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"It's definitely this way." Weiss said walking left and right, clueless on where she was going. "I mean... this way! It's definitely this way. Alright, it's official... We passed it." She admitted as Ruby grew annoyed.

"Weiss, why can't you just admit that you have no idea where we're going." Ruby said sounding tired.

"Because I know exactly where we're going! We're going... to... to...the forest temple!" Weiss said as Ruby sighed in frustration. "Oh, stop it! You don't know where we are, either!" Weiss snapped.

"Well, at least I'm not pretending like I know everything!" Ruby shot back.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Weiss asked glaring at her.

Not willing to argue any further, Ruby decided to play her trump card.

Giving her a rather unsettling smile she closed the distance between her and Weiss before she abruptly grabbed her breasts.

"R-RUBY!!" Shocked by her sudden actions, Weiss tried to escape from Ruby's hold.

"Tsk tsk Weiss. You act so mature, but your boobs are even smaller than mine."

Pushing Ruby off of her, Weiss crossed her hands over her chest and looked at Ruby with slight spite. "What does my chest size have to do with maturity!!"

"I'm only repeating what Emiya told me." Acting smug, Ruby placed her hands behind her back and pretended to be a scholar.

"E-Emiya would never s-say such vulgar things!" Weiss defended while holding her chest.

Keeping the smug smile on her face Ruby looked at Weiss with pity.

"Oh Weiss-cream, thanks to Emiya I now know the secret of enlarging my breast size and I could tell you if you decide to cooperate." Ruby said trying to tempt her.

"I-I" Ashamed that her breast size were being called small by a girl 2 years her junior, and remembering the size of her sister's, she was tempted to hear what Ruby had to say.

"Seriously where the fuck are they!"

I've been stuck in the Emerald forest for the past 20 minutes wondering aimlessly as the relic temple continues to elude my eyes.

'Should I just head back?'


Before I came to a decision, the sound of gunshots brought me back to reality.

Looking towards the direction the shots came from, I remembered that the Deathstalker and Nevermore Grimm were supposed to be an opponent that Team RWBY and JNPR had to face in order to come together as a team.

{Quest: Defeat the Deathstalker and Nevermore without assistance.

Reward: [50,00 sp]

Failure: Everyone will hate the host for no reason}

[What is with these unreasonable punishments?]

Sighing at the punishment Emiya activated his reinforcements and dashed towards their direction with the fastest speed that he could muster.

By the time he arrived the Deathstalker was just about to sting Pyrrha with its tail.

Watching the situation from the trees he smirked at her predicament.

[I guess its time for the star to appear.]

Watching the Deathstalker about to pierce Pyrrha, the gang watched in horror as they were too far away to help.





Seeing the stinger above her, Pyrrha closed her eyes and resigned herself to fate.

'I wish I could have at least made some friends.'

"Its too nice of a day for such a pretty girl to die."

The inevitable pain that she expected never appeared. Confused by that and the sudden voice she heard, she opened her eyes and saw the white haired tanned boy from earlier standing in front of her. The Deathstalker's stinger was blocked by a small black curved dagger-like sword he was holding in his left hand.

But what really left her confused was the gentle smile he had on his face despite the situation they were in.

Activating his reinforcements Emiya used Kanshou to swat away the Deathstalkers stinger.


Sitting on the ground Pyrrha watched in shock as her saviour easily swatted away the stinger that had been giving her so much trouble.

"What's up Pyrrha?, you seem to be having a bit of trouble." Emiya turned back and winked.

"E-Emiya?" Still unable to comprehend what was happening, she barely managed to stutter out his name.

"Oh? For such a beautiful girl such as yourself to remember my name leaves me honoured." Bowing slightly he helped her to her feet and told her to go help Team RWBY and JNPR who were getting swarmed by Grimm.

[Seriously? I'm sure this didn't happen in the show.]

"What about you?" She asked with some worry in her voice.

