Third Hunter Priestess Lanara

Adam watched the girl skip down the steps. The bounce on her steps clearly shows her happiness for her very first win.

She stopped in front of Adam with an expectant look.

He sighed and gave in. He lifted his hands and patted her head affectionately.

She smiled brightly and skipped over to her fellow sisters.

A loud chime sounded and the Arena was enveloped in a golden light? A few seconds later the light dimmed 

The Arena issued a signal for the next Challenger to come up the stage.

Majestic horns are blown and green banners went up from another section of the crowd. It shows a symbol of a tree with deer antler encasing it. 

In the middle of the crowd a female elf wearing an elegant green gown stood up from her seat and raised her hand. Suddenly, thousands of butterflies erupted and flew up from the crowd.

A lithe figure with a hood pulled up walked predatorily towards the arena and jumped nimbly on top of the stage.

She held her hand above her head and the butterflies hovering above the crowd suddenly turned into green light particles and zoomed in and converged on the hooded female's hand.

The green light particles started solidifying and morphed into a green bow with shining glyphs on its body. The bow exudes a green aura that makes the bow look like it's surrounded by a green smoke.


From Adam's side, it seems like the girls have finally decided on who's turn is it next.

A happy squeal was followed by a girl jumping over and over, while the other girls morosely walked back to their seats beside Adam.


Eve walked a few feet away from her group and hefted a humongous hammer that's conspicuously buried inside a crater.  

A few hours earlier when they first arrived here, they were shown the booth where they'll be staying. 

Not wanting to keep lugging the cumbersome weapon with her she casually toss the hammer on the side.

She didn't realize that the simple action will cause such a big commotion when the thing made a big mess and buried one third or its head underground.

After lifting the weapon and resting it on her dainty shoulders as if it weighed nothing.

She casually jumped from the spot and landed a hundred feet on top of the stage


Eve watched the hooded figure in front of her.

The figure clearly shows a female form. She looked curiously towards the bow and was mesmerized by the swirling green smoke that surrounds it.

A few seconds later another chime sounded indicating that the match has officially started. 


The elf lifted the hood on top of her head and revealed a very beautiful face. She took off the robe covering her body that showed her very tones and athletic build.

Adam was not really surprised, with his super enhanced vision, he can see that all of the elves attending the event bore similar characteristics. 

Even the male ones.


The female elf looked towards Eve and stated:

"I am Lanara, Third Hunter Priestess of the Varsha Sect. I heed the summons to be the Queen's champion today to avenge my sister's death from your hands."

She then took out a small gold pendant and wore it on her neck

"With my sister's soul artifact as my guide, I will take your life today."