Wait! Thats it?

Beatriz watched in amazement as the man's peaceful face twisted and turned into someone possessed by a demon.

The people in the stadium watched as the monk disappeared and reappeared in front of the girl. Fist swinging in a massive arc towards the girls head.

Everyone watched in amazement when the monk's fist hit and a shockwave exploded with the two combatants in the middle.

Dust and debris flew from the center partially obscuring the two people in the ring.

A few seconds later people started to realize that there are still two people on top of the stage and the girl is surrounded by a blueish shield. She was able to stop the massive punch by erecting a bubble around her.

"You need to do better than that if you wish to fight me." She said nonchalantly.

The monk's eyes turned wide, he grabbed one of the floating beads around him and crushed it with his bare hands.

Everybody can clearly see his already bulging muscles become even more bigger.

He swung his arms back and with huge momentum he snapped it back intending to smash through Beatriz's shield.

The punch generated a much bigger shockwave and created a 10 meter crater on the stage.

"We were told that hero's are strong in this world, people who can single handedly obliterate a nation they say." She said amused

She looked straight at the monk's eyes. "We are greatly disappointed."

This enraged the monk even more and took another floating bead and crushed it as well. His body started to glow red as well as his body expanded even further.

Two massive arms came crashing down on the shield but it didn't even budge.

"This shield has enough power to survive a direct hit from a hundred Dominator Class ships of the empire. Your puny smacks are barely registering on my status." Beatriz continues to antagonize the monk.

She casually walked inside the shield until the bubble made contact to the Monk's body. She kept on walking lightly pushing the big body of the monk as if it was nothing.

The enraged monk has a bewildered look on his face. The moment the shield touched him, he started pushing it back, but even with all his might, the girl inside was pushing him back without any effort at all.

He jumped back and grabbed three beads in a row and crushed them all up. He screamed maniacally as his body started to tear and hot steam started to wake out of his skin. A few seconds later his body started to get engulfed in flames. His body also tripled in size.

With the new power, he started raining punches on the steadily walking shield.

Each of his hits are felt by the people outside the ring. The ground itself trembles each time a first hits the shield.

The Monk keeps getting pushed backwards until he realizes that they are now right smack in the middle of the stage.

In desperation, he took a quick glance towards his Sect leader and their three elders. He can see their grim expressions. Knowing what was at stake in this fight, he let go of his reservation and resigned his faith to death.

He grabbed all the remaining beads at once and crushed them. Each bead enhances his power by 4, it allows him to assimilate with the true enlightenment state. However this power is not something that a mere mortal can handle. his body's previous limit was 5 beads and it took his body over 2 years to recover.

He can definitely see the difference in their power, so he has no choice but to use their sects ultimate weapon to ensure their win.

He knows that using all 27 beads will result in his death. His body will not be able to handle the backlash of this power.

His body expanded further, almost reaching the ceiling of the arena. His skin turned into red magma. A golden circle appeared behind him with the 27 mantra symbols emblazoned around it.

2 horns burst above his head with a burning crown between them.


Beatriz watched in amazement as she observed the power level of her opponent kept rising.

She already knows that she's safe but still can't stop herself from getting the jitters after seeing the spectacular power play in front of her.


Having absorbed all the power beads, he knows that he does not have much time left. His body is currently unable to contain the massive power flowing through it.

He took a second to savor the overwhelming power in his body. With this much stored energy one punch is enough to obliterate the entire continent.

He made one last bow of respect towards his elders and dashed back towards his opponent.

He used his entire body to whip out and lashed a fist towards his target. Putting all his concentrated power into just one point of the shield. At the moment of impact he released all his strength.


The whole structure of the arena shook when the impact happened. Cracks on the pillar suddenly webbed outwards and a few walls crumbled from the indirect damage.

The shields around the spectators flickered a few times before it completely dissipated, allowing the shockwave from the stage to escape for a few seconds before a new barrier came to life.

A few of the people in the audience died from the extreme pressure. A few of them like Adam's group erected their own shield to avoid the damage.


In the middle of the stage, a proud figure stood triumphantly, he clearly felt the shield cracking during his attack.

The entire arena is still obscured by the smoke and debris, after the arena barrier came back on, it also trapped all the debris and smoke inside.

With all the ambient energy floating around due to his power punch. His senses are also unable to feel anything beyond visual range.


A few seconds later, he clearly heard a dainty voice in front of him.

"Wait! That's it?"