Beacon Academy

Somewhere in Vale, our wonderful protagonist was being held in a dark interrogation room.

In front of him Glynda was circling around the table like a hawk while she scolded him in a harsh tone.



Why does he want Glynda in his harem?


It isn't a true harem until a milf is in involved!

"I hope that you realized that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly! You put not only yourself but others in great danger."

"In my defence, as a gentlemen how could I possibly stay still when a group of suspicious dudes were about to assault a young girl?" Glancing at her boobs he thought to himself 'although she seems to have a stick up her ass, doesn't that just mean that she's wild when she's unhinged.'

"Unless you're saying that I shouldn't care about the well-being of others and should have left the young girl to fend for herself?"

Hearing him talk, an annoyed look emerged on her face.

Ignoring that look, he continued.

"As a huntress I think you should actually be praising me!"


Seeing the dumbfounded expression on her face, a sly smile appeared on his lips. Putting his hands behind his head and leaning back on the chair, his posture was screaming 'Amuse me bitch!!!'

"Yeah praise. Think about it. A random no-name civilian like me, not only stopped a robbery being committed by the infamous master thief Roman Torchwick, but also captured some of his henchmen while keeping casualties and property damage to a minimum and I also rescued a pretty girl who could have lost her chastity to those dogs… Have I said anything wrong miss huntress?"

Seeing the smug smile on his face, Glynda gave him a stern look that would make any normal 14 year old nervous. Unfortunately for her, Emiya felt nothing but excitement because he knew that a certain someone was listening in on their conversation.

And lo and behold, the door opened and a man in green clothes with similar white hair to him, came walking in with a mug and a plate of cookies on his hands.

"What's with the cookies?"

"I've recently discovered that people of your age rather enjoy the presence of such sweets."

Raising an eyebrow he just stared at the cookies before taking one.

[I guess that means he must have already interrogated Ruby.]

While he was munching on the cookies, Ozpin sat down on the chair opposite him and leaned forward. "You have silver eyes."

'Two people with silver eyes in one day? What are the odds?'

To his statement, Emiya just continued stuffing his face.


Seeing that the young man was more enamoured with eating cookies than the interrogation, Ozpin coughed lightly in order to attract his attention.

"Hmm.." looking up from the plate, Emiya looked at Ozpin with an annoyed expression.


"Uchiha. Emiya Uchiha." Swallowing the last of the cookies, he finally got ready to have a proper talk with this Immortal headmaster.

Smiling to himself, Ozpin felt like the interrogation could finally start.

"Mr Uchiha, I've looked over every file in Vale for a description matching yours, yet I came up empty handed. Mind explaining why?"

Knowing that Ozpin was an old fox, he knew that he could easily detect lies so he chose to only speak what was necessary.

"I was raised outside the kingdom walls."

"Oh? Then mind telling me where exactly you were raised?"

"I have no idea. My village was destroyed by the creatures of Grimm when I was five. My mother and fellow villagers were slaughtered, and the place was burnt to the ground."

"…I'm sorry for your loss."

Shaking his head, Emiya wore a casual smile on his face.

"No need, it happened so long ago that I've already forgotten what my mother even looked like."

Hearing how casually he described the death of his loved ones, Glynda couldn't help but feel sorry for the young man in front of her. Ozpin on the other hand simply nodded. It wasn't rare for settlements outside of the kingdom's protection to be attacked by Grimm.

"Excuse me for asking this but, since you said your village was destroyed and your family was killed, can you tell me how you survived?"

[I should probably play a more apathetic role in order to gain some sympathy points. Heh. I'll add in a bit of crazy as well.]

Getting into character, he looked at Ozpin with an amused expression.

"Funny that you should ask. You see, when I saw my mother being ripped into shreds by the Grimm, she was screaming out my name while all I could do was watch as her blood splattered onto my face. Ha! I stood there like a little BITCH!! As my mother was laying in a pool of her own blood all I could do was look at her smile as she tried to reassure me that everything was going to be okay."

[Time to pull on those heart strings.]

Tears slowly gathered at the corner of his eyes as he started to trembled lightly.

Ozpin's eyes narrowed as he felt the slight shift in Emiya's mental state.

