
Seeing Salem's surprised face, Emiya coughed lightly to attract her attention.

"So what do you say Sally? Wanna get hitched?"

His words brought her back to reality as she stared at the white haired human boy. After a minute of silence she finally responded.

"I refuse." She said dryly.

Confused by her refusal, Emiya stared at her eyes trying to see if he understand anything from them. "May I ask why?"

"I do not need love." She replied.

'Tch, first Glynda and now Salem. Why are milfs so hard to seduce.'

Annoyed at his rejection he walked up to Salem's throne. Hazel opened one of closed eyes and Watts was busy watching the show. Tyrian got off the ground and got ready to charge Emiya again but paused when Salem gave him a look.

Not bothering to even look at Tyrian, Emiya kept walking until he was right in front of Salem.

No one talked. The white haired duo just stared at one another trying to grasp the smallest of detail from the other.

After ten minutes of silence, Emiya bent down until his face was only and inch away from Salem's.

Her red pupils glowed with a bright light as she stared back into his silver coloured eyes.

"What if I killed you?" Emiya asked.

"Your welcome to try." Was her reply.

"I know you're immortal Salem, but that doesn't mean I can't kill you." Emiya summoned out a huge black sword that had a cross like hilt and sword guard.

Salem looked at the sword unperturbed.

"This is the demon slayer sword." Emiya said caressing the blade. "It has the ability to negate magic."

His sentence caused Salem to tremble slightly before she returned to her calm state.

"What does that have to do with me?" She asked trying to sound natural.

Smiling at her, he waved the sword in the air.

"For a thousand years you've had to live with the curse of immortality, what I offer you is a chance to end your suffering."

".....How do I know you're not lying?"

Jumping onto the long table, he pointed his sword at her with shaky arms.

"Fight me, I'll show you that in front of me magic is worth as much as trash."


Tyrian screamed and jumped at him.

Ducking under the attack, Emiya grabbed his tail and swung his body upwards before slamming it onto the table.

"ARGHH!" He groaned bouncing back up.

Creating a rasengan, he smashed it into Tyrian's abdomen and caused him throw up mouthfuls of blood as he crashed through the table and cracked the floor beneath him.

Turning back to face Salem he smiled.

"Now that the nuisances are gone, shall we?"

Watts and Hazel stared at Emiya and looked back at the unconscious Tyrian who was foaming at the mouth.

Floating in the air, Salem looked down on Emiya and the others.

'Can't have my wife looking down on me can I?'

Dematerializing the demon slayer sword, he summoned out a claymore and stood on it until it floated to the same height as Salem.

Waving at her, he showed off a confident smirk.

Seeing him also float in the air caused Salem's brows to furrow.

"Ready when you are wifey."


Moving his head to the side, a beam of red energy blasted past his face and destroyed the wall behind him.





Firing out several red beams from her pale white hands, Emiya reinforced his arms and re-summoned the demon slayer sword. Remembering Asta's test against Magna, he used the flat part of the blade to smack away the magic filled energy beams.

Forming her hands into fists, the entire castle started shaking as tornados raged and the sky blackened.

'Is she summoning Shenron?'

The roof was ripped off the castle as a yellow lightning bolt descended from the sky and struck Emiya.

Thrusting his hand into the air, he formed a Rasengan and allowed it to take the brunt of the attack before dissipating.

"Your going to have to do better than that Sally." He grinned.

Hearing him call her that ridiculous nickname seemed to anger her and sent her into a craze where she kept tossing lightning and tornados at him. Nearby Grimm sensed their mistress's anger and launched themselves at Emiya.

'Great, now the pokemon wannabes are gonna join.'

The walls and ceilings within the castles were ripped apart as Hazel, Watts and the now awakened Tyrian clung to whatever was stable.

In the distance Salem was creating a huge ball of energy that radiated so much magical power that it threatened to decimate the entire landscape.

'Is she serious?'

'One minute she's calm next minutes she's acting like a fucking psycho.'

'*Sigh* Why do all the hot ones have to be crazy.'

Shaking his head, Emiya got rid of the demon slayer sword and summoned out his bow and a sword.

Taking another look at the tornados, Grimm, and lightning. Emiya felt like he should probably take this a bit more seriously.

'Now would be a good time to test this out.'

