

So Max is expecting a possible attack from the remaining Sun God people.

He was very confident that the Sun God Faction is already gone, and whatever force they might still have is a far outcry from the army that they once have.

Logically speaking, if the Sun Gods still wields power, then they should have stopped him and his people long ago.


An hour after Niome disappeared.

The people from Max's group suddenly saw a dozen big shadows appear in the sky.

They were gobsmacked about the ship's sizes.

A bunch of smaller ships started zipping out of the huge ships in high speed.

The gunships flew a few circles around the city then all hell broke loose when they started raining down laser fire towards Max's people.

Then huge metal boxes started dropping in the middle of the streets, and a huge as tank came out of them adding to the chaos.

Max was watching all this from his mansion. This house was supposed to be where the Pope and his family used to live.

A loud crash was heard from the gates then he saw a dozen black robotic creatures rushed in and slaughtered his security people.


Niome watched all this from ten thousand feet above the city.

Her Destroyer is floating there observing the whole thing.

In a span on ten minutes, The Sun God Princess cleanses the Holy City with the blood of the sinners.