A Chilly Night

It was an ordinary day, just like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and there was a girl breaking down my door. Yep, an ordinary day.

"Coco what the fuck!!" I screamed as I saw my door fall off of its hinges.

Grabbing me by the shirt, she dragged me out away with no room for discussion.


"Not that I don't enjoy seeing you act so eager towards me, but can you at least tell me where we're going?" I asked giving up all forms of resistance.

Without looking back she answered. "Remember that clothing shop I took you to a while back?"

I nod.

"Well one of their male models fell sick and they've got an open space with your name on it." She explained.

"But I don't want to be a model!!" I complained.

"Oh please, just think of it as a favour to your girlfriend." She replied.

"Girlfriend? Do you mean-

"Yep! Velvet agreed to share you. So you better take care of us." She grinned.

"Obviously." I grinned back.

"Great! Then your first role as my boyfriend will be helping me earn some extra lien."

'Why does she sound more like my pimp than my girlfriend?'


"OH HELL NO!! I'M NOT WEARING THAT!" Emiya complained.

Looking at the tight jeans that Coco gave him, Emiya instantly rejected them. For one, they were way too tight and putting them on would leave nothing to the imagination. And two, Emiya still wanted kids.

And although the top was okay looks wise, he didn't want to wear a shirt that read "Mommy's little slave."

Giving the clothes back to Coco, he told her that as his agent she should do something about it.

Three minutes later, she came back with some less revealing and humiliating clothes.

"Okay, now Emiya work with the camera, not against it." Coco said when the photographer that the company hired came in.

"Fine, fine. Lets just get this over with." I sighed.


You know, modelling isn't that bad. All I have to do is look good on camera and due to my natural charm, tan skin, white hair, and overall exotic look, just about any picture of me came out looking sexy. I'd even wager that I could be in the middle of puking my guts out but would still end up looking sexy on camera.

(A/N: Narcissism at its finest.)

I even heard Coco occasionally mutter to herself something about having Velvet help her out with a private photo shoot.

Eventually I became so comfortable during the shoot that I even started to do some more revealing shots. And with the encouragement of Coco, I started to do some poses that I would definitely haunt me in the future.

I even freaked out Coco with my request to wear a ninja outfit. When she asked why, I told her that I'd recently read Ninja's of Love and now felt that if I had a spirit animal it would be a ninja. (Yes a ninja can be a spirit animal because Emiya's spirit animal is actually a ninja disguised as animal.)

When Coco heard my reasoning, she even got excited and told me that she had also read the book. Both of us promised each other that we'd make Velvet read it with us aloud.

After a couple more shots, the photographer finally got everything he needed and said he needed to speak with my agent about altering the deal.

Not that it mattered to me. A pay check is a pay check.


A couple of days passed after I'd done the shoot. I woke up in the morning and found out that Coco had made me a bank account and transferred all the money I made into it. And to my surprise she actually didn't take any. Something about what kind of girlfriend would she be if she stole from her own boyfriend. Not that I was complaining, more money is never a bad thing, especially since I worked my ass off for it.

Pocketing my scroll I walked down one of the corridors towards Glynda's class. Ever since I left those portraits of hers, she had started to avoid me and it was beginning to get on my nerves. I needed to talk to her and today would be that day.

Or at least that's what I had thought.

As I was walking down the hallway, I noticed that some of the girls were looking at me weirdly…. Well weirder than normal. I even saw a couple of them giggle and point at me before whispering to each other.

"EMIYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" I heard Yang scream.

Looking towards her direction, I saw her approaching me with ravenous eyes.

'What is up with the girls this morning?'

I didn't like the way Yang was looking at me, so I slowly backed away and planned to leave in the other direction. Unfortunately, when I turned around I was met with the figure of one Nora Valkyrie. And for some reason I'm getting a more sinister vibe from her than I am Yang.

"He's over here!!" She yelled.

And then I saw it, team RWBY and JNPR followed by an army of girls blocked off all my escape routes.

'Seriously what the fuck is going on!'

Over the screaming of some of the girls, I heard somehow managed to hear Jaune's voice.

"Dude! Why didn't you invite me! *sob* It could have been my moment to shine!" He sobbed.

'Is anyone gonna explain what is happening?'

Feeling a hand touch my back, I looked back and saw a red faced Ruby and Pyrrha stare at me with a calendar in their hands. Looking at it almost caused me to spurt blood. On the cover was a picture of me in a very suggestive position.

Looking at the publisher of the calendar I realized it was from the company I modelled for. And the title of the calendar said, "An Exotic Year."

Looking at the girls, I finally realised why they were all acting so crazy.

"Oh my god."

Looking at a red faced Blake, I saw her trying to shove a picture of me in a ninja outfit in my direction.

"Please sign!!" She said trying to act like she wasn't embarrassed.

Even Ruby was holding the calendar out and was looking at me with expectation.

'How did they even get their hands on an adult magazine.'

And then it all became clear.


