Members of team RWBY

Seeing both sisters look at him, Emiya shrugged his shoulders.

"I can't be the only one deciding these kick ass nicknames, might as well give you scrubs the chance to impress me." He joked.

"Oh? Someone's getting cocky." Yang said

"You know what Blondie, if you make a nickname that perfectly describes Weiss then I'll do any one thing you ask." Emiya said.

"Anything!!" Yang exclaimed.

"Yeah but if you lose then you have to do any one thing I say." Emiya smirked.

"You're on!!" She replied.

[She really is a hot head.]

"What about you red? You want in on this?" Emiya asked.

"Hmm…Do you really mean you'll do anything?" Ruby asked quietly.

"As long as I'm capable."

"Then I'll join!!" She said excitingly.

'I'll get him to buy me premium grade cookies!'

Seeing the interaction between the three left a sour taste in Weiss's mouth.

'How dare they try to blackmail my Emiya!!'

Clenching her fists, she looked at the sisters with a slightly ferocious gaze.

"Emiya I want to join as well!" She said.

"Oh? Sorry Weiss but they've already got nicknames and you can't really pick your own." He responded.

Realizing that he'd completely forgot about Weiss, he tried to explain why she couldn't decide her own nickname.

"Oh?" She said dejectedly.

Seeing her look so down caused Emiya to feel slightly guilty for using her like this.

"But since your going along with this selfish bet of ours without complaining then I'll do any one thing you ask as compensation. How's that?" He asked.

Hearing him say that he'll do any one thing she asks, left her feeling euphoric.

"I'm happy with this transaction." She smiled.

"Wow you girls suck at nicknames." Emiya said.

"Shut up Emiya!!" Yang Yelled

"Yeah! Its just you guys are unable to appreciate the beauty of our choice of nicknames." Ruby said.

"Like Whitey White Weiss?" Emiya retorted.

"I agree with Emiya, you guys suck at this." Weiss said.

"Grrr" Yang growled.

It'd been over an hour already and both girls still couldn't come up with a nickname that suited Weiss.

"How about this, if you two can't come up with a suitable name within your next try then I win." Emiya said getting bored of the game.

"No way!! Every time we think of a name you two keep shooting us down!" Ruby exclaimed.

[Urgh…they're just gonna keep at it aren't they.]

"*Sigh* Then how about this. I'll think up a nickname for Weiss and if it suits then its my win if it doesn't you win." Said Emiya sounding tired.

All three looked at each other as if they were silently communicating silently. Once they finished they looked at him and nodded.

"Great!! Let's do this."

[Okay now that I've finally found a way out of this cumbersome bet I might as well give Weiss a good nickname.]

"I've got it! Snow angel!!"

Raising his head Emiya suddenly exclaimed.

"Snow angel?"

Placing her hand on her chin Weiss thought about the name and then herself.

"I like it." Nodding to Emiya and the other girls, she showed off a warm smile.

"No! I have one even better! Weiss-cream!!" Emiya suddenly said.

"WHAT!! But snow angel sounded way cuter." Pouting at Emiya, she looked super adorable.

"I don't think you understand what the name implies."

Suddenly realizing that snow angel indeed sounded cuter, he wracked his brain to find an excuse to give her this nickname.

"Then explain it to me!!" Weiss glared.

"Well, your name is Weiss which is cute and reflects how pure and untainted your heart is. And like ice cream, you look cold at first glance but are actually very welcoming and adorable. Plus I've never met anyone who doesn't like ice cream. So Weiss-cream." Emiya explained slowly.

"Oh!? When you put it like that it's hard to say it's a bad name." She thought about it before agreeing.

[Never in my life would I think that a tsundere could actually be this cute!]

So ladies, do you think this name describes Weiss perfectly?"

Turning his attention to the two sisters, Emiya asked with a smug face.

"Yes" both girls admitted defeat.

"Great! I dub thee with the nickname Weiss-cream from now till death." Emiya said while pretending to give her a knighthood.

Accepting the knighthood, Weiss did a graceful bow which caused both her and Emiya to grin at each other.

Their two other companions on the other hand had anything but smiling expressions.

Leaving the girls to talk among themselves, Emiya went to meet the final member of team RWBY.

"Hi, I'm Emiya, I'm not very experienced in talking to other people but I hope we can be friends." Emiya said as innocently as he could.

Sitting in front of him was the faunus beauty Blake Belladonna.

Reading her book, she didn't bother to look up.

[Damn she really is anti-social.]

Putting a smile on his face, he sat down next to her causing her some minor annoyance.

"*Sigh* what do you want."

Putting her book down she finally decided to take a proper look at Emiya. But unlike the other girls, her reaction to seeing him topless was more controlled. Besides the faint redness on her cheeks and slightly hurried breathing, her reaction was completely normal.

"Well first I'd like to know your name."

"Blake Belladonna." She replied.

"What's your favourite food?" He asked.






"Underwear colour?"


Realizing what she had just said her eyes went wide as she quickly turned towards Emiya who was grinning at her like mad.

"My favorite color is black too, good to know we have something in common. See you later Blake." Emiya waved.


Leaving a red faced Blake behind he returned to RWY in order to say goodnight.

"I've also got silver eyes like Emiya which is rare meaning that we were drawn together by fate!" Ruby declared with gusto.

"Well me and Emiya both have white hair, so we're also drawn together by fate!!" Not willing to be outdone, Weiss brought up a trait that almost everyone had forgotten until now.

"Forget that, me and Emiya both have rocking bodies which I'm sorry to say isn't the case for you two. So naturally as the two with the best bodies and looks out of the first years, me and Emiya have the most in common. Yang said not willing to lose.

"Yo, what you girls talking about?" Emiya asked arriving at the three girl's location.

"NOTHING!!" All three yelled.

"Oh? Well its getting quite late so I'm heading off to bed, goodnight." Turning away from the trio, Emiya walked towards his sleeping bag and instantly fell asleep once his head made contact with the pillow.