The Bee Keepers

Current Acting Commander of the Red Admiral's EVE cruiser: Lieutenant Commander Ritz Azul.

She is the ship's XO, when Eve is in command but the Admiral is currently busy and cannot command her ship. Hence the command was squarely put on Ritz's tiny shoulders.

Ritz loves working for the Red Admiral, she can do whatever the fuck she wants as long as she doesn't go beyond the line.

She and everybody in this ship definitely know where the line is drawn. Just don't do anything that can hurt Adam or anyone he loves period.

She knows just how vicious the Red Admiral can get. She once watched as Eve dragged a grown ass man from the bridge to the ships hanger and jettisoned the guy out to space because he tried to imply that he is better than Adam in bed. She didn't like anyone bad mouthing Adam in any way so she smiled her sweet smile before she sentences him to death.

The guy is a son of a former Sun God Mayor. He was supposed to assist Eve in learning diplomacy. When he should have been trained better diplomacy first from the looks of it.

And NO, Ritz did not see any signs of remorse on Eve's eyes as well after the guy died in zero pressure.


Ritz along with every female in this ship has the same origins as Eve, they were all produced and manufactured inside a lab in one of Red Skull's cloning facility. They were created to fulfil every man's wet dream. Their curves and their face were painstakingly sculpted to perfection.


She was tasked to command this fleet and see if they can still capture the fighter planes that went towards this direction.

When the enemy started launching their fighter planes, their fleet was asked to reposition towards an area where the space at their back has no obstructions or any planets to block the fighter plane's path.

This is done in the hopes that they can retrieve such valuable resources if possible.


They were able to finally catch up to the massive fighter plane group on their sixth micro jump.

The fighters were able to travel over a million miles from the original battleground.

Now the slow task of hacking and establishing links to each individual fighter planes will start.

Considering that Commander Ritz only have about three hundred capital ships in her fleet and they are chasing more than a millions fighter planes. This job is going to take a while to finish.


In for different galactic directions. Similar occurrences are happening.

The four of the girl's fleet were temporarily turned over to their respective XO to conduct the retrieval.


The last fleet, Astoria's fleet is similarly commanded by her XO and they were tasked to station themselves in the direction where Admiral Theodore's fleet is heading.

During the last hour, after they crippled the enemy flagships booster and after Adam keeps destroying their ships every few minutes.

Some of their smaller and faster capital ships succumbed to their basic instincts to survive. While facing the threat of Court Martial, they disobeyed their direct orders and broke off from Theodore's flagship and raced towards space to get free from Earth's gravity well.

Unfortunately for them, the moment they are almost to the limit of Earth's gravity, Astoria's fleet showed up and started picking their smaller ships one by one.


Back inside Adam's flagship the Excalibur:

That naked Metallic body again. How the hell does she make it so fucking realistic.

"Adam, our forces are now set. We're ready and waiting for your go signal."

He used the ship's internal transporter to be beamed into the hanger bay.

Looking at all the forces gathered here, Adam activated his Nano Battle skin.