"what the hell! " what again did you do Cadius.? How many times do i have to tell you don't do it to anyone!..."

" i didn't do anything mom!...its just only come out by himself on my hands, i don't insert an effort on it, its just come out so suddenly."... My son Cadius explain it exaggerated on me though i can see in he's eyes that he was telling the truth.

Its been 4 years now since i found out i got pregnant with twins, Cadillac and Cadius. Cadillac or Ilac was the eldest for only three minutes to Cadius. They are stronger twins and different to others since i gave them birth. They have a different powers thats why i didn't let them play with other children, my Nanny was older now to take care of them thats why i hire a nanny and cook in our house.

My twins always got sick since they were born, they were took a meds daily , like my dad gave me always. Since i get pregnant, id stay at home, though i was normally get pregnant and giving birth like a normal human. My dad told me a secret behind my past since i was a child. Im not an ordinary human. Im immortal like my mom, at first i cant believe on everything he says but about the abilities that i have, and the difference i had with an ordinary human was gave me a quick acceptance on everything.

My dad was a Dhampir, a half vampire a half human. Her mother my grandmother was a human or mortal while he's dad my grandfather was a pure vampire. He's dad fell in love with her mom and died when giving birth to him. Being a Dhampir they train to be a vampire hunter, they hunt a bad vampire who was greedy by blood and kill mortal in everywhere.

My mom was an Aos si a super natural race who live in under ground they are like an ordinary fairy but more powerful than fairies and elves. They are like a goddess and can change their true identity. They says aos si was an ugly form creatures that's why they change their features into a beautiful creature thats why they can trick you, and some of them can go to your dream and manipulate and control whats in your dream...

My dad hid me to those vampire creatures when my mother disappear due on war from vampires and werewolves and Aos si....

The blood of Aos si was giving a lot of strength and life to the vampires that why they want the Aos si more and drink their blood until no one left to the Aos si and the Aosi became a skeleton after no one blood on their system.

Theres a myth before that there was a girl who will born that will change the world of vampires and werewolves. And that girl will be the chosen one who will became a wife of the king of the vampires that will rule the world and give more strength for the world of vampire...

When i was born my parents knew that i was chosen one, coz of the signs that they see when i was born. Aside from the rain , Too many fireflies surrounded on me, the flowers were bloom and the butterflies comes in our home. And the thunder was too loud that keeps enlightening, it only stops when i was crying when my mom give birth on me that day.

That's why the world of vampires get notified when the chosen one was born and they all spread in the whole world to found out who and where that child now so they will guard that child until she comes at the right age..

But my parents hid me and didn't want me to found out. My mother use all her powers for us not to seen that time. Because not only good vampires looking at us even those bad vampires and werewolves trying to find me, because they want to kill us especially me. they think that i was the hindrance for their conquest on the earth. And they wanted to kill me as long as i am still a baby.

We travel on different country Every Time they found out about us,until one day my mother fought on the hybrid werewolves who's stronger power. My mom died trying to protect us, she sacrifice herself for us to get away on that time with my father.

I remember all what happened before, my memory got back when i was giving birth to my twins. When i was in operating room. And slept due on Caesarian operation, i got a dream, a dream that all happens before. Until i woke up i remember all what happen, since i was a kid were always running for those creatures who wanted me to be dead.

I was five years old that time when they attack us. We were escaping on them coz they were found out where we hide. Were on our way to the airport that time when they waylaid on us. Its like an ambush by the wolves and vampires that time. Theres a vampire who help on us , My dad almost died at that time and the vampires who helped us almost weakened but still they're trying to protect me.

Until i scream so loud when i saw my dad will getting bitten by the wolves. It was a loud scream that everyone get died. Good thing my dad knows my capabilities he close he's ears with he's two hands and come inside the car, then i pass out after that and all my powers was gone. I got a memory loss after that.

And now it looks it happens again, id seen a vampire when i was going to my duty last time, i know they are due on their smell. Good thing i can handle not to let them smell who i am, my dad teach me everything i need to know.

