A Challenge

Adam didn't plan to have any contact with this world's rulers.

The last time that happened, he ended up blowing the whole planet due to his anger.

When the invitation was given, he flat out said "No!". He did try to explain that his group is just a bunch of travelers passing through the land and they don't wish any trouble and have no intentions of causing one.

Galahad in his splendid golden armor was surprised by Adam's reply and tried to tell him of the honor that he was being given by being invited to have diner with the King.

Adam still refused and gathered his group to leave.

Unfortunately, the knights that came along with the Hero thought that this move is an insult to their Hero and their King and decided to be tough and block the group's path. One knight even tried to grab Astoria who is one the lead.

In the next instant six heavily injured knights and one very surprised guy in Golden armor, stood in front of Adam's group. Everybody saw each of the girls flicker for a seconds and then all six knights flew in different directions.

Adam stood at the same spot looking nonchalantly at the guy in front of him.

"We have no intentions of making any troubles but we don't like to be pushed around as well. I suggest that you let us leave in peace, I don't think that you'll wish to escalate this further."

"I'm afraid its too late now. Since this incident happened within the capital of the Cavalon Kingdom, I cannot retain my honor as on of its Heroes if I let this transgression pass. As it is expected of my stature I have no choice but to issue a duel. You may choose your champion, I challenge you to the arena."

Galahad glanced at the girls thinking that they are his champions and bodyguards.

Adam is pissed off.

"I don't need anyone to kill you. I accept your challenge."

"Very well. We will meet tomorrow morning in the Heroes Arena. I hope you have a good night."

With that, Galahad turn around and walked out of the room.


When they were exploring the city, Adam and the girls were immersed with the different magical creatures and races that lives in this world. Aside from the Humans who resides in the city, there are also Elves, Dwarves, Avians and different forms of Beast men that do business here. All these races are somehow welcome in this city and Adam didn't see any indication of discord or conflict from their race.

They also encounter different fascinating magical creatures such as Giant Eagles and Griffins, humans in this world uses them as their main mode of transportation.

While exploring the city, Adam discovered that the city uses Wyverns as their military mounts.

He also discovered that Kingdoms don't rely on vast armies to fight their enemies. Regular soldiers in this world are here to simply keep the peace and order within the city.

In this world, the strength of a nation is measured by the power of its heroes. One powerful hero can wipeout a whole army of regular soldiers in a single fight.

International disputes are fought by their strongest heroes inside a neutral arena or out in the battlefield. Territories are gained or lost by fierce battles between these hero protectors.

A Kingdom can employ as many heroes as it can afford, but technically a nation only needs one very powerful hero to settle all of its fights. A Kingdom with a thousand heroes can loose a conflict if a single hero from another nation can beat all of them in a fight.


"Adam, should we just bomb this place just like what we did to that Dwarven city on the other Earth."

"No. I wish to experience what this world offers. I'm curious about their powerful heroes."