I saw everyone's dissatisfaction with Chapter 15 so i'm making this short message to explain some points and hopefully relieve you of your concerns.
1st: The reason he didn't insta KO Pyrrha was because he was holding back a lot as he did not want her to end up in hospital because he accidentally broke her bones or damaged some of her organs.
2nd: He wanted to see how strong Pyrrha actually was considering the fact that she managed to fight a full powered Cinder for a short amount of time. Think about it as him using her to gauge his own strength in comparison to a maiden.
3rd: The reason he didn't use his Sharingan or Hollow mask is because he wants to keep some trump cards to himself.
4th: When i said his reinforced body matched that of a low tier servant, i would ranking him about a half star. And even then the amount of strain it puts on his body is immense.
5th: The reason he lost was because
1. He turned off his reinforcements and lost his overall advantage.
2. He lacks hand to hand techniques
3. Pyrrha is just a more skilled fighter than him.
You guys need to remember that for the past 9 years he's only been fighting against Grimm and he didn't really need any skill or technique to kill them. His reinforced body and unlimited amount of weapons made him curb stomp them. Not to mention this was his first time fighting a human opponent who actually had skill.
And when he got angry in the second half of the fight, it wasn't really anger, just a realization that without his reinforcements or swords, he can't put up a fight against someone of Pyrrha's level.
So in closing: If he kept using his reinforcements during the fight, it would have ended with a one sided slaughter.
It had been a few days since the cafeteria incident and after Cardin's sudden popularity spread throughout Remnant, his parents pulled him out of school, and no one had heard from him since. Without their leader team CRDL became quite reserved and no longer bullied any of the Faunus kids. And just about everyone saw me as a hero.
Team RWBY and JNPR kept pestering me about my semblance so I came up with the excuse that my semblance allowed me to project whatever I wanted within reason. This lead to Ruby and Nora begging me to project cookies and pancakes, and it took me an hour to explain to them that I couldn't.
Blake thought what I did for Velvet was very noble and became more relaxed around me.
Weiss didn't agree with me shredding his clothes as his tiny **** sullied her eyes. But besides that she was fine with the way I handled it.
Yang's sexual drive seemed to go into overdrive as she became more flirty and we almost ended up doing it a few times.
And after the spar between me and Pyrrha she seemed to become more clingy. Not that I was complaining.
Unfortunately Glynda and Ozzy didn't see my noble deed of riding the school of scum as a particularly good thing. It ended with them giving me a stern talking to and a warning.
After the whole incident died down, Pyrrha and Emiya had started to train together on top of the roof that was originally meant to be Jaune and Pyrrha's special place.
Facing off against each other, both he and the Invincible Girl clashed their weapons. No semblance, aura manipulation or cheat abilities involved. Just simple swordsmanship.
Every swing held a purpose, each step commanded change and every breath revealed his emotions. No movement was wasted, he simply fought with all he had while trying to best his opponent.
Pyrrha was dodging each swing of Emiya's sword but was surprised to see the increase of his basic swordsmanship after only training for a week. She even had to admit to herself that the increase in his skills with the sword was monstrous, far outstripping any genius she had ever seen. Including herself. It was almost as if he was born to wield a sword.
If it was not for the wooden swords Emiya had traced out and the lack of reinforcement, she felt that she would have lost several times over. But this feeling only fueled her to get better.
Emiya on the other hand didn't have too much to think about. From the moment he started to purely focus on refining his swordsmanship he'd felt himself slowly becoming more in tune with Archer's style of fighting.
If it was before, he could be considered a mad dog with insane speed and monstrous strength swinging around his swords like it was nobody's business.
Now, he could be considered a sword practitioner slowly cultivating himself to the peak of Archer's style.
Dematerializing the swords he sat down on the floor, closed his eyes and seemed to be in deep meditation. In reality he was just checking his system.
On the other hand, Pyrrha watched him in silence as she looked over his well-built muscle and stared at his delicious abs through his shirt as the sweat caused it to stick to his skin. Not to mention his exotic looks, she wondered why she ever considered Jaune in the first place? Without knowing it her cheeks blushed.
