
(A year after Admiral Theodore's defeat.)

A newly created city stood magnificently.

It was erected on top of the ruins of the Phoenix City. It's a tribute to the people who risk their lives to protect others. Adam named the city Prontera in reference to a game he once loved.

In the middle of the city stood the mighty symbol of Adam's power, a huge fortress fit for a Galactic Empire. The structure stands at almost five thousand feet tall and spans around ten miles in all direction. Prontera city was built around the Fortress and the city's outer wall reached fifty miles in all direction.

Virtually all of Adam's people are immortal and does not require food or sustenance to live. Every last one of them has his Nano Bots inside them.

Every last one of them is loyal to the core of their being.

They are free to pursue any activity that they wish.

Some of them still wish to serve in Adam's military. Most of them pursue other profession. Semblances of civilization slowly formed and not long after that the once devastated planet become more advance and a lot more civilized that it once was.


Adam is standing outside the northern gate of the city.

He and the girls are trying to decide where to place the three mile long Dominator class ship. It was Admiral Theodore's flagship, The Tyrant.

The girls asked Alice to strip all of its components and weapons to use it as huge monument for their first victory.

While listening to the girls decides the best place, he remembered when he started the construction of the city.

It was only two weeks ago when he instructed the Lego box to build him a new city here. He just gave it free reign on the specifics. He just told it to make sure that the city can accommodate his people and he wish to make this place his home.

In all honesty, with all the things he was occupied in and the constant attacks from the Empire, he somehow didn't pay it much attention.

He was obviously surprised when Alice informed him a week later that his city is completed and his fortress will be done in another three more days.

When he saw the new city and its scale, he was honestly gob smacked.

He immediately let all the heads of the various groups of his people know about their new home.

He also extended his hands and offered the other groups around the world to move into his new city. The only condition is for them to acknowledge his rule and to take a little vaccine shot for "immunity".

Alice did report that almost 90% of all known sentient beings in the planet accepted his help and was injected with his Nano Bots.

He is pleasantly surprised on some of the race that he now sees walking around Prontera now a day. Those elf girls really look delicious, and those Forest Nymphs, mouth-watering.

The rest simply prefer to live in seclusion or is simply not suitable to live on land. Like the merpeople of the Bermuda triangle, they can't live above water. However, their king did agree to establish a pact with Adam.

(Author's note: This story happened before chapter 85 timeline. I needed to add this in so that some of the future info and story line won't be confusing. Next chapter will be the same.)