Walking through the city of vale during its late hours, Emiya noticed a group of people dressed in black and red tuxedos while the one standing at the forefront of the group wore white. He wore a strange looking bowler hat and was smoking a cigar while he swung his cane. They seemed to heading into a shop called "from dust till dawn".
[Roman Torchwick, looks like I'm right on time.]
Smiling to himself, he slowly headed towards the store preparing for the confrontation ahead.
Watching in silence, he saw Roman confront the elderly shopkeeper.
"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?"
While this was happening, Emiya sat outside the shop thinking to himself.
[Did the show ever say why they stole the dust in the first place and what it was meant to be used for?]
[Was dust supposed to play a bigger role?]
Too bad he didn't get any further in his thoughts before the sound of one of Roman's henchmen being flung across the room echoed out.
[Show time!!]
Moving away from the store window, he watched as a young girl, dressed in a black and red outfit with a bright red hood smashed through the window he'd just been standing in front of as she surfed atop one of the henchmen.
Removing her compact gun from her waist, she activated some kind of mechanism forcing the compact weapon into a large red scythe that towered above her. Twirling it around herself as an aura of confidence exploded out of her.
[Woah!! No way am I gonna let this weapon escape me!!]
[Trace on]
Using the structural analysis ability gained from archer's experience and UBW, Emiya easily made a replica of Crescent Rose and stored it inside his reality marble.
[Thinking about it now, using UBW to copy weapons and my sharingan to copy movement, doesn't that basically make me the male counterpart to Velvet from team CFVY?]
Without waiting for him to finish his thoughts, the henchmen pounced towards her only to be met with a spinning kick to the face.
{Quest: Force your way into the RWBY plot
Reward: [10,000 sp] [Unlock random abilities in store]
Failure: DEATH}
[Well fuck me.]
Seeing his window of opportunity closing, Emiya applied some reinforcement to his legs and charged towards one of the henchmen gunning for Ruby.
[Sorry little red, gonna steal some of your spotlight.]
With the reinforcement active, he easily arrived in front of a henchman and sent him flying with a well-aimed kick to the chest. He then turned his attention to the henchman that Ruby had previously thrown at the window.
Rushing towards the sword wielding henchman, a devious smirk hung on his lips as he summoned out a random dagger.
Deflecting the strikes with relative ease, Emiya moved like a fish in water, dodging and parrying attacks with little to no difficulty.
[Compared to fighting the Grimm, this guy is no threat to me what so ever.]
[I thought that although humans lacked the strength of the Grimm, their technique would be able to at least give me some trouble… I guess I was wrong.]
Realising that he couldn't gain anything more from dragging out the fight, he materialised a kunai in his off hand and stabbed it through the henchman's aura piercing his shoulder.
"Arghhh" gripping his blood soaked shoulder he let out a scream of pain only to be meet with a fist to the face.
Ignoring the unconscious fella, Emiya returned his attention to Ruby and was greeted with the sight of Torchwick looking at his downed henchmen and shaking his head.
"You were worth every cent, truly you were."
Dropping his cigar to the ground he looked at Ruby and Emiya while sirens blared out in the background.
Performing a small bow he said "Little red, white, I think we can all say its been an eventful evening and as much as I'd love to stick around-"
[White? Must be because of my hair.]
He raised his cane and the bottom opened up revealing a rifle barrel with a cross grid scope.
"I'm afraid this is where we part ways."
Firing off a red blast at Ruby. She managed to see the incoming attack and dodged by firing her scythe into the ground and forcing herself into the air.
[Damn that's cool! I'm so taking advantage of the feature when I summon it!]
When she finally landed she looked towards me, then the shopkeeper, then me again.
"I'm going after him."
Nodding at her, I watched as Roman climbed up a ladder in the alley way.
[Although I'm not going to catch him as I don't want to affect the plot too much at this point. I need to create a grand spectacle that guaranties that I'll make it into beacon!!]