[Buy the pressure point book of knowledge and Hyuga clan's gentle fist technique]
[Name: Emiya Uchiha
Level: 25
Race: Human
Bloodline: Uchiha (Partial)
Aura: 105
STR: 37
DEF: 32
END: 42
AGI: 78
STM: 51
System Points: 20,423
[Gamers Mind] (Passive).
[Hollow Mask]
[Gentle fist]
[FUCK! I'm low on SP and I still need to buy the emperor eye and highspeed regeneration.]
"Whah? Huh?" Snapping back to reality, I was woken up by a somewhat angry yell.
Opening my I eyes I saw Pyrrha's face right in front of mine.
"Uh…Hi beautiful." Emiya smiled
"Don't hi beautiful me, you completely ignored what I was saying weren't you?" Pyrrha said ignoring the smile.
Sitting there shocked, Emiya's eyes opened wide.
'Has she become clingy to the point that she's developed an immunity to my smile!'
'Nah! Its probably hormones or something.'
"C'mon we're gonna be late."
Dragging him by his arm, Pyrrha and Emiya left the roof top and walked down the halls where people gave them strange looks.
'What are they looking at?'
Realizing that everyone was staring at their hands (holding) Pyrrha's face grew hot, but she didn't let go.
Seeing the change of expression on her face, Emiya tried to get her to think of something else.
"So where are you kidnapping me to?" I asked curiously.
"You really don't remember do you?" She sighed.
"Care to explain?"
"*Sigh* Yesterday you promised that you'd have an all out match with team RWBY, me and Nora without holding back."
"I don't remember this. What was I doing when you asked?"
"I think you were playing on your scroll."
Rapid flashbacks of him begging xxx_SwagEmpire42_xxx to return his lien while Ruby and the rest were asking him about random shit which he just nodded to.
"Oh, shit."
Arriving in Glynda's class, team RWBY and Nora were doing some stretches until they saw Emiya and Pyrrha walk in.
The audience seats were filled with Jaune and Ren who chatted quietly amongst themselves.
Joining the rest of the girls, Pyrrha and the others got into their battle formation.
'I guess we're doing this.'
"Just to make this clear, you all agree that I'm allowed to fight without holding back?" Emiya asked cautiously.
"Yep, show us what you got hot stuff." Yang winked.
'Although she says that, its not like I can go all out or I'll accidentally kill them'
Getting into his stance, Emiya waited for the buzzer to signal the start of the match.
Without waiting, Emiya activated his reinforcements and instantly appeared in front of the closest person and slammed her in the stomach with a non-lethal, but very painful Rasengan.
Putting force into his arm, he pushed the rasengan further into her stomach and sent her flying off the stage with her aura in the red zone.
"Bye bye Nora"
Watching her slump to the floor a devious smile hung on his lips as he proceeded to activate the reinforcements in his legs and dodged the incoming dust infused bullets aimed at his head. Looking at the person who fired the shots an unsettling smile crept onto his lips.
"You really shouldn't have done that kitty."
Not giving her any time to think, he dashed towards the black haired beauty and punched her in the gut and then proceeded to deliver a series of quick strikes forcing her into submission before he slammed her head into the ground.
Watching as I rested my foot on Blake's back, Weiss thought that I was being a bit to brutal.
"Do you really have to take sparring so seriously!!"
"Oi oi, who were the ones who said they didn't want me to hold back in today's match?"
[Not gonna admit that I did it because I had a sudden flashback of volume 4 and was driven into a sudden rage.]
"Yeah we said that, but don't you feel any remorse for the fairer sex?"
"*Sigh* listen here ice queen."
"If I'm not this hard on you guys then you have no reason to get stronger."
"What are you talking about! We have plenty of reasons to get stronger! Like the threat to humanity, the Grimm!!"
[Oh? They've been so irrelevant for so long I kinda forgot about them.]
"That may be true, but nothing is more of a motivator for getting stronger than getting your ass kicked so badly that revenge is the only thing on your mind. Therefore I'm forcing you guys to improve faster than you would naturally." I say confidently.
"So your saying, you beating the crap outta us is for our own good?" Joining in the conversation Yang threw in her 2 cents.
