Wake up call

"Ergh… My head feels like shit." Clutching the side of his head, Emiya woke up feeling groggy.

Unable to open his eyes fully, he squinted to avoid the harsh rays of the sun peering through the curtains.

'Why is the sun so bright?'

Turning over, he planned to go back to sleep until he was feeling better. It was only when he turned over that he realized that Nebula was sleeping next to him..…naked.



Turning to the other side, he was greeted to the sight of a naked Gwen.


'What the fuck is going on!'

Now fully awake, the gears in Emiya's head started to turn. Thinking back on the previous day, he realised that several parts of his memory were missing.

'Well shit.'

'Wait! Just because their naked doesn't mean we did anything.'

Just as he was thinking about it, he noticed the there was 2 large bumps at the foot of the bed.

'Don't tell me.'

Pulling the covers back slightly, the sight of a naked Octavia and Dew reflected in his eyes. Casting his eyes over the four naked girls he mentally nodded to himself. Although he couldn't remember much of what happened yesterday, the fact that he was naked and surrounded by four other naked girls told him everything he needed to know.

'4 at once… damn I'm amazing.'

Getting up slowly, he made his way over to the shower. Turning the water on, he let it beat down against his face as he relished in the thought of him banging team NDGO. It was just a shame that he didn't remember it at all.

'Did I use a condom?'


After leaving the shower, Emiya found team NDGO curled up on the bed happily chatting away with each other.

Noticing him walk out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, the girls ran their eyes all over his tanned body. It was truly a feast for their eyes.

Seeing their expressions, Emiya felt his little brother stand at attention. Dropping his towel he jumped into the bed.


After ravaging all 4 girls, Emiya and NDGO lay in bed covered in sweat and other fluids.

While they lay there with content expressions on their faces, Emiya said something that they didn't understand.

"So… What happened yesterday?"

The girls all looked confused until Dew stepped up and asked what he was talking about.

"Well y'know… Did I do anything weird yesterday?"

"Weird?" All 4 girls had thoughtful looks on their faces as they started to think about the previous day.

"Not really, although you did disappear for a couple of days. We were worried for a bit but then we remembered that you were a Bonafide huntsman, so we didn't give it much thought. You only came back late last night." Nebula commented.

"Yeah, you were also singing this really nice song that I'd never heard before." Dew said recalling yesterday's events.

"Oh! You also talked about some guy called Tommy and how he was your best friend." Gwen said while cupping her boobs.

"There was also the fact that you gave us each a lap dance for no reason." Octavia snuggled up next to him.

'A couple of days? Lap dances? Tommy? How drunk was I!'

Coughing lightly, he got to the question with the most relevance.

"So erm… How did I manage to y'know… get you all to sleep with me?"

Hearing the question, the 4 girls all looked at each other and nodded.

"Its best you don't think about that."


"Yeah, no point bringing it up if you don't remember."


"Somethings are meant to be forgotten."

'Why does it sound like…'

"Let the past die, kill it if you have to."

'They took advantage of my drunk state.'

Seeing the looks on the girls faces, Emiya chuckled nervously.

"I might be overthinking this but… You didn't force yourselves on me right?" Emiya asked trying to keep a straight face.






Seeing their reactions, Emiya just sighed.

"Please tell me you used a condom?" He pleaded.





"*Sigh* Just so you know, if anything happens, I'm not paying child support."


After talking to the girls, he got a call from Glynda.

'Is she no longer ignoring me?'

Stepping outside for a second, he took a deep breath and answered his scroll.



Moving the scroll away from his ear, he could still her complaining on the other end.

'Ever the teacher Glynda.'

Smiling to himself, Emiya slowly put the scroll next to his ear once she calmed down.

"Yeah *chuckle* sorry about that. I didn't think I'd end up in Vacuo either."

"Don't 'Sorry me!' We spent days looking for you! Team RWBY and JNPR thought you were in danger! Yang even disappeared for a bit saying she thought she knew where you were."

'Yang disappeared? She must have thought Raven did something to me.'

"Now imagine our surprise when we get a call from the headmistress of Shade Academy informing us that our junior huntsman was visiting their academy and spending his time flirting with girls!" She said the last part with some venom.

"I miss you too Glyn." Emiya smiled when he heard that she spent days looking for him.

'She cares.'

