
"Player level up!"

"Congratulations 4 skill points awarded."

Skill: "Cruiser"

Level: 1

Summon and command a permanent autonomous Cruiser. Each Cruiser summoned will give additional units to the "Destroyer" skill (Max unit +2). Ship specializes on engaging other capital ships. Ship is equipped with point defence system and a heavy particle shield. Ship is capable of traveling outside earth's atmosphere. Can set unit to self-destruct.

Main weapon: (1) Black Matter Singularity Bomb

Secondary weapon: (16) Turret mounted M4 Heavy Plasma cannon.

Defensive weapons. (20) M2 Gutling Coil Gun.

Max Range: 5000 miles

Max unit: 2

Cooldown: 1 hour

Adam immediately maxes out the skill with the four new skill points that he gained, making the total Cruiser to ten.

Adam also summoned one to see its features.

The Frigates are a hundred meters long and the Destroyers are a hundred and fifty meters. They are considered big but the Cruisers put them both to shame.

The Cruiser is about five hundred meters long. It has a lot more weapons compared to the previous ships.

The Excalibur is around one thousand meters long. That ship is colossal and can fit a lot of people and units.

The Cruiser is the second largest ship in his navy. At five hundred meters long, it's got a lot more firepower compared the previous two classes. However its armor is a bit lacking for its size.

Technically the Destroyer class has a thicker armor but the Cruiser still have a better safety margin though, its particle shield have triple redundancy power and can take a lot of damage before it collapse. It gives the personnel inside enough time to escape before the ship is completely lost.

The girls are quite familiar with Adam's level progressions by now. It didn't take them long to take dibs on five of the new ships he summoned.

They redistributed the new units amongst the six battle groups.

Adam's Battle Group

(1) Excalibur

(10) Cruiser

(45) Destroyer

(370) Frigates

(3115) Valkyrie

(3115) Gunship

(6230) Rhino Tank

(6230) Black Widow

(6230) Spider Tank

(31120) Sentinel

(31120) Juggernaut

(31120) Battle Robot

Girls' Battle Group

(2) Cruiser

(25) Destroyer

(200) Frigates

(2500) Valkyrie

(2500) Gunship

(5000) Rhino Tank

(5000) Black Widow

(5000) Spider Tank

(25000) Sentinel

(25000) Juggernaut

(25000) Battle Robot

That makes Adam's battle group more than a hundred thousand units strong and the girls are almost a hundred thousand each. Adam's entire force now consists of more than five hundred thousand units.

With the addition of the Cruiser Class ships, their forces have expanded tremendously again. With the Excalibur and the WarGod capability to multiply his forces, each capital ship that's added to his forces can greatly increase his combat power.


At the same spot where the Scout ship originally appeared, multiple static charges suddenly burst from multiple spots.

The sky suddenly went black and the ground is covered by dozens of gigantic shadows.

A hundred ships suddenly materialized. The smallest vessel on this fleet is around two hundred meters long and most are between five hundred to a thousand meters long. In the middle of the fleet, a huge pyramid like mega ship is hovering.

Surrounding these large ships are thousands upon thousands of smaller fast attack ships zooming and in and around the fleet.

The Vanguard fleet has arrived.