
After combat class finished, Emiya, Team RWBY and JNPR found themselves in the cafeteria as Nora told them an entertaining story.

"So! There we were, in the middle of the night..." Nora began.

"It was day." Ren corrected.

"We were surrounded by Ursai." Nora continued.

"They were Beowolves." Ren once again corrected.

"Dozens of them!!" She exclaimed

"There were two." Ren said sounding tired.

"But they were no match... And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!" She cheered.

"She's been having this reoccurring dream for a month now." Ren sighed in defeat.

Knowing what was gonna happen next I tuned out and instead chose to look at my stats and what I could afford.

After finishing my business with the system, the sound of sobbing caught my attention.

"Please *sniff* stop." As if tears were about to start flowing, a brown haired rabbit faunus was getting her ears pulled by some guy in tacky looking armour.

Hearing her crying voice only seemed to further encourage him as he pulled harder on her ears.

"I told you they were real. What a freak."

The students in the cafeteria turned a blind eye to the scene trying their best to ignore it. Emiya on the other hand was getting irritated as he saw all the students ignore the blatant bullying in front of them.

"I've had enough of this!" Emiya slammed his fist onto the table.

"Emiya?" Blake said surprised.

I don't see myself as an emotional guy nor do I really give any fucks about others, but after having suffered bits of racism in my past life due to the colour of my skin, I've become somewhat sensitive to seeing anyone being discriminated against.

Getting up from his table, team RWBY and JNPR watch Emiya approach Cardin with his fists clenched.


Looking at the handsome figure approaching, Cardin tightened his grip on Velvet's ear as a malicious expression covered his face.

"Fuck off pretty boy! Unless you want to be next!"

With a dark expression, Emiya's next words were laden with venom. "Cardin choose your next actions very carefully or else I'll ensure that it haunts you for the rest of your days."

Looking at the rest of team CRDL, a mocking smile hung on Cardin's lips.

"Would you look at that fellas, it seems we have a freak lover on our hands."

"Ha" "Freak lover" "Pretty boy bitch"


Shooting his hand out faster than Cardin could react, Emiya placed his right hand on his shoulder and looked at him with a bit of pity.

Thinking that he was about to receive a punch from the white haired boy, Cardin braced himself for impact only to be surprised when he heard the solemn voice of Emiya "Dress Break."

Blinding red light erupted from his right hand and everyone in the cafeteria shielded their eyes. When the light finally faded and everyone was able to see properly again, the sound of multiple girls screaming echoed out as students pulled out their scrolls and pointed them at Cardin.

'W-what are people laughing at?'

Feeling a small breeze pass by, Cardin felt an unusual sense of coldness on his body. Realizing that both Emiya and the rabbit Faunus were gone, he looked towards his teammates only to see them backing away trying to hide themselves from the cameras.

"Now miss Velvet, I heard that you've got an interest in photography, mind if I ask you to take a picture for me?"

'Photography? Picture?'

Not understanding what was happening, he felt a chill slowly climb up the back of his neck once he realized what the students were pointing their scrolls at. Slowly looking down, the sight of his micro***** scared him as he stood in the cafeteria in nothing more than his birthday suit.


Covering his unsavory bits, he looked around for anything to cover himself only to be met with the mocking smiles of his peers.

Breaking him out of his mental collapse, the mocking voice of Emiya caught his attention.

"Cardin, Cardin ,Cardin" walking towards the naked bully with his hand around Velvet's waist, Emiya looked at him with a smile. "Do you know why I like bullies? It's because I enjoy kicking them off their high horse. Watching you guys who think you're much stronger and better than everyone else squirm before me is truly euphoric. Watching you lose all that power and prestige that you so tirelessly built up crumble before your very eyes….tell me Cardin? How does it feel knowing that everything happening to you right now is the result of your actions. Does it hurt? Does it fuel you with rage? Or are you one of those secret masochists who get off on public humiliation? You can tell me Cardin, I promise I won't tell anybody." Now standing only a few feet away from him, Emiya's smile was burned into his irises. "You probably joined the academy in hopes of becoming a famous huntsman right? I'm not abolishing you or anything. In fact, I'm sure a lot of people joined for the very same reason…But it seems you currently have the advantage."

Looking at all the students taking pictures and recording him on their scrolls, Cardin's face turned white.

