
Okay, so I know that me being here has changed a couple of small things like Ruby and Weiss's meeting, or Jaune not throwing up on Yang's shoe on the bullhead to Beacon. But I never thought I'd affect a plotline like this.

It was Glynda's class and Jaune and Cardin were supposed to have their first fight today which would lead to the whole Jaundice incident. But for some reason I'm standing on the stage facing off against the Goddess of Victory Pyrrha Nikos.

And since Raven destroyed my Xeno Goku outfit, I decided it was time for a new look and brought Kiritsugu's EMIYA Assassin outfit from the system. Which I must say is pretty badass looking.

"I hope we have a good match Emiya." Pyrrha smiled.

"I hope so to." Emiya replied.

'Fuck the plotline, I'm here to shine.'

Smiling at Pyrrha, he prepared himself for battle.


"Trace on."

A feeling of electricity running through his body caused him release a breath of pleasure. Two black and white short Dao swords appeared in his hands.

[HAHA! There it is again! That feeling of power coursing through me like a river!]

Despite not having the body of a heroic spirit, he covered his body in circuit like symbols reinforcing his muscles and enhancing his speed to the point that it would rival a low tier servant.

[Against an opponent of this level, using reinforcements of this level might be overkill. Hopefully she's worth it.]

'What the heck is that!!' Seeing the green computer like circuits brand Emiya's body like a tattoo, Pyrrha felt her grip around her weapon tighten. Keeping her composure she watched as the white haired young man dashed towards her.

Switching her spear into rifle mode, she took aim and fired several rounds in his direction.

[Not good enough!!]

Letting archer's battle instincts take over, he brought Kanshou and Bakuya in front of him and easily deflected the bullets with ease and dodged the rest. Bolstering the reinforcements in his legs he shot off the ground leaving a crater in his wake!

Appearing in front the astounded Amazonian he raised his left hand and slashed down with Bakuya.

Watching the blade slowly approach her. Pyrrha's combat instincts kicked in and forced her to jump backwards, barely avoiding the blow!


Without thinking, she switched her gun back into a short spear and charged towards Emiya slashing her weapon like a sword.

[Woah!! Even though she's nowhere near me in speed and her physical ability is lower than a servant, her experience and instincts allow her to keep up with me despite the difference in ability!! No wonder Ozpin chose her as the next maiden.]

Dodging her slashes, a small smile formed on his face as he couldn't help but have new found respect for his opponent.

While Emiya was busy avoiding her attacks, Pyrrha tried activating her semblance to throw his weapons out of his hands. But to her surprise, Emiya's swords didn't move an inch. It was as if they weren't affected by her polarity.

Seeing the confused expression on her face, a smirk revealed itself on Emiya's face as he figured that she just tried to use her semblance on him.

[Too bad my swords are made of solidified aura and not metal.]

Dodging her next slash, Emiya removed the reinforcement off his right leg as he sent it crashing into her ribcage.

"Urgh!" Retreating back, she gripped her side in pain.

Ignoring her pained face, he dematerialised his swords and slowly approached her. "Let's finish this Pyrrha."

Without waiting for her to answer, his body flicker only to end up in front of the silent Amazonian. Wanting to try out his hand to hand combat skills, he lightly reinforced his fists and struck down towards Pyrrha's face.

*BANG! *

Unsurprisingly his fist was met with the sound of a resounding bang after coming into contact with her golden shield.

Smiling to himself, he silently praised her in his mind.

[Considering you held your own against a maiden for a short amount of time, I'd expect nothing less from you.]

Forced to take a knee, cracks spread on the stage beneath her leaving Glynda and the audience in shock. Pyrrha on the other hand didn't have enough time to admire his feat as the force from Emiya's fist left her arms numb.

'This strength… It's astounding!! I'm pretty sure even Nora would have a hard time getting up if she got hit by a couple of these!'

Shaking herself out of her stupor, she tilted her shield to the side, redirecting Emiya's force of gravity and causing him to stumble forward. Not willing to miss the opportunity to counter attack, she put as much power into her legs as possible and sprung up off the ground and slammed her knee deep into Emiya's gut.

[Damn! She really is Achilles with boobs!!]

[If it wasn't for me reinforcing my body that strike probably would have dealt some heavy damage.]

Retreating backwards, a sense of admiration spread from his heart. Meeting one of his favorite characters in the series is one thing. But fighting against said character and realizing they're just as much the badass as you'd expect is something else entirely.

"Damn! What is your body made of?" Seeing him shrug off her attack, a sense of curiosity rose in her heart.