Activating my reinforcements I dashed out of the hallway with an army of girls on my back. I swear they were on some kind of stimulants as some of them had bloodshot eyes and started frothing at the mouth.


Running past Glynda's class I didn't notice that she was also holding the calendar in her hand and was browsing the contents.

Running through the halls, I pulled out my scroll and dialed Coco's number.

*Ring* *Ring*

*Ring* *Ring*


"Coco! What the hell is going on! You said I'd have my picture in a small article! Not have my own bloody calendar." I yelled.

Somewhat taken back by my reaction, Coco tried her best to explain.

"Initially that was the plan, but you see, you took so many photos that the company had no choice but to alter change the deal slightly. And as your agent I thought it would be in your best interest. If you want anyone to blame, then you can only blame yourself for having such an erotic body."


"Fine, come by my room, I've got a way to get you out of this mess." She said hanging up the phone.

Just as I was about to turn a corner, I heard Nora's voice echo out.

"There he is! GET HIM!!"

Dodging a hammer swing from Nora, I sped off towards team CFVY's room.

(Biggest mistake of the day.)


When I arrived at team CFVY's room, I was immediately greeted by a line of girls standing outside the door while there was a banner that read, "The Exotic Year's leading model Emiya Uchiha signing event!" and under it was a fee "100 lien per page" and "500 lien for a photo."

'She's planning to make money off of me!'

And then it hit me.

'She planned all of this!'

Just as I was about to turn back, I was apprehended by Yatsuhashi carrying me under his arm.

Seeing him take me towards team CFVY's room caused me to panic.

"Yatsu! What are you doing! Put me down!" I complained.

"Sorry Emiya, but Coco's paying good money to ensure that you don't escape." He explained.

"How much is she paying you! I'll double it." I lied.

"She said you'd say that, and told me that I shouldn't believe you. So…"

'Fuck!! That fashionista bitch really planned all of this!'

At the corner of my eye, I saw Fox selling the calendars to a couple of third years.

Well that explains how everyone got their hands on adult calendars.

But seriously! Aren't the teachers meant to stop this sort of thing!


(Glynda POV)



After a couple of hours of autographing calendars Coco said that as a reward, she'd let me sleep in Velvet's bed tonight.

I can tell she's only giving me this because she knows that I would definitely chase her down for all the money she made off of me.

"*Sigh* The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak." I sigh to myself sitting on top of the roof.

"So this is where you were." I heard a familiar voice behind me.

Turning back I saw the beautiful figure of Weiss with her hair down, standing in her night dress.

"Hey Weiss-cream." I say looking at her up and down. "You look cute."

"T-Thank you." She said sitting beside me looking sad.

"You okay?" I asked gently.

It took a moment for her to reply as she just stared up at the moon.

"E-Emiya, d-do you like me." She stuttered while avoiding eye contact with me.

'Where did this come from?'

"Of course I do! Your my Weiss-cream!" I exclaim.

"Then why do you ignore me?" She asks in a quiet voice.

Hearing her question sent me in silence.

'Why did I ignore her? It's not that I don't like her? Its just compared to the others, she doesn't stand out as much.'

"*Sigh* You came to Beacon because you want to focus on becoming a huntsman. I thought that if I confessed to you then I might distract you from reaching your goal." I said trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"*Inhales* Idiot! Yes I want to be a huntsman, but what girl doesn't wish to be swept of her feet by a handsome knight!!" She yelled.

'Wow! I didn't think she'd be this into me.'

"Pfft- You think I'm a knight?" I say trying to hold in my laughter.

"Don't Laugh!! I'm trying to confess here!!" She pouted.

"Hahaha, sorry but you just looked so cute saying that." Wiping away a tear I put my arm on her shoulder and let her lean her head on my arm. "I like you too Weiss, but I've got two girlfriends and I don't plan on giving them up." I say hoping she'd go for the harem plan.

"Oh?" She said looking disappointed. Removing her head from my arm she stood up and walked to the edge of the roof.

'Just because I said I wouldn't give up on my girlfriends doesn't mean you should suddenly become suicidal!!!'

'If you die because of me how will I face Winter!!'

I screamed in my mind.

Luckily my fears were unfounded as Weiss put her arms behind her back and turned to face me. The light of the moon hit her back making her look like a snow angel being bathed in silver light. Her white hair seemed to glisten in the night, and her icy blue eyes seemed to shine with a gentle light. She looked like a graceful Goddess that had just descended upon the mortal realm. I was left stunned, staring at her like a dazed idiot.

"Beautiful." I unconsciously said.

Seeing her smile at me caused my heart to race.

'What is this?'

"Emiya." She said my name gracefully. "Is it okay if I become your third girlfriend?"

In that moment, I threw off my perverted nature and pulled her into my embrace and planted a kiss on her mouth. Enjoying the subtle taste of her lips I pulled away wanting to see how she'd react to her first kiss.

And I was not disappointed. Her face was a beautiful shade of red.

"Weiss Schnee, I'd love it if you would be my girlfriend."