"Don't try and change the subject! When you get back you're in some serious trouble mister!" She said coldly.

Hearing her, Emiya thought about teasing her a bit."

"If you're going to punish me then I'd rather stay at Shade."

"WHAT!! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" She said sounding worried.

"Oh? And why's that?" He said coyly.


"Actually your right, I can't do that."


"Do it without transferring to Shade, I don't want to freeload off them. Thanks for helping me make this decision Glyn! Say goodbye to the girls for me and don't forget to tell them that it was thanks to you convincing me that I shouldn't stay without transferring.


"Anyway I gotta go tell the headmistress that I want to join her academy, bye Glyn."

"Just wait a-


Hanging up the call, Emiya leaned against the wall and nodded at a couple of students passing by. Waiting for Glynda to call, he caught sight of the blonde haired Clyde staring at him from a distance.

'Why can't my stalker be a pretty girl with purple hair that likes lollipops?'

Ignoring Clyde's gaze, Emiya's scroll finally started to ring again.



"Well that's the funny thing about moving from one residence to another, you make new friends." He joked.

"EMIYAAA!!!" She screamed.

"Okay, okay, I was just messing with you Glyn. There's no way I'd leave Beacon without taking your fine ass with me."


"Gotta go, I'll be back in a day or 2, bye."



'Messing with people is so liberating.'

Walking back into the dorm room, Emiya found all the girls dressed in their iconic outfits.

Seeing as how he was going to leave soon, he wanted to do something for them as thanks for letting him sleep in their room.

"Wanna go shopping?"


Walking around the capital's shopping area, the girls of team NDGO went wild picking out different outfits and showed it off to each other.

'I shouldn't have said I'd pay for everything.'

Shaking his head in regret, Emiya walked behind the team as he observed them carry enough clothes that they could burry an elephant.

"Sorry about them."

Turning to his left, Emiya saw the red haired Octavia walking besides him with wry smile.

Looking at the smiles on the girls faces, Emiya just shook his head and smiled.

"Its not like you to be so nice. Was the sex so good that I changed your personality?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"NO!!" Turning red in the face, she punched his arm before grabbing onto it. "I'm always this nice!"


"Whatever you say Ava." He shrugged.


Seeing the confused expression on her face, Emiya explained how he gives his friends nicknames.

"Oh." Nodding her head in understanding she proceeded to look at the other girls. "What about them?"

"Haven't thought of theirs yet."

"Oh, so your saying that mine was more important than theirs." She smiled proudly.

"Not really, yours was just the easiest, all I did was shorten your name down." Emiya said crushing her newfound pride.


Hearing someone call his name, Emiya saw Nebula waving him over.

Walking away from the crestfallen Octavia, Emiya had his hand grabbed by the purple haired leader.

"What's up Nebula?" Emiya inquired.

Walking towards a merchant selling jewellery, she pointed at a beautiful necklace with a purple gemstone in it.

Turning towards me, her eyes glittered with desire.

'I can't afford that.'

Seeing the price I shook my head.

I told her that I couldn't get it for her. Although she seemed down about it, she quickly understood my financial situation and let it go.

Then I was dragged away by Gwen, she showed me a pair of ballet shoes that matched her outfit. Seeing the price on them, I once again shook my head as I didn't want to spend that much money on a pair of shoes. Like Nebula, she seemed disappointed but quickly got over it and continued browsing.

This cycle continued for the rest of the day…

Later that night, after Emiya and team NDGO had returned to the academy. The merchants back at the market were packing away their wares and prepared to depart.

As they were too busy packing away, none of them noticed the figure in a black cloak silently approach the jewellery merchant from the shadows. Even the hired guards didn't notice anything strange going on.

Grabbing the fat merchant, the figure in black pulled him into the shadows and knocked him out before he could utter a word.

'1 down.'

Leaving the body in the dark, he crept towards the guards and other merchants and swiftly dealt with them before gathering all the wares and opening a portal back to his room in Beacon. Carrying the merchandise and lock boxes full of lien through the portal, Emiya was surprised to find a sleeping Blake curled up on his bed.

Dumping his wares under the bed, he pulled out a marker and gently drew some cat whiskers on her face before taking off.

Since his cloak was bound to his Requip skill, he dematerialized it and walked out of team NDGO's bathroom like he never left.