After sending Weiss back to her dorm, I decided that it would probably be best not to sleep in team CFVY's room right after I accepted a new girlfriend.
So I spent my night alone in my room. Just me, myself and I.
'And to think I could have been sleeping with a cute bunny girl.'
I lamented on my decision and texted Coco that I couldn't make tonight because I felt sick.
The next morning I was awoken by the sound of someone knocking on my door.
*Knock* *Knock*
"The door's open." I yelled.
Pushing the door open, a red caped girl walked into the room.
"Sup Red." I smiled.
"Hey Emiya! Wanna hang out today?" She said excitedly.
Considering I was just gonna play against my nemesis xxx_SwagEmpire42_xxx all day, I realised just how sad that was and decided to humour little red riding hood.
"Sure." I shrugged.
"Yay!" She jumped.
Walking through the corridors of Beacon, me and Ruby talked about different types of weapons and their abilities. And thanks to my anime knowledge, I had a huge repertoire of information to go off. I even used created a couple of replica's for Ruby to see and explained how I'd give them certain abilities. Like the Murasame from Akame Ga Kill, I made a replica of that and told her I'd bathe the blade in so much blood that it'd become cursed and even a small cut inflicted by this blade would equal death.
"So where we going?" I asked after walking around with no set destination.
"Now that you mention it I didn't think about it… but I'm hungry, so let's go to Vale to get something to eat!"
"Couldn't you just go to the cafeteria?" I questioned.
"No! It's one of the few times we get to hang out when you're not away on a mission or playing around with Yang, going on dates with Velvet and Coco or training with Pyrrha! I will not waste this opportunity in the cafeteria!" She snapped.
'When did the embodiment of rainbows and sunshine get so aggressive?'
"Speaking of Yang, where is the rest of your team?"
"Hmm… Weiss is studying in the library, Yang is in detention for not submitting her work, and Blake often disappears to who knows where." Ruby explained.
Emiya sighed and turned back in the direction of his room.
"Where are you going?" Ruby asked worriedly.
'Does he not want to hang out with me!? Is it because my breasts are smaller than Yang's and Velvet's!?'
Before she could delve any further into her theories. Emiya's voice brought her back to reality.
"If we're going on a date then I'd rather not wear my armour throughout the entire thing." Emiya answered still walking towards his dorm.
Ruby smiled in relief and laughed at herself for thinking that Emiya was that shallow.
Touring Vale with Ruby, we played around, visited shops and took loads of pictures on her scroll. She even cashed in the favor that I owed her and forced me to buy 3 bags worth of premium grade cookies. (They were expensive.)
When it was time for lunch , I took her to a fast food joint and we stuffed our face's with burgers, fries and a lot of sugary drinks. Though it ultimately turned out to be a bad idea as the sugar seemed to hit Ruby a bit to hard and turned her into what could only be described as a tornado of terror.
She activated her semblance leaving red rose petals everywhere as she zipped about the streets of Vale causing some property damage and scaring some of the citizens. Realising that it would be bad if he didn't stop her, Emiya reinforced his legs and shot off in Ruby's direction.
Using a new ability the system gave him, he materialised his armour on his body similar to the way Saber did it in fate stay night and fate zero. Pulling his hood up he covered his mouth and nose in the bandage facemask.
What he didn't account for was the amount of people with their scrolls out recording Ruby's destructive rampage. Even Emiya was shocked at the amount of damage that she caused.
'What kind of sugar did they use put in her pop! Cocaine?'
No longer wasting time, Emiya appeared next to the red tornado and punched it into the distance before disappearing in the same direction.
(Blake POV)
I feel so humiliated, first he exposed my identity which I thought was foolproof, then he overpowered me and spanked me in front of my teammate, and then he wore catnip to lunch and made me look like a fool in front of the entire academy! Not to mention that if anyone discovered that he used catnip then my identity as a Faunus would be have been exposed!
And to make matters even worse he left me to deal with Velvet, Coco, Pyrrha and the rest of my team. I even had to come up with the excuse of being on my period just to get them to back off.
And now I discover from a Ruby that he has my 'Ninja's of love' book, which I still haven't finished reading!
I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!
I hate him so much... so why is it that thinking about him makes my body hot?
'Could my heat cycle be starting?'
Remembering the way she had licked his face and rubbed her body all over his during lunch caused her to blush and she felt her hand start to move on its own…
Carrying an unconscious Ruby into her dorm, I was greeted with the sight of a passed out Blake with one hand in between her legs while the other was gripping the calendar I modelled for. (Ninja of love page). She had a look of content on her face…
'Well this is awkward.'
I placed Ruby down on her bed and went over to Blake's bedside. I moved Blake's hand away and then wiped off the liquids with some tissues. Then I took the calendar that she was clutching and placed it on the nightstand. And finally pulled the blanket over her and made sure she was tucked in nice and tight.
"I'm surprised that's all you did."
Turning around, I saw Yang's head popping out underneath her covers.
"I may be a pervert, but I would never do anything to a girl who was unconscious." I said.
My answer earned me a smile from the blond bombshell.
"You know, she was moaning your name the entire time." She smirked.
"You were watching the entire time?" I asked kinda creeped out but weirdly turned on.