Smirking, he pointed towards the Deathstalker. "It seems I've got a date with big ugly over there and I don't want to stand her up."

Walking towards the deathstalker he left her and the others to deal with in oncoming Grimm.

Having never been treated as a girl before, Emiya's words left her mind in chaos. Never had she been saved or treated so gently before. Remembering his handsome visage and gentle smile caused her heart to beat so fast that she thought it would leap out of her chest. Taking a last look at his departing back she clenched her fists and ran towards the others.

Feeling that Pyrrha had finally left her position, Emiya walked towards the deathstalker with an odd smile on his face.

[Let's get this party started.]

Activating his reinforcements and summoning out Kanshou and Bakuya, he looked at the Deathstalker with glee before charging it.

Watching the dark skinned human who stopped it from killing the red haired human approach, the deathstalker charged towards him with clear intent to kill.

Seeing it try to squash him with its stinger, Emiya smiled and dodged. Using his reinforced leg muscles he jumped into the air. And threw Kanshou and Bakuya in their Overedge state through its exposed legs locking it in place.

Watching the creature squirm he was about to summon another sword to end the fight. But just as he was about to, he changed his mind and thought of ending the fight in a more interesting way.

Gathering aura on the palm of his right hand a ball of condensed aura appeared.

[let's give this a try!]

Falling towards the deathstalker he reach out his right hand and shouted "RASENGAN!!!"


Once the rasengan made contact with the deathstalker's body, a sudden repulsion force tried to push Emiya off. Too bad Emiya fed the Rasengan more aura causing the repulsion force to be negligible.

The creature screamed out in pain as its body transformed into black mist.

Seeing that the Grimm had been slayed, Emiya looked towards his right hand.

[More effective than I thought.]


[Oh? I almost forgot about you.]

Looking towards the sky, the Nevermore circled the skies as if it was its king.

[For some reason having something look down on me from above is very irritating.]

Summoning out Archer's bow, Emiya thought about which arrow he should use.

But before he could finish, Ruby and the others ran towards him with shocked looks on their faces.

During their battle against the Grimm, Pyrrha had told them that Emiya was fighting the Deathstalker solo. Hearing the news caused all of their faces to pale. If the Goddess of Victory couldn't handle it then what hope did Emiya have?

But before they could do anything, they all heard an inhuman scream coming from Emiya's direction. And what they saw left them stunned. A shirtless Emiya with a weird ball radiating power was above the Deathstalker as it squealed before dissipating.

Not to mention them, even Ozpin and Glynda who were watching on the tablet didn't know how to react. But before they could regain their bearings Emiya did something else that shocked them.

Seeing both teams stare at him with wonder in their eyes Emiya had to fake a cough to get their attention.

"You guys may want to stand back, I'm gonna show you how I hunt birds."

Confused by his statement they all took a step back and looked at the circling Nevermore.

Seeing their confused faces a small smile hung on his lips.

Summoning out a weird twisted black sword, he nocked it against his bow.

Of course the others hadn't seen him fight before so the sight of him nocking a sword onto a bow left them wondering if he was mentally alright? But once they saw him stretch it out their eyes went wide in shock.

Chuckling at their reactions he switched his attention back to the Nevermore.

"I am the bone of my sword." Emiya spoke in a low voice.

Team RWBY and JNPR watched as blue mist formed around Emiya. The air around them trembled as he pulled back on the bow.

[The arrow that never misses, prove to me your worth.]


Yelling out the name of the black sword, Emiya released the arrow which caused a shock wave around him.

Being forced back by the arrow's air pressure, the group of huntsmen in training watched as the arrow lodged itself into the Nevermore. Considering just how far away the Nevermore was, it was a miracle that any arrow that wasn't mechanical was able to hit!

"H-How." Unable to speak due to their shock, this was the only comprehensible word that Emiya could understand.

Ignoring their shock, he went and picked up a random relic before walking towards the meetup point.