"Would you look at that, your fellow students want to help spread your fame all over the web. I'm willing to bet that by the end of the day, everyone in Remnant will know the glorious name of Cardin Winchester!"

Turning his back on the bully, he slowly made his way back to Velvet's side. But before reaching her, he turned back to face Cardin. "Don't forget to smile."


Lunging towards him, he was met with a reinforced fist to the face and eventual darkness.

Watching the crazed Cardin collapse, Emiya dusted off his hands and walked away like it had nothing to do with him.

All the students within the cafeteria minus team RWBY, JNPR and Velvet rushed to take pictures of the unconscious Cardin and started posting it all over the web.

Like Emiya said, by the end of the day everyone will know the name of the glorious Cardin Winchester. Beacon academy's first ever leader of the micro**** community.

"Here's your camera."

Taking back her camera, Velvet watched in amazement as her saviour both mentally and socially destroyed her aggressor.

"T-thank you. But why help me?" She asked shyly.

"Does a knight need a reason to save a princess?" I smiled.

"But I'm not a princess" shaking her head, she had a downcast expression on her face.

"Really!? You were so cute that I naturally assumed you were. Sorry for the misidentification." I say acting shocked.

'Cute? He said I'm cute!!'

Unable to believe that such a handsome man thought that she was so cute that he mistook her for a princess. Velvet felt her cheeks heat up and slowly turned red.

Working up her courage she slowly lifted up her head until she was staring into his silver eyes, almost mesmerized by their beauty.

"I um-I never got your name." She stuttered.

Seeing how red her face was becoming, internally Emiya was break-dancing.

Showing off an innocent smile, he attracted the attention of every girl in the vicinity.

Seeing the infatuated looks on all the girl's faces, Jaune turned to face his only comrade.

"Hey Ren."


"What does he have that I don't?"

"Strength, Charisma, Confidence, Popularity, Athletic build, tall, dark, Handsome, exotic looking, mystery, intelligence-

"Okay Okay jeez! It was a rhetorical question."





"Yes Jaune."

"What qualities do I have?"


Ignoring the ruckus that the two boys were making, to everyone's dissatisfaction Emiya was focusing all his attention on the red faced Velvet.

"Emiya Uchiha. But cute girls like you can call me Emiya." I said with a smile.

"I'm Velvet Scarlatina! Please to me you!" She said, bowing her head.

Emiya chuckled at the action and stopped her from bowing.

"I know who you are, I've been calling you by name for quite a while now."

"Oh!?" Realizing her blunder, her face flushed even more. "How do you know who I am?"

"Velvet Scarlatina, 2nd year at Beacon academy, member of team CFVY, cute as a button, adorable ears and a heart of gold."

As I stated the facts, Velvet's eyes went wide in astonishment.

"I'm sorry to say that I may have stalked you a little bit. Please accept my apology." Bowing my head, I could practically hear her heart accelerate.

"N-no I'm the one who should be sorry." Repeatedly bowing her head caused her to become somewhat dizzy. But before she could fall over, Emiya caught her in his embrace.

'Fuck! She's too cute!!'

"No need to apologize, but if you really want to thank me then I have a favor to ask."

"Yes anything!!"

'Isn't she a bit too into this?'

"Then go on a date with me this Sunday." I said.

After saying that it was as if time stopped as a grueling silence descended on the entire cafeteria. Many death glares were sent to Velvet, notably from Yang. Unfortunately, Velvet was to wrapped up in Emiya's words to even notice what was happening in her surroundings.

"So what do you say Velvet? Would you do me the honour of accompanying one as unworthy as me?" I smiled.


"Great I'll pick you up on Sunday! Here's my scroll number."

After saying goodbye to Velvet, I returned to my table only to be met with icy glares from all the girls?

"What? You guys all have my number?" I shrugged.

Slamming her fist down on the table, Yang's eyes turned red and her hair looked like it was on fire.

"Why haven't you asked me out on a date yet!!" She yelled.

Watching the cracks slowly spread across the table, I swallowed my upcoming words and thought about ways to placate the raging Yang.

Fortunately the other girls did it for me.

"YOU!!? EMIYA IS GOING ON A DATE WITH ME FIRST!!" Everyone except Blake, Nora and the boys yelled.

While Nora screamed. "THAT WAS AWESOME!!"