That Was Unexpected

Following the map provided by the academy, Emiya and the others made their way to the cliff where Ozpin, Glynda and the rest of the students were waiting for them. Standing on the cliff made the drop in the Emerald forest look far scarier than what the show actually portrayed.

Once the students had all gathered, Ozpin took a sip out of his mug.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

" Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the teams' assignments. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today. " Glynda said

Following off Glynda's words Ozpin said. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

Hearing this, Emiya felt every female student on the cliff turn their head in his direction.

'Damn these girls are thirsty!'

Not that he could blame them, his outfit really did show off just how lean and muscular he was.

"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path.....or you will die." Ozpin tone was serious.

You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. Now, take your positions."

"Now, are there any questions?"

Everyone took on different poses as if they knew what was about to happen. Emiya on the other hand didn't know what pose to take so he just stood there looking ready. The only other person besides him that didn't take a pose was Jaune. "Umm… S-Sir .. I have a question". Ozpin looked at Jaune.

Emiya looked towards the headmaster's assistant only to be surprised that the ever so strict Goodwitch was sneaking some glances at him. Compared to the dirty young man back in the interrogation room, the current Emiya could only be described as awe inducing. From his well proportioned muscles to his tall height and slim body, any sane female would sneak a couple of glances.

Seeing that the young man was smiling in her direction, a faint tint of scarlet showed up on her cheeks as she quickly turned away.

"So, this landing, strategy thing.....Uh, wha-what is it? You're like, dropping us off or something?"

While Jaune was asking some questions, Weiss was launched off into the air, followed by another student and so forth every couple of seconds.

"No. You will be falling." Ozpin answered.

When it was Yang's turn she winked at both her sister and Emiya. She put on her aviators and got launched into the air with a "Woo-hoooooooo!"

"So, um, what exactly is a landing strategy?!!"

Before Emiya could hear the end of that conversation he was launched into the air.

Looking to his left, the figure of Nora going "Weeeeeeeee" made him lose any seriousness that he felt this test represented. As he was falling he summoned out a giant great sword to help him land. Aiming it at a specific spot on the ground he reinforced his arm and threw it until it was implanted deep. Once it struck he landed on the hilt and dematerialized it.

"Fuck! The show made it seem less scary!!" Feeling like his heart was about to give out, Emiya cursed Ozpin to suffer erectile dysfunction.

Looking around him, he discovered a large pact of at least 300 Beowolfs staring at him in confusion.

'Guess I landed in their nesting grounds'

"Oh well, no need to waste energy on these small fries."

Summoning out a fuck-ton of weapons, Emiya revealed a dark smile and hurled them towards the horde of Beowolfs while listening to their cries.

'I wonder if this is how Gilgamesh feels?'

"Fuck this is boring. I've been walking around for 10 minutes and no Grimm or anything dangerous has come out."

As soon as he said that, his instincts flared up and he flipped back barely managing to dodge a blade from cutting his head off. After surviving that near death encounter, Emiya took a look at the fool brave enough to attack him. Standing before him was a woman wearing a black and red outfit with a Grimm mask on her face.

Seeing her black hair and familiar outfit, Emiya instantly thought of one of the show's only milfs.

[Raven? Nah. She wasn't in the emerald forest in the show.]

"You know lady, I'm not a Grimm expert or anything but I'm 99% sure that you ain't Grimm. So if you'd be so kind as to get out of my way, then we won't have a problem."

As he said that he activated his reinforcements.

Without answering, the masked woman charged at him and attempted to slash him but Emiya dodged and summoned out Bakuya and Kanshou and blocked her overhead strike.

'*Sigh* I guess we're doing this the hard way.'

Looking at the sword she was wielding, a sly smile crept up onto his face.

"For someone who's supposed to be the spring maiden I don't know why you're holding back so much?" Emiya whispered so only she could hear it.

Hearing him refer to her as the spring maiden caused her stance falter for a second giving him the opportunity to push her back.

Slashing her sword at the air, she created multiple portals around Emiya and then started rushing through each of them. Each time she went through one she'd slash at him causing him to feel pressured for the first time.

'Fuck! This is what I get for trying not to hurt one of my harem targets!'