Enhancing the reinforcements on my legs, I dash towards Ruby and sweep her into my arms princess style and leap onto the building in a way that would leave people wondering if I was bionic or something.
Ruby on the other hand had several thoughts drifting through her mind as everything had happened to quickly. One minute she was about to go chase down the bad guy, next minute she's in this guy's arms flying through the sky!!
Finally looking at the stranger's face, she realises that he had sun kissed skin and snow white hair. His facial features could be described as handsome and his silver eyes (same as hers) made him seem exotic.
Realising that such as handsome man was carrying her princess style, her face couldn't help but turn bright red as various fantasies deluded her mind.
Emiya on the other hand was busy enjoying the feeling of her silky smooth legs as he took some small liberties groping her butt.
[So smooth!!]
Unfortunately for the both of them, they were brought out of their daze once Emiya's legs made contact with the building.
Contrary to their expectations, Roman was actually standing on the inside of a hovering air ship!
"End of the line kids."
Throwing down a red coloured dust gem at their feet, he fired his cane gun at it, causing it to explode.
Ruby's grip on Emiya tightened as she buried her head into his chest, closing her eyes as tightly as she could.
[So cute!]
Knowing what was about to happen, Emiya didn't flinch and instead chose to smile at Torchwick which sent shivers down his spine.
'What is wrong with this kid?'
Before the heat and shockwave could hit them, a blonde haired, bespectacled woman with a wand projected something like a fairy tail magic circle around both me and the slightly shaken Ruby. Aware that both of us were actually still alive, Ruby raised her head out from my chest and looked up at the woman who was summoning several purple streaks and fired them at the ship.
[Glynda Goodwitch, my first milf target!! (Salem is my second)]
Just as Emiya was about to enter a daze while staring at her plump ass. Torchwick's miserable yell brought him back to reality.
Standing in place of Torchwick was a woman in a slim red dress with her face hidden by the shadow of the airship.
[Cinder oh Cinder…You might be a power crazed bitch, but Damn that body is sexy as fuck!! If I don't give you the DICC how can I call myself a man!!]
Waving her wand once again, Glynda caused storm clouds to appear above the ship bringing hail down upon it.
[Pretty sure her semblance is telekinesis, I don't know how she's causing a storm.]
Inside the airship Cinder aimed her arms towards Glynda as her clothes began to glow like fire. She launched a large blast of fire towards her which was easily blocked, unfortunately the shards caused by the blast covered the rooftop and exploded on Cinder's command.
Knowing what would happen I'd already taken myself and Ruby away from the danger zone and watched the battle unfold.
Although I could help bring the airship down and bag myself one hot Cinder!! Deviating from the plot as this point in time was not what I wanted. Plus I'd have more run ins with her later down the line. Like the whole school dance episode. Just thinking about her in leather and a mask makes me wanted push her down right now! And no I do not have a S&M fetish, but Cinder does look good in leather.
[That reminds me, note to self, kill Emerald before she has any thoughts of touching Cinder.]
[I should also find a way to get Ilia into my harem…But how to force her to get over Blake.]
As the shards erupted into a fiery blaze, Glynda backflipped out of the way and magically gathered all the shards together to create a large arrow which she proceeded to launch towards the ship.
Firing multiple fire based attacks, Cinder easily destroyed the arrow which kept getting reformed. Reforming the arrow once again she launched them back at Cinder only to have them destroyed once more.
As Emiya was thinking about his future harem members, Ruby finally got over her shock of seeing a huntress in the flesh and decided to help out by changing her scythe into its compact gun mode.
Firing off multiple rounds, she locked her sights on Cinder and let out a barrage of bullets. Cinder on the other didn't seem to take notice as she easily defended against them and caused the left over shards to explode.
Enhancing his speed once more, Emiya quickly arrived before both women and tackled them to the ground, avoiding the explosion.
Obviously he coped a feel during the moment but guessed that they wouldn't notice considering all that was going on around them.
In the distance, Cinder watched with an amused expression before the airship flew off into the unknown.