An excruciating amount of time later…
Standing in a destroyed area, Emiya slowly removed his hands away from his eyes. Pulling out his scroll he clicked on the camera function and switched to selfie mode. Gazing at his scroll the sight of his eyes were shown to him.
They were similar to his Sharingan, but at the same time they were completely different.
The most notable difference was the colour. Instead of the crimson red of the Sharingan or the orangey red of the Emperor eye, his new eyes were currently bright purple. The next difference was that his pupils became vertical like the Emperor eye and the ring around his eye was a lot bigger than before. The three tomoe were still there revolving around the ring.
Looking at his new eyes, he nodded in satisfaction. The purple really complimented his tan skin and made him look even more exotic.
{DING!! Due to the skill being a fusion, the user must give the skill a new name.}
'A new name?'
[Set the name as: Imperial Sharingan]
{DING!! Skill name accepted.}
Shrugging to himself, he suddenly realized that he wanted to ask the system a question.
[System! Why are my eyes purple and not red?]
{From the host's memories, purple was seen to be the host's favourite colour and the system took that as reason to alter the colour from the original red to purple.}
[Oh? Well done.]
Emiya had a weird feeling of déjà vu.
Shrugging it off, he checked his status.
[Name: Emiya Uchiha
Level: 39
Race: Human
Bloodline: Uchiha (Partial)
Aura: 300
STR: 46
DEF: 42
END: 58
AGI: 105
STM: 96
System Points: 2,000
[Gamers Mind] (Passive).
[Hollow Mask]
[Imperial Sharingan]
[Highspeed regeneration]
[Animal instinct] (Passive)
[Gentle fist]
'Pretty good.'
Smiling to himself he was prepared to go practice his new abilities on a couple of wondering Grimm.
The Beringel launched its fist at the white haired human with the intention to crush him.
Laughing his head off, Emiya's eyes flashed with a purple light as his Imperial Sharingan activated. Time slowed down as his eyes ran all over the Beringel's body, moving his body to the right he effortlessly dodged before appearing on the left side of the beast with a sadistic smile on his face.
Seeing the human avoid its punch, the Beringel quickly turned towards the left but found it's actions applied a lot of pressure to its ankle. Buckling to the floor, Emiya stood over the monster with a kitchen knife in his hand and a weird gleam in his eyes.
Watching the Beringel's muscle movement in its arms, he knew that it would swing at him in a couple of seconds.
Before the Grimm swung at him, Emiya had lowered his body and crept closer to the Beringel until the knife was resting against its neck. Sliding it horizontally, the Grimm grabbed at its throat until it eventually changed into particles.
Watching the particles float away, Emiya thought back on his tests with his new eyes.
First, his dynamic vision from his Sharingan had improved and coupled with the Emperor eye's ability to see the body in full detail, he is not only able to see his opponent's future moves but also all their potential future moves after the first move is made. And when used with the knowledge of seeing his opponent's weaknesses he can easily dominate just about any close combat fight.
Second, his new eyes negate any offensive or defensive manoeuvre as he can see the flaw in his opponents actions and can take advantage of it with his speed alone.
Third, his orders are absolute.
Walking away from the area, he stared at the castle in the distance.
'It would be a shame not to visit one of my future wives.'
Chuckling to himself, he placed one foot in front of the other, and continued towards Salem's castle.
Standing outside the castle, Grimm of all kinds came rushing at him. But with his Imperial Sharingan activated they soon found themselves bowing before him.
Walking into the castle, he was surprised at just how empty the place was. Granted that the show never really portrayed the castle as very lively or anything close, but it was way too empty, and the gloomy atmosphere didn't help.
Walking through the halls he caught sight of a seer Grimm floating around.
It always perturbed him how this Grimm actually worked. Walking past it, it didn't react to his presence or movement.
The higher he got, the louder the sound of voices could be heard. And in front of him was a door which he guessed lead to the throne room.
Pushing the door open he strolled in with a calm disposition.
Inside the room were Salem's servants. Tyrian, Watts and Hazel. They stood at the side while the Grimm Queen sat on her throne with her eyes closed.
'No Cinder? Too bad.'
Walking inside, Emiya immediately grabbed the attention of everyone.
Feeling an unfamiliar presence enter the room Salem slowly open her eyes.
"Who are you" Her glowing red eyes locked onto Emiya.
'Damn she's beautiful!'
'Ozpin how could you give up smashing that?'
Bowing slightly, Emiya showed off an innocent smile.
"Well Queen of the Grimm, I guess you could call me…" looking up slightly, a small glint flashed across his silver eyes, "The Silver Eyed King." Smirking at his self-proclaimed title, he looked at Salem without a hint of fear.
Hearing him refer to himself as a King, Salem thought he was a fool with a death wish. But when she noticed his silver eyes, she remembered the silver eyed warriors of old and how they fought against her creatures of Grimm. Not that any of them could truly threaten her as all of them died before they could even reach her. But for a lone silver eyed warrior to come here by himself was quite amusing. Since she hadn't met anyone new in a number of years she chose to humor the wannabe king until she grew bored of him.
"A king without an army doesn't seem like much of a king." She uttered with a neutral expression.
"Oh? But that's where you're wrong Sally, to me… having an army is more of a liability than a boost in power." Emiya spoke eyeing the members of Salem's faction.
