We got a note from principal office about what happened, i was expected it and I'm afraid that my Dad will found out what happened. Were graduating from senior high now and some of my teacher says it will indicate on our records, but I was more afraid about my friends because Hyorin only have a scholarship here and we have two gradings that we need to finished and they say that her scholarship was get a damage on it.

She comes from a poor family, she gets here and enrolled here coz of her scholarship she was a volleyball player and a libero in a team and she was really good on it she became a popular because they got always win and gave a medal and money for school. And if that scholarship well gone for her she will not graduate this year.

I didn't know what was happened that day, all i think was to help them and i didn't knew that Charlottes and her two friends get fractured and admit on hospital. They change the story of what really happened yesterday.

I don't know why i became like that, I'm not strong, actually I'm sick thats why i have my meds always with me, but yesterday it looks like i have a super power coz I'm strong, as far as i remember id only push her away from me but it looks like they got threw far from us. How can i do that, am i that strong? Even my friends was surprise on what happened yesterday , they cant believe that was happened to those bullies.

When i got back home id tell to my nanny about it and she was surprise on what i tell her. At first i was thinking she will laugh but when i see her face it looks like she was afraid or scared base on her reaction. And she only says that my dad needs to know on what happened.

I cant sleep on that night i was worried about what happened to those bullies and of corse about my friends, and suddenly i felt cold the winds blows inside in my room and as far as remember my nanny close it lately when she give my milk..

When i close it and turn around , i got surprised and about to scream when the handsome man put he's hand on my mouth. He stop me to scream and told me to better not to say anything. And she just click he's hand and i got passed out..

When i woke up i was in the same room that night, and i tell to myself i was dreaming again..

" Your awake now, let me help you to dress you up Queen Zia.." ..a pretty woman approach me and when she say helping me about my clothes, that was i only realise that I was nude! And what the hell she was talking about? she call me Queen?

" Wait! queen? Are you sure are you talking about me! Why did you call me Queen? And why I'm here? I was only in my room when suddenly .....someone come out from nowhere. Who are you? And wheres that man who abduct me again?

" let me help you to dress up first my Queen. And king Zydus was only meeting with the elders, he will accompany you any moment my Queen.." ..

I Really cant understand whats going on, if its a dream why it looks like a real happening, i tried to bite my hands but i felt pain so its real. Where on earth this place, and if its a dream why i was still here again on this castle...

And suddenly the door open and the handsome man was walking towards me and it looks like he was happy when he saw me wearing the dress that the woman gave me...

" you look good in that dress, i knew it will fit you and you were so gorgeous my lovely wife." The man hug me and he kiss my lips and i didn't understand why i cant say no to him, if its a dream i think i will took a chance lol, coz its only a dream.

Then he hold my hand..."whatever happens never let this ring take out to your finger okay? It was for your own good and protection as well, too many enemies will come to you and trying to kill you. Just say my name and i will come.. "

" wait, i didn't knew your name. And why the woman call me a Queen?" ...

" hahaha, silly, your my wife of course that is they call you Queen. And I am Zydus, i am their king that is why they call you my Queen. And I'm sorry for not saying my name , i know in human world, i am a bad boy but I'm not my Queen. What i did was wrong in human world. Ive abduct you and marry you without knowing my name. But believe me my Queen im not. "

At that night i met the relatives of so called my "husband" but i didn't met he's brother, according to him he's parents was pass away a long time ago, but all he's relatives looks so young, i was so shy to ask them what soap and skin care they used lol.

And at that night i experienced again to be a real woman i was ashamed to tell to my friends that i was not a virgin anymore and i have a handsome husband already, lol it was only a dream but i never forget he's kiss and when he enter on mine i feel pain but i ignore it coz i feel happy and cant explain the feeling when we two get into that finished line...

I never thought that dream will be my last dream about him, coz when i woke up at that day i was in my room and found out that i was absent again for two days..

After a week our parent call by the principal and need to go in school due on what happened that day and the three of us need to talk with the parents of that bully girls. Im afraid my dad will not come coz he was out of the country so far.

When we were at the principal office we met the parents of those bully girls, they look you get than i expected i remember my dream about the relatives of my "husband" lol..

They were looking at us preferably on me, Charlottes father was looking at me straight to my eyes i know he was was trying to look into my eyes and look at him also coz i don't want him to feel that I'm guilty about what happened to her daughter but he was the one who's looks not comfortable coz it looks he have a hard time and i saw that her wife holds he's hand like trying to stop him on something..

When they ask us about what happened Hyorin was the one who says everything on what happened that day. When they ask me about what happened i only say what i really do that ti,e but i think they wont believe that i do it alone unless i only covering what was really happened they were asking me who's with me who's helping me, because an ordinary people like me cant do that.

Charlottes father was stand up instantly on the chair, though her wife was trying to stop him, and i hear that her wife says not here...

And they looked at me as if they knew if i hear them, but yes i hear them, i hear what they talking about even they only whispering and talking too far from me.

When i was a child my dada says its a rare gift and no one can be known about it aside from him coz people wont believe in me and they will only think that I was crazy and making a story. I don't what happen coz when i was in grade school it looks like its gone when that accident happened on us with my dad when someone trying to kill us and where run away and someone following and bump on our car and we got into the cliff. And the bad guy wanted to make sure that were dead already they follow us even we are on cliff and wounded. I was scream too loud that day and pass out after when i woke up we were on a hospital and since then i never heard anything and my dad says its okay and it will be back in time where i am ready and can handle that gift.

Thats why even i was surprise when i hear them talking while we were still outside the principals office room , thats why i knew they were Charlottes family. When we come in the room, then until we got out in the room and my nanny talked to me that my dad will come back after a week and she will tell it to my father about what really happened coz i know eventually my dad will found out also even i hide it.

When I'm about to go back to my room i hear someone was coming fast and as a reflex doing my hand was automatically moving and in a flash move, i held someones arm and it was Charlottes father and surprised looking on my eyes.

" who the hell are you!..." Charlottes father said with a red eyes stunt looking at me, and he was more surprised and when he's eyes looking at my hands preferably on my ring, i cant say that there's nothing surprising about my ring coz its big it a big ruby gemstone in the centre of of it even my friends was fascinating on my ring due on that pink colour that turning into red blood when you look at it, it was like a fire when they touch it they say the feel the electricity on it when they touch and its hot but when I was the one touch it i didn't feel anything on it. It's like a normal ring only.

" its cant be! No! Its impossible! Its only a myth!"..he says again and he tried to take back he's arms on my hands holding. And then theres somethings coming on my face but before it came i held the arms of Charlottes father and post in front of me. and then i hear Charlottes father moan in pain, theres a dagger on her shoulder and it was bleed....

" no! Im sorry Martin! ..." A woman's voice and it wasn't Charlottes mom.

And when i pushed Charlottes father, Martin. away from me, a three woman together with her wife helping to get him up. And when Charlottes mother trying to get rid of me her husband stop him and took out the dagger in he's right shoulder. I see that he's wound healed and the blood on it was gone . And and they all looking at me with a surprise in their eyes and then they all stunt looking at my ring who's turning into fire like a red blood colour now. And suddenly i hear someone calling my name and it was Naoki, and when i look back at Charlottes family they all gone ....

When i got back home the first thing i did was was search on the net of what I saw earlier, i was thinking that it cant be true. That red eyes in Charlottes family. I was thinking that they're vampire coz of their red eyes. But still i wasn't sure about what i saw coz theres no vampire or Dracula clan in this century and it was only a myth and its not real. I only read in the books and watch it in the movie thats why its impossible and Charlottes has no sign that she was a vampire though her family has it....