Lets say "Hi" to our guest

Due to the current planetary positions, Adam's forces are conveniently hidden from earth.

The sun is in between earth and Pluto, making it the biggest cover in history.

When it was decided that they should hide, Adam dematerialized all of his presence on earth.

The only thing that remains there are his orbital drones and the basic spy drones he has on the ground.

Alice assured him that these drones are fully capable of hiding themselves from any detection.


Since they have been discovered already, Adam decided to take that scout ship out as fast as possible.

While they are still inside the Hades' battle room, Adam activated Zeus.

The weapons platform is currently orbiting Charon.

One of the things that Adam is testing out in space is the new capabilities that Alice made to Zeus and Thor.

The abundance of flying rocks in this area has given Adam some ideas. When he runs them with Alice, she readily accepted the challenge.

For the past few months, hundreds of gunships have been gathering small asteroids and storing them on the other four of the smaller moons of Pluto.

Alice have created a Translocator chamber on it and created a link to the Zeus weapons platform.

Basically, on top of the mega solar laser as its primary weapon, Alice has created a secondary weapon on its platform.

She developed a Railgun system that can accelerate a three ton rock to the speed of sound.

When the rock exits the barrel, it enters a Translocator portal.

Adam can then choose the location and the direction where the rock is going to appear.

What you'll get is a weapons system that can fire a three ton rock at the speed of sound to anywhere in the world. The enemy have no way of predicting or anticipating it. The scary part is that Adam can even make the rock appear right inside the target.

As for Thor, well they simply added the translocation module on the Thor launching platform.

Adam's bunker is also in Charon. The Thor system is currently attached to it.


The scout ship commander has been sending reports since it arrived.

Its latest report about the islands inhabitants have even made the Herald talk to him personally.

The fleet is on its way.

Traveling through dimension is a tricky business. One wrong calculation can make you end up somewhere you don't like to be. Especially if you're moving a large group through the hole, one must be very careful.

The whole fleet will take time to get here but the Herald did sent a vanguard for the fleet.

The Herald's flagship will be the leading tip for the Vanguard force. However, the Herald won't be in it.

He is staying at home for now, anticipating the arrival of their king.


Unlike the majority of the ships in the Armada, the scout ships are equipped with better sensors.

It took them a while but eventually, the ships on board sensors have detected a big group of humans located underground. It's only a small fraction of the entire population of the islands inhabitants but this group did not exist in that location before.

Therefore the anomaly must have introduced this technology here as well.

The commander barked a command to the navigation officer on deck.

They set a new course heading straight to that underground bunker.


The moment that the scout's new heading became clear, Adam's decision was basically made for him.

The enemy has a way to locate their hideouts, by this point he really has to attack.

"Well I guess hiding is over, let say hi to our guest."

A minute after the scout ship moved, a three ton asteroid made entirely of solid diamond was loaded to the Zeus. Two seconds later it was fired through the translocation gate.


Ten miles in the air, above the old ruins of the Los Angeles City, the scout ship suddenly crumpled like a tin can then burst into flames.

The debris rained down to the derelict buildings below.


Adam set the exit and trajectory of the diamond right where the scout ship is passing through. It appeared right inside the ship's defensive shield, almost touching the tip of the front hull. Its direction is the exact opposite of where the ship is heading.

With the scout ship's speed combined with the rocks speed of sound. The force of the impact is so staggering that the ships super structure simply crumpled from the immense pressure.