"Oh?" 'Who's Sally?'
"Care to explain?" Salem asked slightly curious.
"Well, first you need to ask yourself why do you think I showed up here without an army?" Emiya said.
"*Cough* because you're a fool *Cough*" Watts muttered under a fake cough.
Ignoring Watts's statement, Salem gave his question serious thought and repeated his earlier words.
"You think that having an army would hinder you?"
"Ding Ding we have a winner! Very smart Sally." Emiya applauded.
'So I'm Sally.'
"Rather than say an army would hinder me, it's more like they're unneeded." Emiya shrugged before taking a seat around the long table and putting his feet up.
Seeing Emiya's action, Tyrian felt the urge to dice him up for daring to show such a relaxed attitude in front of him mistress.
"So Silver Eyed King, what is your purpose for entering my domain." Salem asked.
"Oh that's simple." He answered. "I'm. Here. For. You."
Rushing towards him with his weapon drawn, Tyrian aimed to decapitate him in one strike.
Seeing Tyrian fall at the mere mention of the word, Watts felt an uncomfortable aura surround this so-called King.
"When a King is talking to His Queen, an insect like you should know your place." Emiya said in a chilling tone that caused Salem to look at him seriously.
Deactivating his Imperial Sharingan, he moved his eyes away from the collapsed Tyrian and once again focused his attention on the pale beauty.
"So why are you really here?" Shaking off the uncomfortable feeling she felt, Salem asked him again.
"Tsk tsk, your really weren't listening when I was talking. I am here for you." He repeated and waved his finger..
"You want me dead?" Feeling somewhat disappointed with his purpose for coming, she looked at him with a bored expression.
"Dead? Now why would I want that? I came for you hand, not your head." He explained.
"My hand?" Salem said not understanding quite his statement.
'Has she lived so long that she forgot how people court each other?'
Seeing the denseness of his boss, Watts had to cover his mouth to ensure he wouldn't laugh. "I think he's asking for your hand in marriage."
"Oh?!" Surprised by his meaning, Salem sat still for a moment.
"You know I'm the queen of the Grimm right?"
'I did refer to you as that like 2 minutes ago.'
"And you know I want to eradicate humanity?"
"You're not really hiding it."
'Though I don't know why you waited this long to attack.'
"And that a lot of people are going to die."
"Get to the point Sally." Feeling annoyed by the constant questions, he decided to speed things up.
"*Sigh* Why do you want to marry someone who you know will bring nothing but death and destruction?" Salem asked rubbing her temple.
"Because someone will stop you." Emiya replied.
"So you're going to stop me?" She asked threateningly while releasing black smoke.
"Me? Nah, that's too troublesome. I'm sure someone else will come along eventually and stop you."
Confused by his statement she simply sighed and ignored it.
"So what do you get by marrying me?"
"A beautiful wife and a bitching castle." He replied without any hesitation.
Expecting his queen to massacre the arrogant king, Watts stood to the side watching with excitement.
"Though this place is depressing as fuck! We need to add a bit of colour here, a hot tub out there, oh! How's the internet here? Fast? Slow? You know what, it doesn't matter, I know a guy, I'll hook you up."
Ignoring the perverted look on Watts's face, Emiya walked around the meeting room and took photos of the areas he wants to redecorate. After watching around 20 hours MTV cribs, he practically viewed himself as a modern day interior designer.
Sitting on her throne, Salem was at a loss for words. First some random silver eyed human barges into her castle claiming to be a king. Then he asks for her hand in marriage with the sole purpose of getting himself a wife and castle. And now he's planning to redecorate her sanctuary. And the worst part is that she gets the feeling that none of her servants could stop him.
"What makes you think I'll agree to marry you?"
Pausing his actions, Emiya looked at her with a smile.
"Because I can give you something no one else can."
"Oh? And what would that be?"
'Wow, was it that weird?'
Seeing as how silence enveloped the room, Emiya carried on taking pictures and planning renovations for his future castle.
'I wonder if I should get a sex dungeon?'
'Never had one before, what would I even put in it?'
'Maybe I should also add a gaming lounge, I'll include a 60 inch tv.'
'Then there's also the whole hot tub deal.'
'I wonder if this place can even get a signal?'
'Do I have to build a wifi tower or something?'
'Maybe I should keep this place away from my harem and just live the high life with Salem.'
While Emiya was busy planning his future, Salem and the rest woke up from their trance and let Emiya's words settle in.
Something that she hasn't felt since Ozma betrayed her. The feeling of having someone else genuinely care for you. Yes she had her servants and yes she had her creatures of Grimm, but did any of them actually love her? Forgetting her servants for the moment, the Grimm are nothing more than soulless monsters that crave nothing more than negative emotions. They are incapable of love and only rely on their base instincts.
Her servants on the other hand feel nothing but fear towards her. (Except maybe Tyrian but he's crazy). Even without their fear, the only reason they've chosen to side with her is for their own benefits. None of them want to wipe out humanity because they want her to be happy. (minus Tyrian) At the end of the day, she's nothing more than a means to an end. A tool for them to get what they want. Not that she's complaining or anything, she too is also using them to further her own goals.
And with that settled, the thought of having someone say that they're willing to love her left her in a trance-like state.