"More or less" shrugging my shoulders I silently prepare my next strike. To be honest the only reason I'm this brutal is because knowing that no one can touch me turns me on slightly.
"Girls." Yang said.
"Hmm?" They responded.
"Let's kick his ass!!" She roared.
Rallying the girls to her side, Yang and the rest charged.
Throwing a kunai in the direction of Goldilocks, Yang easily avoided it and continued to charge at me with gusto.
[Should I be worried about how violent she seems to be towards me?]
While I was busy throwing the knife Weiss-cream and Pyrrha came at me slashing. It seems Weiss used her time dilation glyph to enhance their speed.
'Oi! That one almost hit my dick!'
Dodging the castrating slashes, Emiya finally had enough of having his little brother fight a war that was not his own!! Grabbing both girls by their pony tails he pulled both of them downwards as he jumped up and smacked his knees off their foreheads.
"Hmph! Having long hair on the battlefield is basically begging for someone to grab it! I expect that from someone like Weiss, Pyrrha I'm disappointed in you."
Hearing his words, both girls were currently feeling two very different emotions.
'What does he mean he expects something like that from me! Is he saying he thinks Pyrrha is better than me!'
If Emiya could read minds he would definitely say that when it comes to battle, Pyrrha is probably better than everyone they know minus the adults.
'He's disappointed in me' as if her soul left her body, Pyrrha lay there staring at the ceiling with slightly hollow eyes.
'Geez, I didn't think my words would cause them to lose some much focus. I just wanted them to realize that it would be more effective if they styled their hair into a bun when fighting.'
Pulling his Jackal replica pistol (Hellsing) out of his pocket, he shot both girls and watched as their aura fell into the red.
'Great, now I just have to focus on little red and the blondie.'
(Jaune POV)
"Do you think he's being a bit too hard on them?"
"Hmm.." Looking up from his book Ren took a quick glance at the stage before returning to his reading.
"He may be acting a bit too rough with them, but his words about them improving faster now that they have a goal holds some merit."
"That may be true but-
Jaune looked at the girls writhing on the ground.
"Don't you he's enjoying this a bit too much?"
On the stage Emiya was laughing like a maniac while he evaded Yang's fists and pinched her ass.
"Stop running and fight me like a man!!" Yang raged.
"Do you want me to hit you that badly? Is this a kink of yours because if it is I'm totally down." Emiya teased.
Annoyed by his nonchalant attitude, she activated her semblance and started to punch faster than before.
"Wow, I hope you're this aggressive in the bedroom." Emiya grinned.
Seeing Emiya tease her sister, Ruby didn't know how to approach the situation. Initially she thought that since he specialized in close quarter combat, sniping him from a distance would be best. But now that Emiya and Yang were locked so closely together, she feared that she might hit her sister instead.
[Looks like red feels left out.]
[Lets change that.]
Dodging another one of Yang's fists, Emiya started hitting her pressure points causing her body to lock up. Whipping out his pistol he fired off a couple of rounds into her gut until her aura fell into the red.
"And then there was one." He said smiling at the silver eyed girl.
"Oh no."
"What the heck Emiya!! Why didn't you fight us seriously!!"
After training was finished, Emiya and the teams made their way to the cafeteria for lunch while Yang and Weiss complained all the way.
"What are you talking about? I did fight you seriously." Emiya said casually.
"You didn't even summon out your swords!!" Weiss retorted.
"Weren't you complaining that I was being too hard on you earlier? If I brought my swords out then there would be no point of training." Brushing off the comment Emiya started eating his lunch.
"Emiya's right. Considering we didn't stand a chance against him while he was holding back, bringing his swords into the equation would be overkill." Blake explained.
"Not like it wasn't one sided enough." Jaune mumbled which caused him to receive various glares from the girls.
Ignoring the girl's beating up Jaune, Emiya focus his attention on the oddly quiet Valkyrie.
"What's up Nora? Its unlike you to not join in on beating someone up."
Sighing to herself she looked at Ren and then Emiya.
"Nothing, just thinking about different types of pancakes." She beamed.
Hearing her reason, Emiya nodded and ignored her, not noticing the weird gaze she gave him.