Sign of Maturity

Emiya woke to the sound of snoring, slowly opening his eyes in irritation he discovered the origin of the disturbing sound.

On his left was a blond haired Yang clinging to his body snoring loud enough that he was surprised that she didn't wake herself up. On his right was a sleeping Ruby who just happened to be laying on his chest. From what he could hear it seemed like she was having a dream about cookies as she continuously mumbled in her sleep and occasionally bit him.

'When waking up next to two beauties you'd normally have a sense of accomplishment, so why do I feel so irritated?'

"Mmm…Cookies." Ruby said still in dreamland.

"Oh…Emiya…you can't put it in there." Yang mumbled.

'Maybe its not so bad afterall.'

After leaving the warm embrace of the two sisters, Emiya headed outside and started to do his daily morning exercises.

Although it'd probably be best not to overwork his body before the initiation started, his daily routine had been ingrained in his body and not doing it would make him feel uncomfortable.

Besides…with no one around he finally got the chance to practice forming the rasengan. Unlike one would expect, Emiya actually had to practice the skills he brought in order to use them efficiently. Though for some reason he mastered 'Dress Break' the moment he brought it. When he asked the system, it simply replied with {Due to the host's perverted nature, the skill 'Dress Break' is treated as an innate skill.}

Not that he was complaining or anything but hearing that from the system oddly hurt.

Heading back indoors he woke up the sleeping cookie monster and the busty blond.

After literally dragging the two out of bed, the trio separated to clean themselves up for upcoming initiation.

While in the bathroom Emiya caught sight of a nervous Jaune and quiet Lie Ren cleaning themselves up. Originally his plan was to get close to the both of them in order to close the distance between him and the girls of team JNPR. But after thinking about it he decided to get close to the girls with his own charms, no handicap needed.


After putting on his Xeno Goku outfit, he met with Ruby and Yang at the lockers.

"Yo red, what's got you in such a good mood?" Hearing her hum Emiya decided to ask even though he knew the answer.

Taking her weapon out of the locker, Ruby looked at Emiya with a smile on her face. "Of course I'm in a good mood. No awkward small talk or 'getting-to-know-you' stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." as she finished she stroke her weapon while looking satisfied.

"Sorry, I didn't know talking to me was such a chore." Pretending to be sad, Emiya said in a mournful voice.

Realizing how she must have sounded, Ruby quickly went to comfort the depressed Emiya.

"I didn't mean it like that!! I enjoy talking to you its just-just." Speaking in a hurry she started to fumble her words.

Unable to keep it in any longer, Emiya burst into laughter clutching his stomach.

"Oh god! If you could see your face right now!" Laughing at her confusion caused him to get punched in the arm by a particular blondie.

"C'mon Emiya don't tease her." Yang said while staring at his exposed arms.

"Okay, okay" wiping away a tear he went up to Ruby and patted her head. "Sorry for teasing you Red, its just your panicked face was just too cute that I wanted to see it."

Although she was happy hearing him say that she was cute, she put on a pouting face to show that she wasn't happy.

"C'mon Red don't be like that."

Despite saying that Ruby continued to pout.

"*Sigh* If I'll do any one thing you ask will you forgive me?"

Hearing his offer Ruby instantly perked up.


"What about me?" Yang said looking grumpy.

"Fine you too."

Seeing the mischievous grin appear on her face, Emiya instantly regretted his words.

But before he could say anything Yang quickly changed the subject.

"Ruby, remember, you're not the only one going through the initiation. If you want to grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together." Yang advised.

"Ergh you sound like dad. Okay. First of all, What does meeting new people have to with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!" Ruby said in frustration.

"It's obviously not working fast enough." Emiya grinned while staring at her chest.

"Oi don't perv on my little sister!" Yang looked annoyed.

"In all fairness this little sister of yours is older than me." Emiya said.

"Huh? She is?" Yang said confused.

"Yup I'm 14." Emiya said proudly.