I am a vampire too.....Half vampire half Aos si, i took meds that my dad gave me so that i could not drink blood and ate like a normal human. When i was a kid i thought that the meds i took was due on my asthma and diabetes coz aside from a pills i took id also inject something on my body in case i feel weak. My dad invent a meds that i could take so that i couldn't feel to drink blood from human.

My sons like me became weak too when they get over exposure to sun thats why i make them sure to took meds and to always outside. I hire a nanny of my twins but they didn't knew our real identities aside from my nanny.

As the times goes by, their powers was become more powerful now aside from their physical traits that really fast growing. good thing more on their class has many big children too. They were only 4 years old but their height and weight was look like an eight year old especially Cadius, who's very chubby and have a curly hair. Unlike he's brother Ilac was so thin. They are fraternal twins, Ilac got more a feature from he's father, Everytime i see Ilac its like i was looking at Zydus.

Ilac has the same colour of eyes and hair with he's father, while Cadius got more on my features and colour of eyes.

" wheres your brother? "

" In he's room "

" go to your brother first while i was, checking Rico okay?.."...he's playmates was crying so hard now. This is why I tried not to exposed them to those normal kids out there because they cant control their powers, i was Everytime talking with them about their differences to other kids so that their mothers or parents wont get mad on us and feel like we are monsters. Id always tell them a stories about the monsters and vampires so that one day its not too hard to explain who we really are.

" is he going to be okay? .." Cadius say in a low mannered and look pity on he's playmates.

" he is baby, don't worries hmm, now go to your brother and tell him its time for your meds already. "

Cadius strength was twice as Ilac, he was more stronger than he's brother, while Ilac can read your mind and future. Thats why id always remind to Cadius that don't get into sports in school so that no one will surprise and found out about he's strength.

My sons was smart and they understand what was i told them, good thing they wont asking about their father like before. Id only told them that their father was working in different country like their grandfather. My dad was seldom coming in our home he said its more dangerous if he was still coming here, especially now that i have a sons we were more in danger coz he knows there were more creatures guarding and looking at him.

After i give meds to my son's playmates. I erase he's memories about what happened, about what Cadius did on him coz i was afraid it will a chaos only just like last time when Ilac got into trouble with my cook sons. Good thing theres no one believe on the child coz it was too impossible for an ordinary kid to carry a table in one hands. Thats why even my cook didn't believe on he's sons coz he's sons was always lie to her. After that happens my cook didn't bring he's son in our home. Our maids was not work stay-in, In our house due on secrets.they work on us for 6 to 5 pm only coz at night , my nanny was the one who cook and took care of my sons when i was on a night duty.

I was on my second year of premed. I wanted to become a doctor for my kids so that i will not took them to the hospital just in case of emergencies.

" wheres Rico mom? "

" he's mom was called him and he's driver fetch him son. Did you took your meds already?

" yes mom.." They both answered together

" good, I'm going to school now stay here okay, and Ilac do not play on your computer and focus more your eyes in the monitor okay"

" yes mom.."

" behave boys okay. "

" yes mom" .....they both answered and then i travel back to school.

When i was on my way to school, i saw a two cars that looks like in racing until they hit and bump the side of my car until they were racing in front of me. Until the red car bump into the tree and i saw the smoke come out on that car and saw a man and a woman who's pregnant and hold a kid looks 6 or 7 years old. Then suddenly the other car was stop besides the red car.

I smell a vampire and wolves between those two cars. As much as possible i don't want to intrude in their business coz i don't want to get involved in their business but theres a child and a pregnant woman. That why i stop my car and get out on my car when i saw that those vampires corner that wolves family...

" Hey! What do you think your doing ? " Id ask to those bad vampires who starting to attack those werwolves.

" get out here if you want to live mortal human!"... Say of one of those vampires.

" what do you think your doing" ...but instead to say anything on me one of the vampires attack me and tried to bite me but i move faster and depend myself. And the other vampire after me too and i saw that the wolves start to depend and protect her family because the vampires attack them..

The other vampires bite me in my arms..." Ugh! That will be your mistakes" i told to that vampire who bite my arms.Then suddenly that vampires get into convulsion while holding her neck then suddenly he became an ash..

Thats what happens on those creatures who tried to bite me, they will die when they taste my blood.