Back when he was in a coma conversing with his Hollow, he learnt that UBW was used as his inner world, but as it is a reflection of Archer's soul and not Emiya's, UBW does not truly belong to him. That's why in between breaks, the Hollow forced him to learn more about himself. And after weeks of scolding's, beatings, and therapy, Emiya finally managed to create an Aria that he can call his own. The only problem is... it requires too much power that he doesn't have in his base.

Summoning out the hollow mask onto his face, Emiya felt his power suddenly rise as he stared down the distant Salem.

Feeling the dark aura radiating off of him, Salem sent a curious glance his way.

Taking in a deep breath, Emiya de-summoned his bow as it would get in the way. Gathering all of his aura, he started to let it flood out of him like a dam. The wind around him was sent into a frenzy as starry winds started to surround his body. His neatly slicked back hair blew upwards as his loose clothing fluttered in the wind.

Black aura tinted with red pulsated throughout the area, causing everybody including the Grimm shake as they felt an unnatural amount of power crash down onto them like a mountain.

"I am the creator of thy sword

Life is thy body and Death is thy blood

I have crossed the boundary and returned anew

Praised to know frame

Cursed to bare shame

The Alpha and the Omega

The Beginning and the End

So as I stand

Universal Sword Domain!!"

In that moment the world seemed to shatter and crack before them. They were taken to a barren land of emptiness and solitude.

Before them lay a landscape that they didn't know. It was hard to describe whether to call it scary or magical.

The ground lay barren as small craters were seen all over the area without the hint of life anywhere. It was cracked and crusted, it was hard to imagine that anything would be able to survive in such an environment.

The dark sky was filled with a limitless amount of bright stars shining brightly. In the distance the outlines of several planets could be seen, and a starry milky way lay right above them glistening and slowly rotating while showing off its splendor.


It was an awe to Salem's eyes as even in her rage she could not help but take in its vast beauty. The scene was breath taking and a far cry from the barren land beneath it. Even Watts had to admire exquisiteness of the scenery that lay above him.

Standing a distance away from the rest. Emiya stood in front of a lone sword stabbed into the ground. It had a basic wooden hilt with the handguard being made of a simplistic silver metal. The blade was curved and had numerous amounts of scratches and dents on it.

Taking in a deep breath Emiya stared at the sword and slowly removed the scimitar from the floor.

The moment the blade left the ground the entire world shook and seemed to gather around the sword.

Everyone seemed to feel something as their eyes were drawn to Emiya and the sword in his hand.

Turning towards them, Emiya slowly started to approach.

Remembering that this was meant to be a fight, Salem shot out countless beams at Emiya.

Waving his sword the magic beams faltered mid air and vanished.

"Bright yet Dark

Light yet Heavy

Sharp yet Dull

Hard yet Soft

Powerful yet Weak."

With every word spoken, Emiya's steps became heavier and heavier as a bright light started radiating from the scimitar. Salem and the others found themselves unable to move.

Drawing closer, Emiya's voice became clearer.

"Good yet Bad

Happy yet Sad

Dead yet Alive

Ending yet Beginning."

Slashing the sword against Tyrian's face, he dropped to the floor dead.

Slashing the sword against Hazel's neck, he dropped to the floor dead.

Stabbing the sword through Watts's chest, he dropped to the floor dead.

The blade in my hand is known as the sword of contradiction, my very own physical manifestation of a Marble Phantasm inside my Reality Marble. The sword of contradiction is a blade forged out of every weapon inside UBW. It is a thousand weapons but in my hand it is only one. It is heavy but feels light, it is sharp but the blade is as soft as can be. The moment this sword entered my hand the laws of this reality marble bent to my will. If I killed someone here they will die, but would resurrect the moment they return to the real world. If I so choose I could breathe life into a dead body and bring it back until it returns to the real world. As long as I am holding this sword, I am GOD.

The only issue is that since this domain takes so much power to create, I only have 9 seconds before it disappears and completely drains me of my aura .

Placing the sword on Salem's neck, I sent her a gentle smile.

"Believe that I can kill you now?"

It took a second for her to respond.

"Why can I not move or use my magic?"

"Because I'm not letting you." I smiled. "Do you wish to experience true death?"


Not waiting for her to respond, Emiya decapitated her.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1."


The sound of glass shattering echoed out as Emiya and the rest were returned to Salem's castle.

'*Sigh* The strongest ability I have with the biggest weakness ever.'

Sighing to himself, he turned to look at Salem and the members of her faction who were crawling up from the floor.

"Welcome back to the world of the living."