"14? You don't look it." She said looking at Emiya from top to bottom.

"So you don't mind my age? Are you a future cougar?" Emiya joked.

"As in the animal?" Yang asked looking confused.

"Never mind." Emiya said looking down.

'My comedy is wasted on these people.'

"Emiya?" Ruby suddenly called out his name.

"What's up little Red?"

"I'm not LITTLE!! I drink milk!"

"Okay, okay, what's up BIG Red?" Emiya asked with a poker face.

"Well…what did you mean when you said drinking milk isn't working fast enough?"

Before Yang could butt in, Emiya already started talking about the finer details.

"Well you see Ruby, for women there is only one reason to consume milk." Emiya said as if he was a teacher educating his student.

"What is it?" Ruby asked with curiosity.

"Bust size!!" Emiya replied while being basked in the light of GOD.

"Bust size?" Ruby repeated looking confused.

"Yes bust size!! You see it is a proven fact that milk enlarges a woman's bust."

"But how does that work?"

"They store all the milk they've consumed in their breasts. Where did you think their milk comes from when they feed babies." Emiya replied with a serious face.

"Oh!" Having been enlightened, Ruby stood there soaking in all of this new found information.

Yang just stood there dumbfounded wondering how someone could talk so much bullshit while looking so serious.

"But what does that have to do with me drinking milk?" Bringing the conversation back to the original question, Ruby looked at Emiya with expectation.

"Well Ruby, you may have been right about milk helping you grow. But did you know that bust size is the true show of maturity!!" Emiya bellowed.

"NANI!!" Ruby exclaimed.


"But my breast size…" Ruby collapsed on the floor looking up at Emiya as tears welled up in her eyes. "Please help me Emiya!! I want to mature!!" She pleaded.

'What the fuck am I watching.'

Watching the two in front of her, Yang truly didn't know how to respond.

Getting down on one knee Emiya pulled Ruby into his embrace.

"Do not worry my child, for I know another way." While saying this he rubbed her back.

Ignoring the fact that a boy 1 year younger than her called her his child, Ruby pleaded with him. "Please Emiya enlighten this one!!"

'Seriously What The Fuck Is Happening!!'

Putting on the air of a scholar Emiya looked into Ruby's eyes.

"Legend has it that if a woman's breasts are massaged by the one they like every day, then milk they've previously lost will slowly accumulate and increase their breast size."

"Really?" Ruby asked with a look of hope.

"Yes." Emiya replied in all seriousness.

Sadly the session was short lived as they were interrupted by Weiss and a red haired girl in Greek-like armour.

" So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to join up with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself!"

"Hmm… I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may." Pyrrha replied.

"Well… I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together" Weiss said hopefully

" Well, that sounds grand! " Pyrrha said

" Great!" Weiss was happy with Pyrrha's answer.

Before Weiss could move onto her next stage of pulling Pyrrha into her team a random voice caught her off guard.

" You know what else is great? Me, Jaune Arc. Short, sweet and rolls off the tongue."

In the distance Emiya saw the scene unfolding before him and knew that he couldn't let Jaune get the upper hand on him with Pyrrha.

"Yo Weiss-cream, where you been? I've been looking for you all morning." Emiya shouted.

Looking towards the voice Weiss saw the handsome figure of Emiya and the less handsome sister duo.

"Emiya!!" Hearing the handsome boy who she thought was suitable for her say he'd spent all morning looking for her made her feel like she was on cloud nine.

Walking up to the group with the sisters in tow, Emiya greeted them.

"Sup Weiss-cream, who's this lovely lady?"

"Pyrrha Nikos." Holding her hand she looked at Emiya smiling.

[Wow! She didn't even blush.]

Taking hold of her hand Emiya shook it.

"Emiya Uchiha."

"Jaune Arc." Jumping into the conversation Jaune introduced himself.

