
"Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by Cardin Winchester!" Ozpin announced.

The audience of students clapped for the formation of a new team. Once their team was announced, team CRDL stepped down from the stage. After they stepped down four new students walked up to the stage and stood in front of the headmaster. Their faces were shown on the big screen behind them.

"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, and Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR." Ozpin announced.

Hearing that she was going to be on the same team as her beloved Ren, Nora practically hugged the life out of him.

Seeing their happy faces the audience start applauding them in congratulations.

"Led by…..Jaune Arc!" Ozpin finished.

Hearing his name being called, Jaune looked at Ozpin in surprise and nervousness, Pyrrha just smiled encouragingly at her new team leader. "L-Led by?" Jaune stuttered.

Sitting on the side-lines Emiya just shook his head.

[To this day I still don't understand what Ozpin saw in Jaune.]

[Not to mention the disappoint his semblance turned out to be.]

Remembering the events of volume 5 caused him to scowl in annoyance.

Once team JNPR left the stage, the four main characters made their way up.

"Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long." Ozpin said as he casted his eyes over the four girls in front of him.

"The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by.....Ruby Rose."

Once again the audience leapt into another round of applause.

[Its just another team? Why are they so enthusiastic?]

When he heard Ozpin announce the leader of team RWBY, he subconsciously looked in Weiss's direction.

[Damn she looks pissed!]

Ruby on the other hand looked surprised and nervous at the same time while Yang jumped on her. Blake just stood there distancing herself from the others but still had a smile on her face.


Ozpin coughed loudly to get everyone's attention before he sent team RWBY off the stage and motioned to Emiya to take the stage.

Complying with the wizard's wishes, Emiya walked onto the stage brimming with confidence.

It was too bad that, that confidence disappeared when he saw the hungry looks in the girls eyes. He forgot that the upper half of his outfit had been decimated leaving his half naked body exposed. What especially scared him was the way Yang was looking at him. Her body was practically shaking as if she was holding herself back from jumping on him.

[I'm not gonna be raped in my sleep am I?]

"You have retrieved the Black king piece. Due to the odd number of students normally you would have been expelled due to not being on a team. But after renewing your performance , the academy has decided to make an exception and make you an honorary member for any team you wish to support."

[So I'm basically backup?]

Ozpin then motioned to screen where footage of him wiping out over 300 beowolves and the Deathstalker and Nevermore played.

Of course Ozpin kept the footage of him battling Raven under wraps.

The audience watched in awe and shock as they never would have guessed that one person could fight a Grimm that would usually take an entire team to defeat. Some even wondered if he could contend with other year groups.

Ruby's eyes were sparkling when she saw the amount of weapons he used during his Beowolf extermination. Not to mention the feeling she felt when she saw him take down the Nevermore even though she had been there in person.

Weiss just stared in awe as if he really was her prince. Though every time she looked at his naked upper body she remembered Ruby's advice for breast enlargement. Causing her face to turn red.

Blake was the calmest of them all and just nodded at his performance mentally comparing him with Adam.

Yang….…Well Yang was feeling something.

Everyone in team JNPR was looking between the footage and Emiya. Most of them couldn't believe a first year had no problem wiping out a small army of Grimm as if he was taking a stroll through his backyard. The most shocked out of everyone was Pyrrha as she remembered Emiya saving her from the Deathstalker. He took down an army of Beowolves then a deathstalker and still had enough power left to take out a Nevermore. Just what kind of monster was he?

The audience was in an uproar as this was the first time they had seen Emiya fight, not to mention just how flashy his moves were.

The man in question was ignoring the amount of respect and awe he was receiving as he thought about a very serious question.

[I wonder if I'll get a fan club.]

'This young man will be the first student in Beacon history to enter the academy without a team due to his overwhelming strength.' Was the thought on everyone's mind.

Ozpin continued his speech. "Due to your overwhelming performance in the Emerald Forest, you are awarded with the title of 'Junior Huntsman '. This title means that although you haven't finished your training at the academy, you are recognized as a huntsmen and will be burdened with the task of going on real huntsmen level missions and developing away from the academy. Are you okay with that?"

"Sure, sounds more fun than being in school every day." Emiya shrugged.

"Now Mr Uchiha, which team will you be an honorary member of?"

Pretending to think about his answer, Emiya stood in silence while everyone watched in silence waiting for his decision.

Yang, Ruby and Weiss were crossing their fingers, Pyrrha clenched her fists and every other girl bit their lip.

[Ha! I got them on the ropes.]

Finally coming to a decision, Emiya looked at Ozpin.

"I don't want a set team, I rather just jump from team to team."

Surprised by his answer Ozpin went quiet but eventually nodded.

Some of the other students were disappointed that he didn't choose their team but were also happy to know that he could jump to theirs whenever he wanted.

'What kind of retard would limit himself to one team? Now I can go flirt with all kinds of girls in their rooms hehehe.'

Happy at his future prospects, he didn't notice the blonde tigress sneaking up on him until it was too late.


Catching him in a bear hug, he felt his body scream out in pain!

Looking towards the other members of team RWBY he expected them to help him calm the Yangster down. But what he saw left him shocked. They actually smiled at his pain!

'Just because I didn't pick their team doesn't warrant this kind of abuse!!'

"Calm down YANG!! You won't be able to use that one time favor if you kill me now!" Emiya squeezed out.

Remembering that she still held that advantage, Yang reluctantly let him go.

"Be prepared because my request won't be easy to fulfill." Yang said giving him a seductive wink.

Catching his breath, he looked a Yang with the best smile he could despite the pain in his body. "I'm not sure you'll be able to handle me if you ask for that kind of favor."

"Oh? Wanna put it to the test!" She smirked.

"Any place, any time Blondie." Emiya smirked back.

As the two stared each other down, they didn't realize that the entire audience could hear their conversation. Some of the girls blushed while looking at Yang with hate, while the guys all felt like Emiya needed to learn his place in their hierarchy.

"Looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year" Ozpin said quietly.

[Oh Ozpin, you have no idea.]