
While Emiya was busy dealing with Yang and the girls…

In an unknown location hidden far away from the 4 kingdoms, a group of people hidden in the darkness of shadows sat around a long table. Silence reined as they slowed their breathing to keep their heart beats at a steady BPM.

For the past three hours straight none of them made a sound, the only way to tell that they were alive was the faint sound of oxygen being inhaled. But even then only the people in the room could tell that the other was alive.

Compared to Salem's group these guys felt a lot more organised.

After another 2 hours passed, a middle aged man with shadow black hair and a circle beard enter the room from an unknown door. Within the silent room, his steady footsteps echoed out and invited a feeling of serenity and calmness into the hearts of all those present.

Taking a seat at the head of the table, his pale face stood out in contrast to the darkness of the room.

"Where are we on the relics?" He asked in an abnormally deep voice that caused the air to shudder slightly.

"We have located the Spring and Fall maiden." A female voice replied from within the shadows.

Raising an eyebrow the middle aged man kept silent and merely nodded his head for her to continue.

"The Spring maiden is a 38 year old ex-student of Beacon turned bandit leader called Raven Branwen. She has twin brother known a Qrow Branwen who we've confirmed has received a small portion of Ozma's magic. She acquired the Spring maiden's power after indoctrinating the previous maiden into her tribe before slitting her throat in her sleep."

Hearing the report the middle aged man kept a straight face and showed no change in expression.

"The Fall maiden is a young woman calling herself Cinder Fall, she has no previous record on any known file within the 4 kingdoms and we can only assume the she's in her early 20s. She is a member of Salem's faction and currently only possess half of the Fall maiden's power. Although we believe that will soon change." The woman said finishing her report.

"Half of the maiden's powers." The man mumbled to himself.

"How did she acquire only half of the maiden's power?" He asked.

"From what we know, she used a Grimm spider to siphon and transfer the power from the now comatose Amber Kesten to herself. Unfortunately the transfer process was interrupted by the Spring maiden's brother Qrow Branwen." She explained.

"I see… What of Cùjìn?"

"Young master Cùjìn returned 2 days ago." A male voice sounded out.

"Did he complete his assignment?" The middle aged man asked in a bored tone.

"H-He…failed." The man managed to unwillingly squeeze the words out.

"Failed?" The middle aged man repeated somewhat interested.

"Y-Yes my lord." The other man said with a single bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face.

"Who was the target again?"

"A young boy named Emiya Uchiha." He replied.

"Uchiha… what priority did the seer set him as?" He asked staring straight at the man hidden in the shadows.

"E-E-Eight." Feeling his lord's blue eyes penetrate the darkness and lock onto him, the man felt like he had a blade pressed against his neck as his breathing faltered.


Turning away from the man struggling to catch his breath, the middle aged man turned towards another one of his people.

Understanding his lord's intention, the man who was being stared at instantly spoke.

"The target is currently at Shade academy."

Nodding his head the middle aged man said. "Eliminate him."

"Yes my lord." The man bowed.

"What of the last 2 maidens and the gate?" He asked.

No one said a word as everyone hidden in the shadows looked at the other hoping that they would go forward.

Not hearing a reply, the middle aged man spoke a name. "Servillia."

"Yes my lord." The female voice from before echoed out. "From what we know, Atlas still has the gate in their custody and the last 2 maidens are in hiding after the incident with the previous Fall maiden."

"Find them."

"As my lord commands." She bowed.

Standing up, the middle aged man left the room as fast as he entered leaving the other members in a bowing position.

Within a tower surround by infinite shadows, a young woman in her early 20s sat around a large pool of water with her eyes shut tightly. The room was decorated with white marble stone and had spider lilies growing out of the ground. The woman was dressed in loose blue clothing and had a black cowl covering her head. She had a black cloth with a symbol of a blue eye in the centre of it wrapped around her eyes.

"Atilo." Her voice was raspy and coarse not suiting her image as young woman.

"Seer." The middle aged man said walking out of the shadows.

"Kukuku, you want to know what the witch and wizard are planning." She giggled in an eerie voice.

"Where are the last 2 maidens." He said unfazed by her ear grating voice.

"You're asking the wrong questions boy." She said plucking the spider lily next to her.

"Do not play games with me woman." He said coldly releasing a pressure that shook the entire tower.

"Is that how you talk to your elders?" Multiple blue eyes appeared in the darkness as various snarls were directed towards Atilo.

"Age does not mean you deserve my respect." He said ignoring the monsters in the darkness.

"Kukukuku, you haven't changed boy. Still the arrogant young master of the Alzilal clan. No wonder that son of yours is so empty. What an unfortunate child." She lamented.

"Do. Not. Test. Me." He said with blue light flashing across his eyes.

"Yes, yes clan leader." She mocked. "Now ask your question."

"How could Cùjìn fail." He finally asked.

"Ahh, you're interested in Uchiha boy. Well considering someone with a semblance like Cùjìn's failed it's no wonder you'd be curious about the person who could survive meeting his blade."

"Get to the point seer."

"Kukuku, so impatient." She giggled removing the stem off the spider lily and letting it float on the surface of the pool of water. As it reached the middle, it started to sink and the redness of its petals started to slip away as the water became a bright red while what was left of the flower became a dull grey.

"Interesting… Interesting." The seer muttered staring at the red pool.

Atilo stood behind as quiet as a ghost. Although his facial expression didn't change, he was internally shocked. Ever since he could remember, the seer had never expressed these kinds of words to anyone one before. Not members of the clan or those she sees in her visions. For her to say this about a 14 year old boy caused him to pay extra attention to him.

"What do you see?" He frowned slightly.

"I-I see blood… a raging inferno that threatens to burn the world, the screams, so many screams…"

The pool started to boil as blood started to slip through the seer's eye cloth.

Atilo's eyebrows furrowed "What else?" He asked walking forward unconsciously.

"White horns… The face of a demon… Pure Hatred and Rage… Carnage incarnate… The world will tremble, the sky will fall and Remnant will be brought to its knees." The seer's voice quivered as the beasts in the shadows backed away in fear.


The pool exploded as boiling hot water sprayed across the room dying everything it touched in a bright shade of red.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The seer shrieked clawing at her eyes.

The beasts in the shadows prostrated themselves and whimpered as an intense murderous aura swallowed the entire clan's territory.

"M-Mommy." Pale faced children with blue eyes and black trembled as blood leaked from all their orifices.

Even the adults were unable to move as scenes of their deaths replayed in minds.

"W-What is this." Servillia and the other members trembled inside their own residence

Only Cùjìn was left unaffected by the monstrous murderous intent.

Once the intent dissipated, the members of the council and other high ranking members of the clan made their way to the Seer's tower only to see a bloodied seer with gouged out eyes and their clan leader with a nasty burn mark on his face.

"C-Clan leader." One of the braver members spoke up.

"The seer is injured. Transfer her aura into another member." He said in a causal voice.

But for those who knew him they could tell the he was on the edge of erupting.

"Yes my lord." The members of the council quickly picked up the now blind seer and left Atilo standing alone.

"Emiya Uchiha." His eyes flashed in rage.