Changing the tone of his voice into that similar of a crazy person, he continued the emotional barrage. "But you know what the most pathetic thing is? It was only after I saw her die that the world around me seemed to lose its colour! I felt something inside of me snap as I summoned out a hail of weapons and slaughtered the Grimm in my village! Haha. Pretty ironic right? It was only after everyone in my village had been killed that I managed to manifest my…what do you call it…Oh right! Semblance."

Seeing how Emiya's body was trembling, Ozpin felt like the child in front of him had suffered more than a child of his age should have. But before he could do anything to help him, he needed to know what else had happened.

"Although you say that you slaughtered the invading Grimm, that doesn't explain how you learnt to fight like that."

Point at the video of Emiya and Ruby fighting Roman's henchmen, Ozpin looked back at the young boy.

Staying in character, he portrayed himself as a poor orphan child who had to face the big bad world all by himself after watching his loved ones die. "That? After my village was destroyed I had nowhere to go, so I took up residents in the forest and learnt how to use my semblance and aura."

"That doesn't explain where you got those clothes? I'm guessing you didn't have them when you were five."

"I said that I lived in the forest, I didn't say that I spent all my time there. I did leave once in a while."

"Then where did you get those clothes?"

"I don't know who you are, but you clearly don't use your head a lot do you? There's only one way a dirty orphan such as myself was able to acquire the things needed to survive. The answer should be fairly obvious."

"*sigh* Thievery."


Silence covered the room as Ozpin and Emiya stared down at each other.

Watching the exchange from the side-lines, Glynda felt like her heart was being gripped. Throughout her years as a huntress she'd heard and even witnessed the destruction of several villages, she'd seen children made into orphans and watched as innocents lost their lives while she was helpless to save them. But for a five year old to experience all that and still joke about it to this day. She wondered just how broken he was on the inside. From the moment she heard him say that he unlocked his semblance after he watched his mother die, she heard a tone in his voice that she was all too familiar with; the sound of self-hatred.

She had no doubt in her mind that he blamed himself for their deaths. How could he not. Watching the people you care about the most get taken away from you only to then discover that you had the power to save them all along. How could that not break a person. Even adult huntsmen struggle to detach themselves from this feeling, most resorting to alcohol and the like to numb themselves of the pain.

Emiya on the other hand had to deal with this since he was five years old. The amount of pain and suffering he must have endured created a hole in his heart that he could only fill by fighting.

At least that's what she thought.

Breaking the looming silence, Ozpin closed his eyes before looking directly into Emiya's. "You said that when you saw that girl in danger you had to help her right?"

Nodding his head, Emiya waited for the next question.

"Would you help if it were someone else?"

"…If they couldn't handle it then I would step in."

"Oh? So you wouldn't step in if you believed that they could handle it?"

"If I step in when I know they can deal with the situation, then I am doing nothing more than hindering their growth. If they grow dependant on someone else then they wouldn't be able to push themselves past their limit and utilise the potential within them."

"Hmm…You make a good point."

[Of course I do dumbass.]

"But! I'm pretty sure miss Rose didn't need you to step in during that fight."


"So Mr Uchiha why did you step in for miss Rose?"

[FUCK!! You old ass sunovabitch!!]

[I'll fuck Salem's backdoor and send you the tape!!]

[Then I'll dare you to throw curveballs like these at me again!!]

Although he was cursing Ozpin in his mind, he said the one thing he knew would get him out of this situation.


Shouting at the top of his lungs, Emiya let out his true found feelings.

[Although that wasn't the main reason I helped her, I won't be telling anymore than that you manipulative piece of shit!!]

Not expecting that answer and definitely not expecting him to shout it, both Ozpin and Glynda were taken back by his response.

'Well…he is at that age.'

"Ahem!? As I was saying Mr Uchiha, since you believe in helping others, I would like to invite you to my school where we will train you to help more people than you can imagine."

[Help people?]

[I'm not that red haired idiot Shirou!]

[But he did just give me the ticket I was waiting for so… Fuck it! I'll play along for now.]

Acting as innocent as possible, he intentionally peeked his head at Glynda. Forcing himself to blush (quite hard to do with tanned skin) he said in a shy voice "Will miss Goodwitch be there?"



{DING!! Acting skill maxed}