'Oh yeah I almost forgot! Because I changed how Ruby and Weiss met, in this timeline Weiss didn't refer to Jaune as tall blond and scraggly meaning that he shouldn't have much of an interest in her besides her beauty.'

"So what you guys talking about?" Emiya asked.

Before he got the chance to hear the answer he felt someone tugging on his sleeve.

"Psst Emiya." Pulling on his sleeve Ruby had an excited look on her face.

"Yes Red?"

"Weiss-creams got even smaller ones than me!!" Ruby said while happily staring at Weiss's chest.

"What was that?" Hearing the last part of their conversation, Weiss and the others looked at Ruby and Emiya with confusion.

"Nothing!" Not wanting to be a labelled as a perv by Pyrrha and Weiss, he quickly tried to steer the topic back to the earlier conversation.

"Erm ok? Anyway we were just talking about teams." Weiss explained.


"Yep! I was asking Ms Nikos if she wanted to join my team!"

"Oh!? That sounds interesting." Emiya nodded.

"Actually Emiya…Do you want to join my team?" Weiss asked with a small tint of red on her cheeks.


"NO! Emiya's going to be on my team!!" Yang and Ruby cut in.

"WHAT!! Emiya is that true!?" Weiss asked looking like she was about to shed tears any minute.

"First time I've heard anything about joining a team." Emiya shrugged.

"You two lying little wenches!" Weiss said while glaring at both sisters.

"Hmph!" Placing Emiya's arm between her breasts, Yang looked at Weiss triumphantly. "I think my team has more to offer." She smirked.

Feeling Yang's gaze directed to her undeveloped chest, Weiss fists clench so tightly that Emiya was scared that they'd start bleeding.

"It's okay Weiss I know a way to help you mature." Ruby tried to comfort Weiss after looking at her own bust and then Weiss's.

Ignoring Ruby, Weiss let out a dark chuckle.

"How useless! My team has something that can actually help Emiya!"

"Oh? And what would that be? Pads?" Yang joked.

'Wow, it's like I can practically see the dark aura emanating out of her.' Emiya thought as he saw the look on Weiss's face.

Unexpectedly Weiss didn't retort. Instead she grabbed the arm of Pyrrha and looked at Yang.

"Well my team has Pyrrha Nikos!!" Weiss said arrogantly.

"Is she famous?" Emiya asked.

Weiss paused before she got into a heated argument with Yang.

"E-Emiya do you have any idea who Pyrrha is?" Weiss voice was slightly shaking.

"This is Pyrrha." Emiya said while pointing.

"Hello again" Pyrrha waved her hand.

"It's a pretty name but I don't know why you'd think I'd know her?" Emiya said while putting his acting skills to work.

"She graduated top of her class at Sanctum!" Weiss continued.

"What's a sanctum?" Emiya honestly didn't know.

"She's won the Mistral Region Tournaments four years in a row. A new record!"

"The what now?"

"She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes Box!" Weiss exclaimed.

"What's that?" Still playing the part, Emiya tried to look as confused as possible.

Unable to comprehend how her prince charming was so ignorant, Weiss stood frozen.

Jaune also looked at the scene confused.

Yang kept rubbing Emiya's arm between her breasts.

And Ruby was too busy writing about how to increase her breast size in her journal.

Emiya turned to Pyrrha and said "From Weiss's reaction I can guess that you must be someone really famous, sorry for not noticing. But I hope that we can have a spar against each other in the future."

Pyrrha smiled at him and said, "I'd like that too."

Waking from her stupor Weiss remembered what her original goal was.

"So Emiya…Would you join my team?" While saying that she stared at Yang's breast with a slight glint of frustration.

Shaking his head Emiya looked at her. "Sorry Weiss-cream but I don't think teams are formed the way you're thinking of."

"Oh…" Looking down, Weiss felt saddened by the news.

Glynda voice rang out on the speaker "Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately."

"C'mon Weiss, maybe we'll be lucky and get put into the same team."