Not that route!

Weiss returned to the classroom decked out in her combat skirt and carrying her rapier.

Standing in front of the cage, she got into her stance and readied herself to face the Grimm within.

From the side, Team RWBY didn't forget to cheer her on. Emiya played a new game he downloaded on his scroll as he already knew how things would go down and thought that paying attention would be a waste of time.

"Go Weiss!" Yang shot her fist into the air.

"Fight well!" Blake waved a small flag that read 'RWBY'.

"Yeah, represent team RWBY!" Ruby cheered.

"Ruby! I'm trying to focus!" Weiss scorned annoyed at her.

"Oh…uh, sorry." Ruby weakly apologized

"Alright, let's get started!"

Swinging his axe down on the lock, the cage door fell open and revealed the Boarbatusk inside. Immediately charging at Weiss, the Grimm tried to crash into her. Using her Myrtenaster to deflect its attack, she rolled to the side and readied herself for its next move.

'YESS!! It took me 389 rolls, but I finally got a rare class card!!'

'Prepare yourself xxx_SwagEmpire42_xxx, cause imma bout to beat yo ass!'





'I'll give you my fort! Just let me leave with my lien!'

'No! No! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!'


"Neo! Stop playing on your scroll and help me move some dust."

'Tsk, Damn kids and their technology.'

Walking away towards a group of White Fang members, Roman swung his cane.

Giggling at her opponent's request to keep their lien, ice cream girl pressed the 'No Mercy' button and left to help.

Seeing Emiya with his head down, Yang looked at him and asked. "You okay Emiya? Your missing Weiss's performance."

"Yang *sniff* you'll still marry me *sniff* even if I no longer have my fort or lien right?" Emiya asked sobbing quietly.

'What? Whatever.'

"Emiya as long as you keep that hot body and can show me a good time under the sheets, I don't mind being the breadwinner." Yang said as if she was actually looking forward to the scenario.

Before Emiya had a chance to answer, he was interrupted by professor Port's voice. "Bravo! Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training! I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

Weiss turned and glared at Ruby before leaving.

'I guess even with my interference Weiss still doesn't like the fact that she wasn't team leader.'

'Well, no need to get involved. They'll sort it out themselves.'

[Quest: Get Weiss to make up with Ruby]

[Reward: Weiss's affection for host increases.]

[Failure: Weiss and Ruby make up but go down the yuri route]


Running after the angry Weiss, Ruby called out to her.


"What!" Weiss turned around, still annoyed.

"What's wrong with you? I thought everything was going well!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Well!? Are you kidding me! I should have been team leader not you. I worked hard for this and what do I get! Some childish airhead who can't even pay attention in class!"

Visibly shocked by her statement, Ruby felt like something was poking at her heart.

"B-but I thought we were friends! We share a secret remember! (Enlarge chest secret)"

"That's that and this is this. We may be friends Ruby, but Ozpin made a mistake choosing you as team leader."

Weiss turned and walked away leaving behind a dejected Ruby.

But little did they know that Emiya was hiding behind a corner listening to their conversation. When he saw Ozpin approach Ruby he took this chance to slip away and meet up with Weiss.

"Hey Weiss-cream."

Standing at one of the balcony's watching over the city, Weiss was surprised to hear someone call out her name.

"E-Emiya? What are you doing here?"

"Whenever a beautiful girl is troubled I naturally appear." Emiya joked. "I heard about what happened between you and Ruby."

Hearing him bring up the topic, she turned away from him not willing to let him see her face.

[What a troublesome girl indeed…Though it is kinda cute]

"Weiss…why do you want to be leader?" I asked.

"Because I deserve it! I trained myself daily, pushed myself to the limit both mentally and physically and proved myself good enough to be here! And she-she didn't do any of THAT! Do you know how hard it was to convince my family to let me come here? To show them I'm more than just my name! To be seen as something more than fragile!" Weiss exploded.

[Damn! I know Jacque isn't father of the year or anything but damn, he really fucked with her head.]

"I put myself through hell and what do I get? A little girl 2 years younger than me as a leader!! What was all my training for? What was the point of putting myself through all that if my talents can't be recognized!"

Emiya couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

'Damn this girl is funny.'

"Emiya?" Weiss called his name concerned.

"Ah Weiss" wiping away a tear he looked at her dead in the eye. "I think you've misunderstood why Ruby was chosen to be leader."


"Weiss if you were the leader of a team how would you approach it?" He asked.

"I'd make sure we work efficiently and were ready at a moment's notice." Weiss said mechanically.

"And that's why Ruby is the leader." Emiya nodded.

"Huh? What do you mean." She asked confused.

"Weiss, a team is more than just a unit, it's a family. The way you just described leading a team is akin to that of someone who puts themselves above others. I know that's not what you meant but its what you've been taught. Ruby on the other hand has this ability to connect to others on a level that is currently out of your reach. Due to her childish nature and carefree attitude people are naturally drawn to her and find her easy to deal with. But when things get serious, you can bet your ass that she'll be first in line to protect you no matter what. A team leader doesn't have to be the best fighter, nor do they have to be that smart. To be a leader what you need is the complete and total trust from teammates, and with your current attitude, I don't think your team would trust you to lead them in a serious situation." Emiya explained.

"B-but all of my training-

"Can still go to good use. Listen Weiss, just because you're not the leader of team RWBY doesn't mean you can't lead them down the right path as their teammate. Ruby is young, immature, childish, naïve, happy go lucky, irresponsible-

"Now it just sounds like your bad mouthing her." Weiss interrupted.

[Shit she's right.]

"Ahem. My point is she still needs someone to help her out. And Weiss…I think you can be that person. And besides, it's been less than 24 hours since she became leader, give her a chance."

'Thank god I remember all those cheesy shounen speeches.'

Taking his leave, Emiya left her to reflect on his words.


Hearing his name being called out, he turned back to face her."



Emiya just smiled in response.

"No problem Weiss-cream."

[Quest: Complete]

[Reward: Weiss's affection towards host increased.]

'What a bullshit quest! Practically forced me to complete it.'

Pissed off that the system threatened him with the yuri route. Emiya walked around the halls with a scowl on his face.


Turning around he saw Glynda.

"What's up Glyn." He smiled upon seeing her.

Hearing that name, she raised an eyebrow but didn't reject it.

"Isn't it time for you to return to your room?"

"I rather spend my time with a beautiful lady." He teased.

"Is that all you think about!" She scoffed.

"Well you know me. Lived most of my life in that forest, seeing beautiful women was quite rare." Shrugging, Emiya stated his reasons.


Remembering that this boy barely had any contact with the opposite sex for god knows how long, Glynda started to worry if he would take out his sexual frustrations on one of the students?

"It is forbidden for students to be in a relationship!" She suddenly yelled.

Stepping back, Emiya wondered why the hell she just screamed at him loud enough to wake up any nearby students.

'Where did that come from?'

Seeing the puzzled look on Emiya's face, Glynda knew she fucked up and felt her cheeks start to burn.


"Ahem. Return to your room. You have my class first thing tomorrow."

Turning away from him, she hurried down the corridor and escaped out of sight.

Watching her leave, Emiya felt thoroughly confused.

'The fuck was that about?'

Feeling his scroll start to ring, Emiya saw Ozpin's number.

"What does the wizard want now?"

'Fuck it, I'll deal with him tomorrow.'

Putting his scroll away, he left in the direction of his room.