Inside the Hornet's Nest

His forces are still maintaining its original orbit above Earth's atmosphere, when the Empires massive fleet made their move.

More than fifteen thousand gigantic ships are slowly approaching his location.

The biggest ship is at least three miles long. Alice is using one of the big panel monitors in the command room to show them a zoom in image of the big ship.

The massive ship is currently spitting out thousands upon thousands of smaller fighter planes around it.

From the approaching fleet more that couple of thousand more other big ships are releasing their ships as well.

Looking at them from this distance, it looks like an asteroid group is approaching Earth.

With the biggest ship in the middle, all the other ship in its fleet is slowly rotating around with it as their center. It's like they're in a very complex and well-coordinated dance designed to mesmerize and intimidate their opponent.

If one is being honest with themselves, they will admit that the deadly force that is approaching them is a very beautiful sight to see.


Due to the great distance between the two forces, it took the Armada more than three hours to get Adam's forces within their extreme range.

When the approaching ships reached two hundred thousand mile distance from Adam's fleet, he finally gave the order to start their own move.

All of the capital ships under Adam's personal fleet slowly break formation and moved a few miles ahead of the group.

Under the watchful eyes of the enemies the group, Adam's personal fleet, the same ships that moved forward suddenly vanished.


The Tyrant is a three mile long behemoth. It is one of the hundreds of Dominator class that the Empire has made. They were created to show the Empire's might and power over all the people in their dominion.

The Dominator class is designed to be the flagship and the core of all of the Empire's trans-dimensional fleet.

It is equipped with the dimensional wormhole generator, and it is the reason why such a large force can coordinate its exit point and vector so precisely.

Its primary role in the battlefield is being the command ship and the main fighter craft carrier.


On board the Tyrant, Admiral Theodore Saint Pierre is watching the enemy forces above Earth: Z32-T7651.

When he was given the order to cleanse this sector due to some possible technological emergent, he thought it would be just another cleansing routine.

Being one of the Admirals who command these kinds of staggering amount of power, he saw hundreds of Earths already succumb to the Empire's rule during his command.

This is not the first time that he encountered resistance during a clean-up; in fact it is his secret wish that the enemy will pose some sort of resistance. Having mobilized such a huge force would have been waste.

As they slowly approach the enemy fleet, we were able to study and admire their numbers.

From their long range scans, they were able to determine that the enemy have around three thousand five hundred capital ships.

However, even if such a force is considered a massive compared to some of the Earths that they've already conquered, in front of his Armada that amount would still be considered insignificant.

From this distance, they can only rely on their visual scan at the moment; however Admiral Theodore is already greedily eyeing some of the bigger ships in Adam's fleet. He can't to see if his fleet can learn some new technology once this battle is finished.

His XO interrupted his mussing and informed him that the enemy fleet just entered the Armada's scanner range.

He was still in the process of giving the XO his new orders when the radar specialist informed them that there are some movements from the enemy fleet.

When he saw that half of the enemy fleet was ordered to move forwards, he felt a bit disappointed; he is logging the action in his computer and declares this campaign a victory already.

That move was clearly made to let the enemy leaders escape by using half their force as a screen.

Admiral Theodore is about to stand up and congratulate him of this new victory when the force that was supposed to act as a screen to protect the rest of the enemy fleet suddenly vanished.


When Adam gave the signal to commence battle, everybody knows their roles and their responsibilities.

A second after the Adam's group disappeared, they suddenly materialized back into the battlefield.

Right inside the enemy fleet formation, the surprise move achieved its desired effect of momentarily stunning the enemy.

Leading this crazy bunch of ships is Adam's flagship, The Excalibur. When they arrived every single one of Adam's ships started firing point blank shots.

They are all firing their beam weapons and they seem to have some excellent effects against the enemy fleet.

The moment that the first enemy ship exploded, chaos in the battlefield erupted.