Return to Beacon

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE LEAVING!!" Team NDGO shouted in perfect union.

Inside team NDGO's room, me and the girls lay down on the big bed, having just finished our session of hot steamy sex, I decided that now would be the best time to break the news to them since they were physically incapable of attacking me with the state I left their bodies in. (They won't be able to stand for a while.)

"Sorry girls, but old man Ozpin wants me back and you know how it is." I say getting up off the bed.

"NO!!" Octavia shouted somehow managing to lunge at me.


"Octavia, you know that if it was up to me I'd definitely stay with you and the others." I say brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"I don't want you to go." She sobbed hugging my waist.

'Damn! Why does she have to make it so hard.'

Stroking her head I picked her up and place her back on the bed with the rest of the girls who were trying their best to hold back their tears.

"Don't cry." I say wiping away all of their tears. "You'll see me during the Vytal festival." I comforted.

"I promise I'll take you around and buy you anything you want."

Hearing me, the girls chuckled at my statement.

"Yeah right, you couldn't even afford what we wanted yesterday." Dew joked.

"Oh really." I smile walking towards the dresser. "Catch!"

Surprised by the sudden object flying towards her, Dew fumbled to catch it and almost dropped the box.

"What's this?" She asked looking at the small box in her hand.

"Open it and find out." I say taking out 3 other boxes of different sizes and passing them to the other girls.

"This!! I-It's the earrings I wanted!!" Dew exclaimed looking at the beautiful green earrings in the box.

All the other girls gave out similar reactions seeing the objects that they wanted to buy yesterday in their arms.

Nebula received a necklace with a purple gemstone embedded in it.

Dew received a pair of jade spherical earrings.

Gwen received a pair of Ballerina shoes.

Octavia received a shiny bracelet with a wine red jewel in it.

"H-How did you afford this!!" They asked surprised.

Smiling smugly I looked at their faces filled with awe.

"I lied. I knew that it was going to be my last day, so I secretly brought them before we left." I explained. "Think of it as a goodbye present before we meet again."

Hearing my explanation, all of then had wide grins plastered on their faces.

"I'd hug you if I could stand." Dew said smiling.

"I know, but that was the other present that I left you." I chuckle at their inability to walk. "Something to remember me by. Anyway its time for me to go, I'll tell Sistine that you can't attend classes on my way out. See ya."

Walking out the door I waved my goodbyes before they said anything that would make me regret leaving early.


'Time to say goodbye to the headmistress.'

"So your leaving?" Sistine said tapping away on her keyboard not paying me any attention at all.

"No need to sound so heartbroken." I say sarcastically which she didn't appreciate.

Placing one hand on her forehead she looked at me and sighed.

"What do you want me to say? That you've been a great guest who didn't caused an uproar by fighting a teacher on his first day here, or that you didn't beat up a student and send him to the infirmary, or that you didn't have sex with the four girls you were only supposed to be bunking with?"

'Honestly, even I knew that the last one was a bad idea.'

"So tell me Emiya, what should I say!" She humph'd.

"Well a hello would have been nice." I say sharply.

"Goodbye Emiya." She said turning her attention back to her keyboard.

"Later bitch." I mutter loud enough for her to hear while I left the room.

Standing on top of the academy I looked out at the vast desert laid out before me.

'Guess I won't be seeing this place any time soon.'

"You can come out now." I say without turning around.

"You knew I was here?" Clyde asked standing behind me.

"What do you want?" I asked instead of answering.


"Spit it out, time is money." I hurry him.

Hearing the annoyance in my voice Clyde seemed to find his resolve.

"When I woke up in the infirmary, they told me that you were an official huntsman."

"Your point?" I say annoyed that he was beating around the bush.

"I-I want you to train me!!" He shouted.


"I want to be your apprentice."

'Is he serious.'

"Yeaahhh NO!"

"What! Why not!!" He asked in disbelief.

"Too much effort." I say shutting him down. "

But my next sentence reignited hope in his heart.

"If you can get me soda within the next 3 minutes then I'll consider it."

"Seriously!!" He said with a look of surprise on his face.

"2;59, 2;58."

Jumping down from the top of the academy building, he ran as fast as he could to get me that drink.

Seeing that he was gone I summoned out Yamato and teleported straight back to my room in Beacon.


'Its good to be back.' I smile upon seeing my room again.


Hearing the sound of a door opening, I looked towards the bathroom door and watched as it swung open revealing a wet haired Yang and Nora fresh out of the shower.

"So they were saved by that Penny chick?" Nora asked drying her face with a hand towel.

'Is that mine?'

"That's what Ruby said." Yang said massaging her boobs.

"Wow, she must be strong if Ruby and Blake needed her to save them!"

"Yeah wel-


"Huh?" They both say at the same time as they realize that someone else was also in the room. Turning their heads they finally saw the owner of the room standing in the kitchen area.


Their brains seemed to short circuited as their eyes went wide in surprise.

"EMIYA!!" They yelled.

"Nice to s-OOOOFFFFFFHHHHHH!!!" They tackle me to the ground.

"You left us again you jerk!!" Yang said hugging me tightly. I could tell that she really missed me.

"Yeah!! At least take us with you next time! Do you have any idea how much you missed!" Nora said burying her head in my chest.

'Oh yeah, she has abandonment issues.'

Wrapping my arms around both girls I returned their hug.

"I won't be going anywhere for a while." I comfort them.

They snuggle up to me and rest on my body.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

'What is she doing?'

"Emiya." Yang says in a weird voice.


"Why do a smell perfume on your body?"


My eyes twitch slightly as I recall my earlier battle with team NDGO.

'FUCK!! Their scent is still on my body.'

"Where were you exactly Emiya?" Yang asks with a somewhat dark smile.

"I was erm…"

'Shit!! Think brain think!!'

Nora seemed to pickup on what Yang was getting at and looked at me with a weird expression on her face.


"I was… doing a mission for Ozpin."

"Oh really? Because when I talked to professor Goodwitch a couple days ago she said that you had just disappeared." Yang said with her hair glowing slightly. "So Emiya… Where were you really?"

Seeing the dark aura emanating from her and that fake smile plastered across her face I felt my body shiver slightly.

'Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!!'

She's gone fucking Yangdere mode.

I need to leave NOW!!

No!! If I do that I'm basically admitting that I've got something to hide.

I need to get out of this and make it look like I'm the victim!

What if I tell her that they threw themselves at me. Would she accept that?

No, she'd try to fight them the moment they step off the bullhead at the Vytal festival.

Feeling a headache coming on I practically jumped for joy when I heard the bell ring.

'An opening!!'

"Guys we'll be late for class if you don't get dressed now."

Realizing that I was speaking the truth the girls got off me and quickly got changed before dragging me to class.


On a side note, don't you think this looks like a young Glynda