Beat Down

Pain and humiliation. that is such a foreign concept to a dominant warrior such as Turuk Baktul. But here he is sprawled faced up on the floor right in the middle of the arena.

Both his arms are gone, the bones on his left leg are crushed. His right eye is completely blind and his left one can barely see anything with all the blood. He has hundreds of deep cuts all over his body.

It was a totally one sided beat down.

The worst part of it all is that the human female was not even paying attention to his fight with the spider. She was facing her sisters in the audience and shouting some nonsense about who's going to take it up the ass later that night.


(Earlier during the fight)

He watched as the blade carved a thin line along his flesh from his hip to his lower chest, then the cut opened up exposing bones and flesh beneath.

The pain is excruciating but he bit his lip and rolled forward to break his fall.

He took a second to regain his balance and felt another slash across his back, eliciting another bout of overwhelming pain.

Being a warrior, Turuk Baktul is not averse to pain, in fact his body has long been accustomed to it. But the wound that the light saber blade is inflicting on his body somehow triggers all the pain receptors that he didn't even know he had.

He swiveled back and performed a back handed swing of his axe towards the spider but was met with one of its massive legs again. He felt a couple of slashes on his back then another leg kick him from the back forcing him to stumble forward.

He tried to regain his balance, but was interrupted by the pain coming from another set of slashes on his side.

His body awkwardly fell gracelessly to the ground. Then he felt another bout of slashes on his shoulders and chest.

He tried to pitifully roll on the ground desperately trying to avoid the attack but his body kept on accumulating more wounds instead.

Through his rage, he activated one of his life saving skills "Regeneration".

To his surprise, the wound that should have started mending, not only remained open but it elicited more pain instead.

Due to this unexpected surprise , he was not able to see the incoming lightsaber from behind. It was too late when he felt the blade going through the arm that's holding his axe, severing it cleanly.

This is the moment he knew he fucked up, he watched helplessly as his arm went flying off to the side. The pain that he felt is exponentially more excruciating that the wounds inflicted before. His mind almost went into a catatonic state if not for his rage status.

Through the haze, he saw another attack aimed towards his stomach. His mind went into auto pilot and grabbed the sheathed blade on his side. This time he was able to use the blade to intercept the incoming attack.

However, the blade didn't do much to stop the lightsaber. It went through the blade like a hot knife through butter.

The cut started over his left eye all the way down to his navel. Rendering his left eye completely blind.

Getting accustomed to the pain now, he jumped back to create distance only to find that the spider followed his step and was still on him like a glue.

He watched as one of the spider legs zoomed in to kick him from the side.

Through his desperation, he activated his racial trump card and started burning his life force to gain more power.

With it, he was able to use his remaining arm to block the incoming kick. However, the moment the spider's kick connected with his block it emitted a weird vibration. He then watched as his whole arm disintegrated right in front of him.

At this point, his mind completely shuts off and he falls down on his knees.

The spider moved closer and accidentally stepped on one of his legs shattering the bones inside.

This gave him enough to jolt him out of his catatonic state.

Weirdly enough, he was facing Nica when his mind came back. In his sorry state, he watch her banter stupidly with her sisters as to who's ass should Adam be fucking tonight.


Nica was happily arguing with her sister Maya when she received a ping from her toy. She named it Aragog after Adam mentioned that he likes watching a certain wizard boy from a certain magical school.

Aragog was just asking for her permission to kill the Orc.

She turned around and saw the sorry state that the massive Orc is in. She tilted her head as if asking "What are we doing here again?". She waved her hand as if to say yeah yeah whatever, just finish it so we can go.

The sound of the Orc's scream wafted through the arena for a few minutes before he finally completely quieted down for good.


Beatriz stood up after the Gong indicating Nica's victory sounded.

She faced Astoria and bowed her head, before looking at Adam.

"May I fight the next Hero, my lord? I would like to test out a new skill."

Through their little group, it seems that Astoria has started to emerge as their de facto leader. Adam has to admit that he is also relying on her more and more.

"Sure Bea, have fun and don't strain yourself." He said smiling warmly.

She gave a nod to Nica who just got back from her fight and walked towards the arena.