Barely dodging another strike, Emiya brought down his blade on the masked Raven forcing her to block.

[Damn! How is she handling me even with my reinforcements!!]

Jumping onto a tree branch, he summoned out his bow and a drill like sword.

Nocking it onto his bow, Raven thought he was crazy for trying to load a sword onto a bow. But what she didn't expect was that the sword could be stretched out until it became arrow shaped the moment Emiya pulled it back.


"I am the bone of my sword."

As she heard those words, she saw blue mist form around him and knew that his next attack would be totally different from what she'd previously experienced.


Then the unthinkable happened!

When the arrow was released a spiralling vortex of powerful energy rippled through the air heading straight for her.


The arrow shot out at an unbelievable speed that left Ozpin and Glynda who were watching on the cliff shocked. The force from the arrow was so great that it caused the ground beneath it to crack as it flew in a straight line!!

[Maybe that was a bit too extreme.]

Looking at the destruction caused by his attack, Emiya lamented on the need for using such destructive tactics. He wouldn't be surprised if everyone back at Beacon heard the explosion considering how loud it was.

[Whatever. It's not like she was going all out anyway.]

Thinking that Raven had retreated, he let down his guard and prepared to head towards the others.

But just as he was about to get down, a red portal opened up above him and Raven came out sending out a flurry of rapid strikes in his direction.

Not expecting a surprise attack, various cuts appeared on his body as his Xeno Goku outfit was ripped to shreds.



Summoning out Kanshou and Bakuya, he activated his Sharingan and charged towards Raven with a speed that easily surpassed Ruby's semblance.

Disappearing from her sight, Raven felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand as her instincts screamed at her to run.


Arriving behind Raven Emiya slashed down her back with Kanshou before sending her flying through multiple trees.

Not expecting him to be so aggressive, Raven didn't have enough time to brace herself for impact. Several of her bones were broken and her body ached in pain.

If Emiya could see under her mask he would see that she was grinning like a child.

'Such power!! He's even stronger compared to five years ago.'

Dragging her body up off the ground she stared at the infuriated Emiya slowly approaching her. His glistening red eyes seemed to bore into her soul causing her to feel unsettled.

'Amazing! With a bit of training from me, nobody, not even Salem would dare mess with me.'

After being the spring maiden for some time, she'd realized that the amount of potential Emiya held far surpassed what a maiden was capable of. If she could have him on her side, then not only would she gain a shield to protect her from Salem, but also a sword she could use to threaten her.

Just thinking about it caused her to smile.

Swinging her sword at the air she opened up a portal to her camp.

"Till we meet again."

After saying that she retreated into portal disappearing from sight.

Calming down from his rage, Emiya's eyes widened as he realized that he just missed a great opportunity to flirt with Raven.


Looking down at his torn outfit, he felt like he was about to shed tears.

'I missed my opportunity to flirt with Raven *sob* and had my favorite Goku outfit destroyed.'

Wiping away his nearly formed tears, Emiya looked towards the north and reluctantly headed towards the relics.

"P-Professor? Should we stop the exam?"

After seeing the destructive power that Emiya wielded, Glynda felt that it'd be safer for the students if they weren't fighting against a bunch of Grimm with him around.

Ozpin on the other hand didn't know what to say. Never in all of his reincarnations had he seen this much destructive force from a human. If this was still the Remnant from the time the gods walked the earth then it'd be understandable as magic was capable of anything. But this…this should not be possible! To see someone level a part of the Emerald forest as if it was nothing and then walk away as if it was inconsequential left him reeling in shock. Not to mention the sudden appearance of the Branwen sister.

"For now…we'll watch."

"Professor! We don't know what he's capable of! If he gets agitated or pushed too far who knows what he'll do to those kids!" Glynda snapped.

Taking a sip from his mug Ozpin watched the tablet with a glint in his eye.

"I trust that Mr Uchiha has the ability to hold himself." He said calmly.

Seeing that her words were falling on deaf ears, she decided to trust in Ozpin's decision to not interfere.

"And who knows, maybe Mr Uchiha will show us something more interesting." Ozpin smiled.