It was the first time she'd ever felt that someone from the same generation as her could actually rival her in combat! It was a strange feeling. She was always praised as the invincible girl. A figure to be admired and never touched. But during her short exchange with Emiya, she felt that he was someone who could not only match her, but even exceed her in certain aspects.

From the very start of the fight, he'd surprised her over and over again, gaining the advantage in most of their clashes. From her earlier assessment she realized that not only was he faster than her, but the physical strength he brought forth was down-right inhuman!!

Ever since her first win during the Mistral Regional tournament, she'd been expected to win again and again to the point that she felt that she was no longer fighting to improve herself, but instead to not disappoint the people who sponsored her. She was a puppet being lead around by a string.

But for the first time in years, she genuinely felt like she wanted to best her opponent. Not because it was expected of her, not because she wanted to be the strongest, and not because she was the 'Invincible Girl'. No! She wanted to win because she was having fun! She hadn't felt like this since the days she used to train with her father. The feeling of knowing that your giving it your all and slowly improving as a result. This feeling excited her as she felt that through this spar, maybe the person in front of her would look past her title as 'the Goddess of Victory' and see her for who she really was.

Showing off a dazzling smile that left that audience breathless she dashed towards Emiya as fast as she could, switching her short spear into its full length. She drew her arm back and felt her muscles tighten as she threw the weapon with all her strength!

Unaware that he'd reignited a dying flame in her heart, the man in question prepared to meet the javelin head on.

[FUCK!! I wish archer had a less conspicuous shield other than Rho Aias!]

Silently cursing archer in his heart he quickly analysed the last shield he could remember.

"Trace on"

Slight flashes of blue sparks appeared under his palm as Pyrrha's shield 'Akoúo̱' materialised in his hand.

"WHAT!!" Seeing her shield appear in her opponent's hand, Pyrrha and the audience looked down at the shield in her hand, checking that it was still there. 'What is that semblance?'

Running towards the flying javelin, Emiya easily knocked it aside and dashed towards Pyrrha.

Seeing him dematerialised the shield, a small smile appeared on her face as she dropped her own and prepared to meet him in hand to hand combat.

Clenching his hand into a fist he took a deep breath and threw a right hook at her. But in a blink of an eye, Pyrrha grabbed his arm with both of her hands and then skillfully flipped him over into the air!

Getting slammed onto the ground caused Emiya to wince as he regretted turning off his reinforcement's.

[Damnit! I'M NOT DONE YET!!]

Ignoring the pain in his body, he pushed himself off the ground and got ready to engage Pyrrha once more.

Both students went at it back and forth. Without using reinforcements, Pyrrha was way faster than him and used her hand to hand experience to dominate the match. The longer they fought the more disadvantaged he started to feel as he realized that without his cheats, he really is nothing in front of her.



The more he raged internally, the more Pyrrha hit him. It was getting to the point that even Pyrrha knew that this match would only end one way.

' What happened? Why is he so slow all of a sudden? Is he fatigued?'

Evading one of his punches, she countered with a 1-2 jab combo to his face.

'He's not going to last much longer.'

Knocking him onto his back, she reached out her hand in order to help him up.

"I think we should stop here."


Logically he knew she was right, but his pride as a living cheat made it hard for him to accept his loss. He'd spent 9 years training himself to the absolute limit but as soon as he stopped relying on his cheats he found out that his training meant jack shit. Without his reinforcements activated his skills just weren't up to par. What made it worse was the fact that although he inherited archer's experience with UBW, he didn't gain any fighting style or techniques! All he got was the most basic way of using UBW. And even reinforcing himself to the point of rivaling a low tier servant put a huge strain on his body.

Not to say that he'd gained nothing from this match. In fact he gained more than he lost. Besides hurting some of his pride, he realized that he had weak points that he never would have considered before. Like how long his body could endure being in a pseudo servant state or how he lacked basic hand to hand techniques.

Seeing the radiant smile on Pyrrha's face, he took hold of her hand and pulled her down onto the floor and into his embrace.

Seeing his actions, the crowd went wild as the girls in the audience started to talk amongst themselves as their cheeks flushed red as they stared at the position Emiya and Pyrrha were in.

Team RWY and Nora on the other hand weren't as shy as the other girls and were directly cheering for Emiya while Blake watched with disinterest.

Seeing the reactions of the girls and hearing the main characters cheer him on, Emiya brought his mouth close to Pyrrha's ear and gently whispered into it. "That was a good match. How about we start having our own private sparring sessions?"

Having never being in such intimate contact with a male before, her cheeks flushed red as she kept her head down nodding slowly like she was in a trance.

Seeing her agree to his proposition, Emiya felt a small smile don itself on his face as he knew the perfect place to spar where no one would disturb them.