"I don't judge your hobbies so don't judge mine." She said.
"Fair point." I shrugged. "Anyway I gotta go, take care of Ruby." I said.
"Wait! Come here for a second."
Walking towards her bed I look up at her waiting for her to continue. But I was surprised when she pulled me in for a kiss.
"Okay, now you can go." She said as she went back underneath her blanket.
Leaving team RWBY's room, I was about to go see if I could find Glynda, but I was interrupted when I got tackled from behind.
"EMIYAAA!!!" Nora screamed in excitement.
"Nora *pant* please *pant* slow down." Ren says following from behind.
"Sorry Ren." She says while booping herself on the head.
Grunting slightly, I managed to push Nora off me and pulled myself up from the floor.
"What are you guys doing here?" I say in a tired voice.
"Well Pyrrha's busy training Jaune and Nora here wanted pancakes so I was gonna make some." Ren explained.
"Cool. Good luck with that." Before I could escape, I felt Nora's grip on my shoulder.
"You're coming with us mister!!" She said dragging him with her.
"What! Why!?" I asked.
I seriously need to stop getting dragged to places by people who are weaker than me or I'm gonna turn into a shounen protagonist.
"Because we haven't hung out at all!"
"We hung out the other day at lunch!" I retorted.
"No, you hung out with Blake while everyone else had to watch." Ren butted in.
"Ergh, fine. Let's hang out!" I give in.
"YAAAYYY!!! I hope you like pancakes!!." She said happily.
"I've never had pancakes in my life." I muttered quietly.
Unfortunately, Nora senses seem to enhance when anything related to pancakes are brought up.
"YOU'VE NEVER HAD PANCAKES!!" She says looking at me with shock and pity.
I shook my head.
Technically I'm not lying since I've never had pancakes in this life…
Some kind of switch seemed to flip inside Nora as she ruthlessly dragged both me and Ren into the dorm.
Me and Nora were waiting at the table while Ren made pancakes for us.
We mostly talked about our fighting styles and weapon usage. She was surprised when she learned that I didn't use dust and tended to rely on my semblance and swordsmanship.
Once the pancakes were done and placed in front of us. Nora started bouncing around room in excitement.
"Ren's pancakes are the best! You're gonna love them!!" She squealed.
"What if I don't?" I asked.
"Hmm… Then I'll stuff them down your throat until you do." She said with a smile.
'Wouldn't I choke!'
I kept that thought to myself and just nodded my head.
Before I got the chance to take a bite out of the freshly made pancakes, I was interrupted by the sound of Pyrrha walking in while carrying an unconscious Jaune.
"Oh? Hello Emiya." She said
"Hi Pyrrha!! Can you believe that Emiya's never had pancakes before!? As soon as he finishes his bite he'll become perfect!!"
"Hey Pyrrha, and what do you mean by perfect?" I asked Nora.
Stopping for a moment, she sat down and looked at me.
"I want to date you duh." She said and bopped me on the head.
'What!? I've barely even talked to her! And isn't she meant to fall for Ren!'
Looking at Ren, I was about to speak but he interrupted me.
"We aren't." He said in a monotone voice.
"Really? But I thoug-
"We aren't." He repeated.
"Oh… Sorry for assuming."
Nora looked at us and giggled.
"Ren is like an older brother to me silly." She smiled and shoved a pancake in my mouth.
'Not bad.'
I looked at Pyrrha and realized that she was looking at Nora with a bit of jealousy.
'Aww she cares.'
"I'm gonna go have a bath, I'll be out later." She said putting Jaune down and headed to the bathroom.
"So how's the whole harem thing going?" Nora asked out of nowhere
Spitting out the pancake, I looked at Nora in shock.
"You knew!!" I say with wide eyes.
"Anyone with eyes can see what you're trying to do silly." She said stuffing her face with a pancake.
Calming myself down, I thought about it rationally and realized that someone would have figured it out sooner or later… I'm just surprised that Nora was the first.
"*Sigh* So far I've already got Coco, Velvet and Weiss as my official girlfriends, although me and Weiss are keeping the news quiet for now SO DON'T TELL ANYONE! That goes for you as well Ren."
"My lips are sealed." He said doing the whole lips are seal actions.
"Oooooh juicy! But what about Yang?" Nora inquired.
"Yang is….complicated." I muttered.
"Complicated?" Nora asks in confusion.
"Yang is a free spirit, I wouldn't want to tie her down by being my girlfriend." I lied.
In truth I just don't know how to ask Yang. Unlike the other girls, Yang is probably the one I'm most nervous around.
"Oh? I guess that makes sense. So can I join?" She asks with eyes of expectation.
"Sure." I shrug. "Just make sure to get along with the other girls. Girlfriend number 4"
"Aye aye captain." She saluted and devoured my pancakes.
"They were mine!!" I complained.
"Girlfriend privilege, what's yours is mine and mine is yours."
[A/n: The skill Emiya used to equip his armour is something called bound Requip. It is essentially Erza's (Fairy tail) magic but instead of creating armour, Emiya can bind a piece of equipment to himself and equip it at any time. And best of all, if it gets destroyed it can be repaired by sacrificing a bit of his aura. So now he won't have to worry about another Xeno Goku outfit loss. (Still salty)]